Interview: SEGA’s stance on Digital Distribution

MCV UK has interviewed SEGA Europe’s John Clark about SEGA’s position in the digital distribution market. John Clark was the managing director at SEGA Europe, but he is now the director of digital distribution at SEGA and has given some insight as to what SEGA thinks of digital distribution. Clark says that SEGA is still very much a boxed goods company even though they have a section of SEGA dedicated to digital distribution.

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Conduit 2 finally gets a solid release date

So if early 2011 wasn’t good enough date for you guys, you will be happy to know that Conduit 2 will hit retail on February 15th, 2011. That is right, the same day as Capcom’s Marvel vs. Capcom 3. I see where this is going…

Best of luck to SEGA and High Voltage games on this one, hopefully it does better than the first one.

[Source: IGN]

Shadow the Hedgehog was aimed at US market

Takashi Iizuka’s masterpiece Shadow the Hedghog wasn’t received too well by critics, mostly because the game, well sucked. But now he explains why the game was the way it was…

“After Sonic Adventure, we had two studios, in the US and Japan. The Japanese Studio was to develop a Sonic game in the standard style, and the US studio was to develop something different which could contribute to the Sonic franchise. That background generated the Shadow game as he appeared from Sonic Adventure. We wanted to offer other game systems to attract a different audience from traditional Sonic fans. In the US, first and third-person shooters were popular and we decided to go with a character who could work with them.”

I honestly assumed that Shadow the Hedgehog was just ‘Sonic Team’ trying to put out a product like Ratchet and Clank or Jak & Dexter. Too bad the concept wasn’t why the game was bashed…


Total War: Shogun 2 – Battle Report #2

The second ‘battle report’ from Creative Assembly and Sega.

This battle pits Kieran Brigden as the Takeda forces against a computer AI controlled Hojo as it attempts to siege and take his castle. Ingimar Gudmunsson a battle AI programmer on Total War: Shogun 2 is also present to give us a better understanding of how the enemy AI thinks. The battle is set in a crisp snowy Japanese landscape.

Who’ll win?!
I already know, I’ve just watched it.

The GagaMan Plays Through Retro SEGA Oddities

The GagaMan, creator for SEGA Memories and contributor to the SEGA Junkyard blogs, recently uploaded a series of game playthroughs* to his YouTube channel. Included in the playthroughs thus far are some pretty crazy SEGA games of the past including the SEGA CD’s Panic! (aka Switch) in two parts, the AM2 arcade game Dynamite Dux and Looney Tunes Desert Demolition for the Mega Drive. The videos are full length, no 10 minute increments here, and are fileld to the brim with the GagaMan’s usual comments. Check ’em out!

*the playthroughs are ones he had uploaded last year, however they appear here uncut and in full.

SEGA MEGA Sale discounts PSN, XBLA & iOS games up to 70% off

SEGA will be having a ‘SEGA MEGA’ sale starting December 21st. They stated that the games will be from XBLA, PSN and of course iOS devices (don’t they always get sales?), discounts will be up to 70%. That is a nice savings

SEGA has 20 games lined up for the holiday sale, but we won’t find out what they are till December 21st. Bummer. Here is a link to their Facebook event for the sale. Sucks, I already own all the titles I want from XBLA/PSN.

[Source: SEGA]

Sonic fan film to get original Sonic voice actor

If you guys didn’t know, there is some fans working on a Sonic the Hedgehog film, Eddie Lebron is already in the finishing stages of the fan movie. Now, if you are asking yourself if the guy in the middle is an older Steve Urkel from Family Matters fame… it is.

Jaleel White white was the first voice actor for Sonic, he voiced him in three cartoons. Seems the fan film has pulled the retired Sonic voice actor back to the hot seat, according to the site they had him record as a older and younger Sonic, they are still going to choose what version to use. The film is set to be 10-15 minutes long, so don’t expect a Lord of the Rings long movie.

[Via: TSSZNews]

Physical Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity demo detailed

Do you love limited released SEGA stuff? I do, even though I never get anything and all the good stuff is from Japan. When SEGA does put good stuff on their Free Stuff Friday, some dude named MarioLugiKratos always ends up getting it. Bummer.

The demo is going to be limited to 10,000 units. To get one you have to cross a Rappy’s ears and then fill out some application stuff. This is all for Japan, you can also fill out this application and hand it to SEGA at their Jump Festa booth.

[Source: Siliconera]

Yakuza mobile sports a new art style

Yakuza Mobile will hit the GREE mobile services this month, they are already taking up pre-registration if you want in on the action. The game lets you team up with friends while you take back the streets of Kamurocho from invading enemies. The game will have a automatic fighting system, mostly like Mafia Wars from what it sounds like.

The story will be orginal and take place between Yakuza 2 and 3. Masayoshi Yokoyama, who is in charge of the series’ scenarios will be working on the project. If you unlock weapons and items in Yakuza Mobile, it will be possible to transfer them to Yakuza of the End (that is coming out this upcoming March). Check out the screens below.

[Source: AndriaSang]

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Videos of the Android Dreamcast emulator

OK, emulators don’t always run great and this one isn’t anywhere near finish it seems, but its good knowing that one day it will be pretty good to play most games and claim to all that the Dreamcast lives on… in your pocket.

According to Engadget, the phone being used in the video is the Samsung Captivate. You can see two more videos here: Crazy Taxi (better running) and Soul Calibur.

[Source: Engadget]

redspotgames winter sale: Up To 70% off on Dreamcast games

Alright, Rush Rush Rally Racing is probably the hottest selling Dreamcast game, it is currently on it’s 3rd print run. The Standard Edition sold out with in 2 months and soon after the Deluxe Edition sold out as well. Earlier this year redspotgames did another print run this time with a deluxe box art to go with the deluxe edition.

Those who haven’t bought it yet, this may very well be your last chance. R4DX – Alternate Cover gets a 30% discount making the retail price just below 30$.

Hit the Jump to see the biggest discount ever!

Yakuza 4 character trailer – Taiga Saejima

Taiga Saejima is basically Kazuma Kiryu times 2, he is twice as big and spent almost twice the amount of time in prison for something he didn’t do. Now he is released, will we be seeing bodies drop?

Another excellent trailer, a bit short, but good. Check it out.

[Via: SEGAblog]