Shigs here. Wanna win some neat crap I got at the San Diego Comic Con? Then you’d better have some writing skills!
Are you talkin’ about Sonic Generations? Are you bursting to play Aliens? Maybe chomping at the bit for Binary Domain? How about grooving for some Rhythm Thief? Tell us in one Paragraph in the comments section why you’re hyped for a particular 2011/2012 Sega game and you’ll get a chance to win these 3 prizes…
1. A copy of the San Diego Comic-Con Edition of Sonic #226 autographed by Ian Flynn. One of only 1,000 copies made!
2. A pair of Sonic Generations buttons.
3. A full set of the 3 poster prints given out at the Sega Arcade.
One winner will be chosen by me based on the quality of the writing.
All comments need to be made by Tues, Sept 27. The winner will be announced on Sept 28.
One paragraph! I have a lot of entries to read, so keep it short but sweet.
Only one comment per entry. One entry per person. That means if you comment more than once, you’re out.
I will ship to any country that allows giveaways. Some countries may be prohibited depending on laws.
Segabits staff members are non-eligible.
The winner will be announced on the front page on Wednesday, Sept 28. The winner will need to PM me on our forums.
Good luck and believe the hype!
By the way, are you a Sonic fan who wants a second shot at 2/3rds of these prizes? Would you rather have an “Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog” animation cell instead of the Sega posters? Then head to The Sonic Stadium.
As a Sonic fan since the Genesis era, I am extremely hyped for the new Sonic Generations game. To me, it’s a reflection of all the adventures I ever took with the blue blur, and it’ll be glorious to relive every one of them. I can only hope to gain that satisfaction of defeating Dr. Eggman now as I did having beat Dr. Robotnik in 1991.
Game i’m looking forward to: Sonic Generations
Because, it looks like the best Sonic game this decade. The day the demo was release I was so eager to download it. Once I did, I was shocked when I felt how amazing and reminiscent classic Sonic’s game play felt. I can’t wait to get my hands on the game, and, the recent news of the collectors edition has spiked my enthusiasm for the game. Even though I live in the U.S. I am hoping they make one for us and the countries that don’t currently have plans for them. The Sonic series, in my opinion, is the most creative and incredible series to date. I am eager to continue my Sonic/Sega game collection, and can not wait for all Sega and Sonic content to come. The game feels so nostalgic and I cannot wait to play City escape, Radical Highway, and especially Chemical Plant. And this, is why I am looking forward to Sonic Generations.
I’m enthusiastically anticipating the release of Sonic Generations as a consequence of my twenty-year fandom of the series. Nearly two decades ago, at the age of just two, I was first introduced to the realm of video gaming by my cousin’s Sega Genesis and his Sonic the Hedgehog cartridge. After ten years of playing games, I took my first foray into the art of game development, with two my first three games being Sonic fan-games. A decade still later, I continue to develop games independently, and in a few years I’ll be doing the same professionally. This is why Sonic Generations is the one game to which I’m looking forward most of all; in a way, you could say I owe my passion all to Sonic.
Out of SEGA’s upcoming games, the one I’ve been the most excited for is Generations. There’s just so much about it that makes it seem amazing. Getting a new version of City Escape with HD graphics? Reliving the glory days with Green Hill, Chemical Plant, and Sky Sanctuary? Getting to fight Metal Sonic in the Stardust Speedway again? Getting BRAND NEW versions of some of the best songs in the franchise? So much of Generations is going to be fantastic, I preordered it and paid every bit of it as soon as I could, which happened to be all at once. Now all I can think is that November 1, 2011 can’t get here soon enough. Or at least the next demo of Generations.
I have never been more hyped up for a game since i was a little kid. I remember wanting Sonic 2 so badly and crying in Tesco’s because the little money i had was not enough but my Mum gave me the rest. I’m getting that feeling now like i did back then for Sonic Generations but this time i think i can afford the Collections Edition without begging for cash
The best thing about Generations though? It looks like how my child mind thought it did back then. Happy Birthday Sonic! What a great 20 years i have spent with you!
I grew up with sonic my whole life playing him when he first come out on segas master system. I look forward to sonic generations due to the fact it would be my history as well as sonics in full HD
I ran to the bathroom to run water over my fingers. I had just burnt my hand pulling the hotdogs out of the oven. This event was almost 20 years ago now. I was such a Sonic nut back then and would eat chili dogs everyday after arriving home from school. I quickly fell in love with the character after reading issue one of the American comic. My best friend’s older brother left it in the car. After that point, I collected all of the comics, begged my parents for all of the games and anything else Sonic that I could find. Unfortunately, after the Dreamcast Sonic games, I had a difficult time connecting with the hedgehog I once loved. All I wanted now was my old Sonic back. I wanted to relive the elation I had back then. Then I saw it, one trailer after another, filled with classic Sonic levels in 3D. Finally, I now have a Sonic game that excites me again. Oh, the memories that are triggered when I hear that new Sky Sanctuary music. I can’t wait to be that Sonic nut again 20 years later.
Sonic to me like many others isn’t just a videogame nor just a blue hedgehog, its a childhood memory that many grew up with, myself included.
The first game i ever played was sonic the hedgehog back on the megadrive when i was 3 years old , its a very important part in my childhood memories i always cherish, never forget the times my dad and i bet dr. robotnik together in Sonic 2 , the laughs we had , the time we spent i will never forget. To have Sega bring out an anniversary of all the classics levels and music means alot to me, thats why im looking forward to Sonic Generations.
The games I’m looking forward to in the holidays? None other than Sonic CD and Sonic Generations of course! Sadly, I didn’t grow up my whole life with Sonic the Hedgehog. But I immediately fell in love with the franchise as soon as I first boarded down ridiculous declines in City Escape once I had the Gamecube for my birthday, and that sense of exhilaration being chased by that hedgehog roadkill hungry GUN truck? I’ll never forget that pounding in my heart then. Before I moved, I used to be a part of a little league baseball team [cute, huh?]; I’ll forever remember my baseball coach as Coach Kevin [we were the Cubs!]. One time, we had a party at my place and he brought his kids over. His daughter lent me her pink GBA and I first played Sonic Advance. But when I finally had a Sonic game of my own, SA2B… over all other franchises, I felt hooked. No, I became hooked. Addicted. Head over heels, I fell in love with the Sonic franchise and wanted to play more. Hell, I spent over 250 hours on Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, nearly 300! I already got all the emblems, but was that an excuse to put it down? No. And I still play it to this day. Over the years, Mega Collection was added to my… collection [I HATE repetition!] and then I was exposed to the Genesis goods, Sonic3&K becoming an immediate favourite! To this day, I played nearly each and every Sonic title already conceived; Sonic CD is the only real one I haven’t really had a chance playing, so I’ll gladly pay double for it, for at home through the Xbox Live Marketplace and on the go [thank you iTunes!]! I’ll finally get the chance to experience Sonic CD! Metal Sonic’s debut and that race through Stardust Speedway that everyone keeps talking about! The different ways to beat the game, through Good Futures or Time Stones, or just run through a metallic madness of a Little Planet if I feel like it! Generations, on the other hand, I and nearly every other Sonic fan, long time and new, young and old, will share the same feelings for that wonderful blue hedgehog on November 1st, and by December it will be worldwide. Sonic Generations isn’t just a game, it’s a celebration of all the fun that we have been provided, of that sense of gaming that no other franchise can provide, of everything Sonic and what’s made Sonic the Hedgehog still unstoppable to this day. And I wish to enjoy it with everybody. Hell, to some this could be their very first Sonic game! Like 1991, why not start off with a blast for everyone? I don’t see Sonic Generations as a gathering of all Sonic fans: it’s the start of a new generation altogether. Some fans have been around since the beginning and Sonic still has plenty more coming. With Generations being the culmination of everything Sonic, there’s no way people can’t enjoy this title. Sonic Generations, I count down the days until your release with great anticipation!
Sonic the Hedgehog made me who I am today. I was always a “push over kid with low self esteem when I was in middle school.” But after first playing Sonic Adventure DX (as well as the Genesis games), I started to think of Sonic as a role model. I am impatiently waiting for the arrival of Sonic Generations in stores. I know this game will give me many happy, nostalgic memories. Not to mention the game itself will be perfecttttt.
Sou Muito Fã do Sonic!
Tipo, eu comecei a gostar dele aos 6 anos de idade quando olhei pela 1º vez na TV o Desenho Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog, aí eu comecei a querer saber tudo de sonic, depois eu joguei Sonic 2 no Mega Drive, foi o Máximo!
MAL Posso esperar por Sonic Generations!
Eu gosto do Sonic Por que eu me acho parecido com ele, Tanto na perssonalidade quanto no Carisma!
Bem, Sonic The Hedgehog é um Amigo que vou levar para SEMPRE Comigo!
I am beyond excited for Sonic Generations to release this November. As a fan who was introduced to the franchise with Sonic the Hedgehog 2, I have a special place in my heart for Classic Sonic and his style of gameplay. On the flip side, my favorite Sonic games are Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Unleashed, games that are very different from the Genesis classics. What does this mean? It means that the ability to play as both Modern and Classic Sonic in a single game is the best possible thing to happen to the franchise at this point. I expect to feel a flood of nostalgia rush over me as I play through Green Hill Zone with Classic Sonic, and feel exhilarated by the crazy boosts and speed of Modern Sonic in Rooftop Run. It is my hope that Sonic Generations will bridge the “generation gap” between old and new Sonic fans after years of dissension between the fanbase. That is why I am most looking forward to playing Sonic Generations this holiday season, both for gameplay and for the union of Sonic fans young and old.
Sonic Generations…THAT’S the game I’m so excited to get for the holidays. I’ve been a Sonic the Hedgehog fan since…like when I was 5 to 6 years, and I played Mario games back then, but after I met Sonic and played one of his games…BEST EXCPERIENCE EVER! I LOVED his games, there were so fun and entertaining! Now this year he’s 20 now and I can’t believe he made it this far! Even still I’m a Modern era fan because I got Sonic Heroes as my first Sonic Game, that doesn’t mean I never played the classics, PFF I even played the classics in my phone! Sonic 1, 3, 3 and Knuckles were great games! SA1 and SA2B were AMAZING! I got SA1 on my Computer and SA2B but the GameCube port. I have to give a million THANKS for SEGA for making an awesome series and an awesome character. Sonic has been my favorite game hero since EVER and I never get tired of playing his games. He was my INSPIRATION of drawing again. Even though his game series hasn’t got any good reviews but, after Colors…I got faith that he’s coming back, and he is! Sonic Generations is got to be the best game in this year and the whole sonic history in my opinion, and when I saw classic sonic in the teaser, I was so amazed! I was crying of joy that classic sonic is back, Green Hill looks amazing, so dose Chemical Plant and Sky Sanctuary! City Escape, Seaside Hill, Rooftop Run, Planet Wisp, the bosses, OMG it’s my childhood coming back to me! The music is awesome, the gameplay is outstanding, AND THE GAME IS AMAZING! I don’t really know why are there people complaining about this game, ITS JUST WHAT US FANS WANTED! An adventure plataforming game that has the best of both worlds! BECIDES, THIS is the game that celebrates Sonic’s 20th anniversary! I always wanted to go to the game conventions to get to have a chance to PLAY the demo and play, but I can’t because I live in Puerto Rico, but I don’t care, because one day I will be in the E3, or Games Con, S.O.S, etcetera , because I know I will get the chance. Sonic, Sega, you’re the best! Thank you for everything! Oh, and happy anniversary sonic, for like the 3rd time, and this, is why I am excited for Generations, because I want to celebrate Sonic’s 20th anniversary, AND have fun with the best game EVER but with the best experience that any other Sonic fan would have! “20 YEARS AND STILL RUNNING…” Sonic Generations.
Keep on running, Sonic the Hedgehog…
.|SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 1991 – 2011|.
My excitement for Sonic Generations is huge. I’ve been a fan of the franchise for most of my life- I was born in 1990, so that means I’ve been playing Sonic games for as long as I can remember. I own a lot of Sega’s systems- the Genesis, the Sega CD, the Sega Saturn, the Game Gear and the Dreamcast. And of course I got most of the Sonic games for them- Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 2, Sonic and Knuckles, and Sonic CD. Then on the Dreamcast, I got Sonic Adventure 1 and Sonic Adventure 2, and on the Gamecube, I got Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Riders, and Sonic Mega Collection. I also got Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity and Sonic Colors on the Wii. For 360, I got SONIC the Hedgehog (2006) and Sonic Unleashed, and will be getting Sonic Generations as well. On the PS3, I got Sonic 4: Episode 1. I’ve been a huge fan of the franchise from the beginning, and with games like Sonic Generations coming out, it seems that I’ll continue to be a fan for a long time yet!
I want that muthafuckin’ House of the Dead Overkill Extended Cut Poster! Why?! I tell you why muthafucka! HOTD Overkill is the funniest muthafuckin’ game I ever did play. And I wanna see it in finger-fuckin’ HD! Those graphics be lookin’ better than that bitch I fucked at the strip club last night! And that muthafuckin’ 3D man, I shit out my pants that shit was so real! You gimme that muthafuckin’ game and that muthafuckin’ poster, or I’ll rip yo muthafuckin’ balls off!
Everyone (except Scottish Duck) is talking about Sonic, but I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’m very hyped for Shinobi on the 3DS. After years and years of playing Revenge of Shinobi (and other Shinobi games recently), it’s great to see a new Shinobi coming out! I remember playing through Revenge of Shinobi so much, with its cameos consisting of Godzilla, Spider-Man, Batman, and others working for Neo Zeed and being the only game based around a ninja I would play. Going through it so many times, listening to Yuzo Koshiro’s wonderful music, defeating Zeed countless times, I love this series. I definitely can’t wait for Shinobi to come out for the 3DS on November 15, 2011 (or for the Europeans, November 11th)!
I am very, very pumped about Sonic Generations. I think that this game will be a big hit and every morning after I wake up, I go straight to the computer and look at every site that has Sonic Generations news and updates. I am very hyped about this game. I always wanted to see 2d zones in 3d!!!! I am very excited for this game and I am very hyped and I will forever be one of Sonics number one fan!!!!
Aliens: Colonial Marines is my pick for best 2012 game because it has no Annalee Call in it.
I cannot wait for Sonic Generations this November. This game is just for me because I love the new gameplay style of Modern Sonic because it is just such a huge joy ride and it gets the blood pumpin’. I think it is absolutely wonderful that we get to see classic stages like Chemical Plant and Sky Sanctuary in full HD and 3D! The enviornments and the graphics of this game are extremely polished and are pure eye candy for any Sonic fan alike. Then we have good old Classic Sonic coming into this adventure. I really miss the classic Sonic style of gameplay and finally we are getting a game with that style. Fans (including me of course) have been begging for a game like this and they finally got it! I cannot wait to see how the classic and modern characters interact with each other so I am very excited for the story also. I cannot wait to buy the PS3 and the 3DS versions of this game. I hope everyone enjoys the game when it comes out as much as I will!
i am so exited about sonic generations that i am eating my oficial sonic the hedgehog cokkies until comes out XD
I’m looking forward to seeing what will become of Binary Domain, I think it looks very, very interesting. Graphically, it’s pretty awesome, but what really got my attention was the story; robots overtaking humanity by infiltrating their ranks? Genius, now all I can really hope for is that this story is well told, and hopefully not too dependent on cutscenes, but tells itself through environments, in-game dialogue, etc. While I suspect the gameplay may be average, I may be pleasantly surprised. Time shall tell.
I was a Sonic fan when I was a kid. I played on my MegaDrive Sonic 1-3 like a mad kid! Then when we bought a Playstation I forgot about Sonic. Even when the PS2 had 3D sonic games, I played them and I didn’t like them for some reason… But now, when I played the Sonic Generations demo on PS3 it all came back to me. The Sonic fan was sleeping inside me. I played again the old Sonic games, and now i want to play the new ones that I missed on PS2/PS3! Yes, I’m a Sonic fan again, and I dont think it will “go” again! So I’m SUPER SONIC HYPED for Sonic Generatios because thanks to that game, I’m a huge fan again!
I can’t wait to see Dr. Robotnik’s face when i beat two centuries of baddest bosses in one game. Time Eater is gonna pay for not eating this time to November 3rd. Ohhhhh November 4th come sooner, can’t wait for Sonic Generations.
I am ridiculously hyped for Sonic Generations. This game will be the full embodiment of not just a series of games, but a lifelong friend. Ever since I saw Sonic speeding along the screen in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 as a child, my love for this franchise has never dissipated. Throughout my almost 20 years of living the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise has been one of my greatest sources of joy. This game has shown SEGA’s true intentions to really make this one of the most influential games in the series to date. Be it the remarkable score, the attention to detail, or the huge amount of fan input being used, Sonic Generations is definitely my most looked forward to Sonic game ever.
The game I anticipate the most is Sonic Generations: it encapsulates everything that Sonic is to me. With the anniversary, this is more than just “Sonic 2011”, and it shows; you can see merchandise for Classic Sonic in so many places now more than ever and so many industry writers hyping the game, it’s clear I am not the only one looking forward to it. We all want SEGA to succeed with this title; this is SEGA’s chance to show the world Sonic is still alive, and will live on forever. I love Sonic, and I will love Sonic Generations.
In this year marking the 20th anniversary of the first video game saga I’ve touched in my life 20 years ago, I had to say that I’m very interested in the game which will mark this anniversary and I hope it will have the same impact as the one which marked the 10th anniversary: Sonic Adventure 2. Since Sonic 2006, one of the pillar of the platform/action-adventure genre have been greatly criticized and dissapointed many fans around the world to the point that lyals fans begun to look away from the blue blur, something we could never have imagined during the Genesis golden age where Sonic ruled as a true king of video games and giving us pleasure and adventure so I put all of my hopes in this games for two reasons: first, it will mark Sonic (and Robotnik :p) 20th birthday confirming that he’s still on he’s wheels despite being beaten by medias and fans who complains about adjustements on the universe over the years (green eyes, boost, etc…) and secondly, it will be a medley of many things that marked all of us during 20 years from the grenn hills to an extraterrestrial planet passing by a space colony or the world’s capital city so Generation will probably be one of the best gift possible to the fans as it was thought as contrary to SA2 which was a game during the 10th anniversary and not the game for the 10 anniversary thus making the difference and probably being the better way to please us and proving that SEGA and the Sonic Team still care about us and about him.
I’m not sure if the US will get to play it by 2012, but the game that has the most excitement for me is definitely Phantasy Star Online 2. I’ve been playing the first Online in various editions for about ten years, gathered the best equipment, tried all the classes, and now I’m looking forward to being able to do it all again. Even though Universe has come out during that time and spawned it’s own titles, I could never really get into them. Partly because most of the ones I hear are really good were on PSP, and partly because it just didn’t really feel quite enough like PSO. Phantasy Star Online 2 looks to be bridging the gap between the two styles and adding even more features. Should be a blast.
I am absolutely excited for the release of GUARDIAN HEROES. I remember spending hours and hours playing this game, each time with a different character, choosing a different path from a prior game just to see what level I would end up in. This game wasn’t your traditional RPG, but I loved how Treasure implemented some of its elements into the game (choosing paths, weapon upgrades). It’s great to see some recognition for Saturn games. This was my favorite SEGA console, and I hope to see more of it’s classics re-released on PSN/XBL. The chance that SEGA will open up its Saturn library alone is what has got me the most excited.
For me, its Generations. I’ve been a fan since i was 4-5. I loved the feeling i got of how the games looked and played, i felt like that was what i was most interested in at the time, from there i was hooked, with the games and merch thats thrown to the fans. I played endless hours on the old MegaDrive games, to getting a MegaCD, 32x, DreamCast, Gameboy Advance, Gamecube, PS2, an Xbox 360,PS3, Wii, PSP, DS, 3DS for just sonic alone. Seeing some of my favorite levels, redone in stunning graphics, with the best of both Sonic’s in one game, is a enormous nostalgic trip for me. From what I’ve played at SOS and from the demo, they’ve nailed it. The little details are mind blowing too. But aside from that, i’m excited to replay sonic cd on the next gen consoles, and play Crushed 3DS since it looks amazing to play!
Good year for SEGA.
Sonic Generations is the sonic game I’m most excited for this holiday. I’ve been a fan of Sonic for as long as i can remember, but recently I’ve been more in touch with my gaming roots that all started with Sonic the Hedgehog and became a hardcore fan. My part of the fandom started with non other than the highly praised Genesis/Mega Drive games. I’ve played just about every game, despite the poor reviews and strange gimmicks. It’s the immense thought and potential put into the games and engrossing story in each game that always gets me. This year Sega has more potential to be better than ever, and i am behind them all the way. For me, Sonic taught me many things about life, and continues to show me life lessons through the complex and compelling stories of the Archie comics and the quality increasing games. Thank you Sega for the amazing Sonic the Hedgehog series for 20 years and plenty more to come, and thank you Sonic for continuing to make my life better and better the past 20 years.
When I get Sonic Generations I’m going have to force extreme patience because I like to beat Sonic games on thanksgiving, done so with Sonic Unleashed Wii and Sonic Colors.
Here’s a Google translation of Nic the Hedgehog’s post. It’s in Portuguese.
“I am a huge fan of Sonic!
Like, I started to like him to 6 years old when I looked out the 1st time on TV Design Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog, then I started wanting to know everything about sonic, then I played Sonic 2 on the Mega Drive was the best!
I can not wait for Sonic Generations!
I like Sonic’s why I think like him, much as in the personality Charisma!
Well, Sonic The Hedgehog is a friend I’ll take with me!”
I’ll have the winner posted later today.