Rez Infinite announced for PlayStation VR

Playstation experience is happening now, and a special announcement was made by former SEGA developer Tetsuya Mizuguchi that Rez will be releasing to the PlayStation 4 as Rez Infinite and better yet will utilize PlayStation VR! You can see gameplay footage in the link above, and more details as we hear them.

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3 responses to “Rez Infinite announced for PlayStation VR

  1. straitJacket says:

    That sounds grande, hopefully Vr fairs better on the eyes than 3D glasses do as playing child of eden on the ps3 with the funky glasses for more than 10 minutes dissolves the senses.

  2. am2model3 says:

    this is fantastic! I Would buy PS VR for this game! RezHD on xbla was superb, 720p/60 HD. Now we can get a VR experience, plus the PS4 version will be 1080p/60 as a regular game!! perfection!

  3. Sestren RK'd says:

    I love that Mizuguchi still seems determined to push the medium and enhance the interactive experience in unique ways. This, Shenmue III, Yakuza 0 and KOFXIV all for the PS4, great reasons for me to get the console.

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