SEGA Talk #23: Shinobi (1987)

On this SEGA Talk, George and Barry knuckle up and kick back to the 80s to discuss SEGA’s ninja arcade classic Shinobi! We discuss the game’s development, the fascination with ninjas and the many ports the game received.

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SEGA AGES Shinobi coming to Nintendo Switch

SEGA of Japan recently made an announcement that the classic arcade version of Shinobi will be coming soon to the SEGA AGES line up for the Nintendo Switch in Japan with a release date undecided at the moment.

Debuting on the SEGA System 16 arcade hardware, Shinobi is a side scrolling action and platforming game featuring Joe Musashi as he uses ninja martial arts and weapons to attack enemies of the Zeed Organization while saving the children of the Oboro Clan. In addition, you can use the killing Ninjutsu technique to wipe out the enemies in the screen and encounter bosses appears at the end of each mission with extraordinary battles such as a helicopter carrying a ninja army and a huge computer protected by a Buddha statue.

We will keep you posted on more information for SEGA AGES Shinobi once a release date and price has been announced for both regions.

[Source: Official Website]

More titles announced for the Mega Drive Mini and SEGA Genesis Mini, including World of Illusion, Earthworm Jim, Super Fantasy Zone, and more!

SEGA has announced more titles coming to the SEGA Genesis Mini and the Mega Drive Mini. A total of 10 more games have been announced separately between the North America/Europe lineup and the Japanese lineup; 6 shared between the two lineups, 3 exclusive to the western consoles, 4 exclusives for the Japanese console, and the previously announced Sonic the Hedgehog 2 being confirmed to appear on the western consoles. Arguably the most notable titles to note here are the Disney titles Castle of Illusion and World of Illusion, as it confirms some licensed titles will also appear in the SEGA Genesis Mini selection.

[Source: SEGA of America website, Famitsu]

Click below for a full list of confirmed titles.

SEGA FES 2019: Six new titles announced for the SEGA AGES series

More news has dropped regarding to the SEGA AGES series, this time a lot of announced titles coming to the series sometime in the future. These titles are Puzzle & Action Ichidant-R, Shinobi, G-loc Air Battle, Fantasy Zone, Herzog Zwei, and Wonder Boy in Monster Land. Each title will be based on their original arcade version, with the exception being Herzog Zwei instead being based on the Mega Drive version. No other information such as pricing, release date, or any other additional features have been revealed.

This announcement notably means that G-loc Air Battle will have the original arcade version ported to a home console for the first time, while this will be the first time SEGA used the Herzog IP after the acquirement of Technosoft’s library. What is your thoughts on these titles coming to the SEGA AGES series?

[Source: Twitter]

SEGA Slots mobile released worldwide featuring classic SEGA IPs


SEGA has now launched their mobile app SEGA Slots world wide. This lets you play ‘some of the fastest, most addictive slots machines around!’ according to their product description. These addictive slots machines just happen to have some of our favorite SEGA IPs attached to them. While its cool to see our favorite characters being represented, its a tad sad that they are stuck in a casino style mobile gambling game.

Product Pages: Play Store iTunes 

Regardless SEGA Slots, as of launch, has the following Classic SEGA IPs represented: 

SEGA Shop is open for business!

Screen Shot 2017-10-17 at 11.48.41 AM

The SEGA Shop is open for business at! As we reported last week, the SEGA Shop is a new online retail destination for the Americas (and in the future additional territories) serving the various SEGA brands. At launch, the shop features Sonic, Shinobi, Golden Axe and SEGA Genesis brands with plans to expand. Currently, the shop primarily has wearables like shirts and hoodies, but there are plans to add exclusive items like pins and other items.

Currently, the store has a cool exclusive Sonic Forces shirt, SEGA Genesis blankets, and an Eggman and Metal Sonic mug.

Check the SEGA Shop out for yourself, and in the comments below tell us what you think of their selection!

SEGA adds more gaming soundtracks to Spotify

SEGASoundtracksSEGA adds more gaming soundtracks to Spotify for your listening pleasure. It seems that SEGA is going to continue to add more in the upcoming months? I sure hope so. But as of right now, there are a ton of new SEGA soundtracks to feast your teeth into. Here are some of the franchises that got soundtracks added to the music streaming service:

  • Fantasy Zone
  • NiGHTS 
  • Out Run
  • Virtua Fighter
  • Skies of Arcadia
  • Chain Chronicle
  • Shinobi/Nightshade
  • Space Harrier
  • Rhythm Thief 
  • Gunblade NY & L.A. Machineguns
  • Power Drift
  • Alex Kidd

There are more here and there. Want to have a gander yourself? Check out SEGA’s artist page on Spotify. It does seem that this was done by SEGA Japan, only because there are some very Japanese focused soundtracks like Chain Chronicle (never published outside of Japan by SEGA) and Nightshade is using its Japanese name of Kunoichi. SEGA adds more gaming soundtracks to Spotify, does this mean you will be less likely to get a physical version of these soundtracks? Personally I think people that stream, where going to stream it regardless. What soundtrack is missing that you want? Sound off in the comments.

SEGA’s Streets of Rage, Altered Beast to be adapted to film/TV with Walking Dead production company

alteredbeaststreetsofragewalkingdeadSeems that the SEGA established Stories International will be teaming up with The Walking Dead and Fear of the Walking Dead production company ‘Circle of Confusion‘ who has also produced TV titles such as The Talking Dead, Powers, Outcast and Dirk Gently. They have also worked on films such as Spare Parts, American Ultra and Mr. Right. Circle of Confusion also houses executive producer David Engel who produced Straight out of Compton. The interesting part here is that the variety article, where the source comes from, specifically lists Altered Beast and Streets of Rage as the titles that The Walking Dead production company  will be working with.

“These are some of the most well loved SEGA games, and we are thrilled to be working with Stories to adapt them into major film and television franchises,” -Lawrence Mattis, Circle of Confusion producer

If you guys didn’t know, Stories International announced awhile back that they will be making movies or TV show based on SEGA video game franchises including Shinobi with Marc Platt, Golden Axe, Virtua Fighter, The House of the Dead, Rise of Nightmares, and Crazy Taxi. While we have been hearing about these adaptations for years now, we still haven’t seen what it will amount to. Do you think this will turn out to be good for SEGA’s brand? Does having The Walking Dead production company give you confidence? Let us know in the comments below.

[Source: Variety]

SEGA News Bits: Shinobi movie adaptation reaction

Way back in December 2014 it was announced that SEGA was planning to move many of their classic franchises into the realms of movies and television. Stories International, a joint venture between SEGA and Hakuhodo DY Group launched in 2011, would manage and maintain these brands and work with external studios and creatives to make SEGA franchise based movies a reality. Now, we have news that Shinobi is the first of these SEGA franchises heading to the big screen with Marc Platt (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Drive, Josie and the Pussycats) and cohort Adam Siegel producing. In this SEGA News Bits, George and Barry break down the story, take a look at Platt and Siegel’s background in the motion picture industry, and speculate how a Shinobi movie might play out.

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Shinobi movie in the works


Remember a year and a half ago when it was announced that film and TV adaptations of classic SEGA franchises were being considered? Aside from brief rumors, there hasn’t been much definitive word on that. But now we’re seeing some fruit from that tree fall down, as it turns out one of the franchises originally reported is now in talks of being a film. That franchise of course being the legendary ninja-action game, Shinobi. The film is apparently to be produced by Marc Platt, who had a hand in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and Drive of all things. He and cohort Adam Siegel, who worked on both aformentioned movies, will be working with SEGA’s Stories International to bring…whatever they want, I guess.

If the movie isn’t two hours of Joe Musashi fighting dodgy clones of Godzilla, Batman, and Rambo, all on horse-back, I’m not seeing it.

Cook & Becker releases official licensed art prints for Phantasy Star, Shinobi, Streets of Rage, and more

If you have ever wanted to put some cute retro SEGA art on your wall and show people that you too are a retro gaming art snob, you can now pick up prints over at Cook & Becker. These prints are officially licensed by SEGA and being sold by the Dutch art dealer for $99 dollars unframed.

Check out the pieces here:

More should be coming out this summer, if you wallet wasn’t empty already. My favorite prints are Phantasy Star, Golden Axe and Shinobi (yes, in that order). Which are your favorites?

Project x Zone 2: Brave New World trailer shows off new Shinobi and Yakuza crossover has now officially spilled the beans on the new upcoming Project x Zone 2: Brave New World video game coming to the Nintendo 3DS this fall worldwide! The game shows off some new crossover characters that will be brand new including SEGA fan favorites (listed below):

List of franchises/characters confirmed:


  • Shinobi (PS2): Hotsuma Hotsuma
  • Yakuza Dead Souls: Kazuma Kiryu and Majima Goro
  • Virtua Fighter: Yuki Akira and Kage-Maru
  • Sakura Wars: Ichiro Ogami and Erica Fontaine


  • Resident Evil: Revelations: Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine
  • Resident Evil 6: Leon S. Kennedy
  • Devil May Cry: Dante and Virgil
  • Mega Man X: X and Zero
  • Strider: Flying Dragon


  • Tales of Vespera: Yuri Lowell and Flynn Shifo
  • Tekken: Jin Kazama and Kazuya Mishima
  • .hack//: Kite and Haseo
  • Soul Calibur V: Natsu

Obviously some of the characters listed are returning from the previous game. To see all the tie-ins in the last Project x Zone, here is a complete list. Hit the jump to see screens.

Update: Replaced the Japanese trailer with the English one released by Namco-Bandai USA. Meaning that yes, its going to come West this fall!

Developer Retrospective: A look back at the games of SEGA’s Overworks


Last week when we kicked off Overworks and WOW Entertainment month, we took a look back at how SEGA organized their many internal development teams over the years. Among those teams were Overworks and WOW Entertainment, two separate teams that released games from 2000 through to 2004 when they were merged and became SEGA WOW. This week, we will be taking a look back at the games released by Overworks. While the Overworks softography is small, especially compared to giants like SEGA AM2, in the span of four years Overworks released some truly classic titles.

Weekly Five: Five After Burner Cameos


Like any beloved SEGA franchise, After Burner has had its share of cameos. Unfortunately, unlike Fantasy Zone and Sonic the Hedgehog, these cameos have been few, so we did have to stretch things just a little bit to fill out this weekly five. As they say though, quality matters over quantity, so even though After Burner’s cameos have been few, they’ve often been quite great. So grab a snack, sit down and enjoy as we look through After Burner’s five best only cameos.

SEGAbits Summer of Art/Season of Colors Contest: the Silver and Bronze winners

Oboro in snow

There can only be one winner, but that doesn’t mean we can’t also have stuff for the people who got second and third place. Above is one of the many entries sent into us by SEGA Nerd’s Kopke, aka Manuel Garcia Melgar. This awesome depiction of Hotsuma from SEGA’s criminally underappreciated Shinobi PS2 was one of several entries that nearly won him the grand prize. Here’s the one that came the closest. Please click it to see it in its full resolution glory!

Check below the fold for Manuel Garcia’s silver winning entry, as well as our bronze winner, Chase Svent!