SEGA News Bits: SEGA Survey Results for What Franchise Fans Want Revived

This past week, SEGA of Japan put out a survey asking fans what brand they are most invested in, who their favorite character is, and which franchise they want to see revived. Now that the survey has ended, the results were posted and there were quite a few surprises! In this SEGA News Bits, George and Barry discuss the results and share their thoughts on the fan submitted entries. Did your favorite franchise make the cut? Check out the video above and once your done sound off in the comments below.

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10 responses to “SEGA News Bits: SEGA Survey Results for What Franchise Fans Want Revived

  1. Miguel says:

    How about Dragon Force I love that game, theres Skies of Arcadia, Phantasy Star, Shinobi with Joe Musashi in it and last a remastered Panzer Dragoon series with of course Panzer Dragoon Saga, l would love that.

  2. Ash says:

    What about a new House of the dead game?

    • Miguel says:

      That would be cool but it depends on if light gun games are being made, or if they are popular in arcades now. I’d love to see more gun games out there.

  3. Ash says:

    Me too but the arcade are pretty dead today and i don’t want pay 2€ or $ for Angry Bird arcade. Sega will made another Operation G.H.O.S.T so why not. OH! And one more Outrun game👍

  4. Mephistopheles says:

    Panzer Dragoon Saga 2!

    • Miguel says:

      That would be nice if they did a collectors edition of the 1st saga with better graphics on 1 disc, so if a sequal pops up all of us can enjoy it.

    • Icystorm9 says:

      Maybe it can be like what happened with Bayonetta 2; not only do you get the new game, but you get the remastered version of the original on another disc.

  5. Ash says:

    I don’t understand why SEGA don’t take an ip (THOTD, Panzer Dragoon, Headhunter…), and make bundle: “Panzer Dragoon Chronicles” or “Toe Jam & Earl beatbox” for XB, PS4 or Wii U. Money for them, Joy for us, everybody’s happy.

    • Miguel says:

      I feel that they are a little slow on that for us in the states but when it comes to japan they get everything. We just barely got the Sega 3d compilation of games some months ago however I hope with the changes they are making all of us will get more of compilations.

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