The Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Island Finally Has A Name


Sonic the Hedgehog 4 has been previewed, played, reviewed, picked apart, dissected and a whole host of other actions. We’re not here today to do any of those things. This article isn’t about how Sonic 4 Episodes I & II played or the behind-the-scenes politics of how the game came about. This article is about how a few fans with too much time on their hands bothered SEGA enough about silly little details.

Way back in 2010, SEGA revealed Sonic the Hedgehog 4, and speculation ran rampant. How would it play? How would it tie to Sonic 3 & Knuckles? Could we expect a Sonic 4 Happy Meal? These and many more questions were asked. Now, six years later, many of those questions have been answered and with the upcoming Sonic Mania, fans are looking towards the future while Sonic 4 Episodes I & II remain in the past. But one little question has always gone unanswered, and that question is “What is the name of the island in Sonic 4?”. Following the game’s release, I reached out to SEGA for an answer, but I came back with just a few names of the bosses from Episode II. We tried again last year in an interview with Aaron Webber, but aside from his own head canon answer there was no apparent official name.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episodes I & II hitting Xbox One backwards compatibility today


Larry Hryb aka Major Nelson of Microsoft announced via Twitter that Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode ISonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II would be hitting Xbox One Backward Compatibility today, meaning you can play the Xbox 360 games on your Xbox One. The recent additions means that Xbox One owners can now play the original Sonic SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive games as well as Sonic CD and the Sonic 4 duology on their Xbox One… as they truly imagined it! For as much flack as the Sonic 4 games get, they’re worth checking out – especially Episode II and Episode Metal.

Then again, with Sonic’s anniversary party tomorrow, we just may see a game announcement that is so amazing it wipes Sonic 4 from our memories (let’s hope!).

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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 for iPhone and iPod Touch receives graphical update


Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1, that highly controversial 2D episodic game that has since released to just about every platform, has received a long overdue graphical update for the iPhone and iPod Touch version of the game. When Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 first released, there were several different versions out there. Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 received the version of the game with the best graphics and sound while the Wii version was a step below, with less than stellar graphics and sound. Below that was the iPhone and iPod Touch version which not only featured very blocky graphics, but also had stages that existed before SEGA overhauled the game and did away with the mine cart and pinball machine levels. SEGA marketed these as “2 EXCLUSIVE LEVELS!!!”, but savvy fans knew that SEGA likely just didn’t have the time or resources to retool the mobile versions as they did the console versions.

Sega Confirms No Sonic 4:Episode 2 For Wii

It has officially been confirmed by Ken Balough that Sonic 4: Episode 2 will not be making it to the Wii platform. Sadly, for Wii Sonic fans, this is the third multi-platform Sonic game in a row not making it to their system. It’s seriously doubtful it will make it to 3DS either. I guess Sonic does what Nintendon’t. Here’s what Ken had to say.

But no – the reason Episode I was on the Wii was because we wanted to bring the Sonic 4 saga to the widest possible audience. Episode II unfortunately will not be coming to the Wii – for reasons most people have probably guessed, but that doesn’t mean the SEGA isn’t supporting Nintendo platforms, we have a very strong partnership and will continue to do so.


Source [Sega Forums]

Sonic 4 Episode 1 on the iPad, As You Truly Imagined It

SEGA has released an iPad version of Sonic 4 Episode 1 just in time for the holidays! No longer will players have to upscale the original iOS version of the game. Now, the game appears in HD! What more, word has it that the level select now matches the one found on the console versions, the original iOS version only had the simple menu listing. Also, Sonic sports a new model (perhaps what we’ll see in Episode 2?). The revamped Lost Labyrinth and Casino Street act 2’s are not present, however. Instead, the game features the original pinball mini-game and the strange mine cart. I noted in my original iOS review of the game that the strange mine cart, while a boring level in itself, does sport fun tilt controls. You can buy the iPad version now for only $1.99!

Mike Hayes: Sonic 4 Episode 1 Sold Over 1 Million, Episode 2 Info Coming Soon

From comes information from SEGA CEO Mike Hayes concerning Sonic the Hedgehog 4. Remember that game? Regarding information on Episode 2:

Information on Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 will arrive “very soon,” Sega West CEO Mike Hayes has told VG247. Hayes couldn’t comment further when asked how far out “soon” was, adding that we should “look out for that one.”

My guess is once Sonic Generations arrives, after November 1st, or perhaps on September 9th? Remember, that was when the first Sonic 4 episode was announced as “Project Needlemouse”. Speaking of the first episode, Hayes shares a great bit of news for SEGA fans who like it when the company makes big money:

“It did very well and it continues to do well,” Hayes told us in a phone interview this afternoon.

“Particularly when it gets a little shot in the arm with some promotion or some price activity, sales are quite phenomenal. Its downloaded clearly over a million units, so its sold particularly well and continues to sell.”

Over a million is pretty impressive, though I have to wonder how many “copies” the game sold when it initially launched before the first sales began. Regardless, Sonic 4 Episode 1 looks like quite a financial success. Here’s hoping Episode 2 fixes the problems found in the first episode and sells another million and more!

[Source: vg247]

SEGA Sales: 50% off select XBLA titles (UPDATED)

CVG has just reported that from April 19th through April 25th, Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode I, Crazy Taxi, and OutRun Online Arcade will have their prices slashed by 50%. OutRun will run you 400 points, Sonic 4 will cost 600, and Crazy Taxi will set you back another 400 points. No better time to pick these titles up than now.

SEGA Europe has posted a blog about this same sale that includes ALL of their XBLA titles included in this sale. Pick these titles up NOW. Below is a of the titles on sale.

[Source: CVG]
[Source: SEGA]

Sonic 4 Episode 2 Development Details Revealed

Thanks to Shadzter of The Sonic Stadium for sifting through SEGA’s forums and finding these nuggets of information, direct from Brand Manager Ken Balough. Ken held an impromptu Q&A and revealed the following:

• Episode 2 is in the early development stages
• SOA and SOE are both giving feedback and input on Episode 2
• Episode 1 sold well for SEGA commercially, meaning a bigger budget is likely for Episode 2
• Balough knows how many Episodes Sonic 4 will have, but can’t comment right now. Amount was decided during Episode 1′s development.
• Balough admits that some elements of Episode 1 could have been better and says Episode 2 gives the opportunity to address them.
• Episode 2 is not a Sonic CD remake. Idea is to bring new zones with things you haven’t seen before.

Great news in my opinion. I enjoyed Sonic 4 Episode 1 (rating it a B), but hoped that SEGA would hear criticism before diving into Episode 2. From the sound of things, they are doing just that. Perhaps the best bits of news are a larger budget and NEW ZONES! What haven’t we had yet? Spaghetti Mine Zone? Lava Ice Zone? Empty Nothingness Zone? I’m certain there’s some sort of environment we haven’t seen yet. Check out direct quotes in Shadzter’s original article.

[Source: The Sonic Stadium]

Sonic 4 coming to Windows Phone 7

Despite many requests from Android fans, SEGA has said they wouldn’t be bringing Sonic 4: Episode 1 to their phones. But out of the blue, Sonic 4: Episode 1 gets announced for Windows Phone 7.

Nothing much has been announced for the title.  I wonder if Xbox 360 owners that bought the 360 version will get a discount on the mobile one?

[Source: SEGA]

Sonic 4 premium theme hitting PSN on Janurary 18th

So basically the next PSN store update will include a Sonic 4 premium theme. Premium themes on the PS3 are basically moving themes, they are rather cool, at least some are.

This one will have Sonic in Splash Hill Zone, with Sonic jumping around in the level and then Dr. Robotnik will fly by every now and then. This theme will be FREE if you are a Playstation Plus member (or sign up this month), $2.99 if you aren’t.

[Source: Sonic City Blognik]

Takashi Iizuka tells us his Sonic 4 secrets

CVG is running a article where they ask game producers for their secrets on how they create the types of games they do. Well, one of these producers asked a question was our favorite Takashi Iizuka, he shares his secrets on creating a 2D platformer like Sonic 4.

“I think there are various kinds of 2D platformer and each one of them focuses on different game elements. In the case of Sonic games, I put a premium on the game tempo of the stage.

SEGA iPhone sale is insane – 80% off games!

It is almost Black Friday, this means some insane deals for everyone. SEGA is not letting us down, they have reduced their iOS games at up to 80% off. You can get Chu Chu Rocket for less than a dollar. Insanity.

  • Super Monkey Ball 2 $1.99 (was $5.99)
  • Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition $2.99 (was $7.99)
  • Phantasy Star II $0.99 (was $4.99)
  • Golden Axe $0.99 (was $2.99)
  • ChuChu Rocket! $0.99 (was $2.99)
  • ChuChu Rocket! HD $2.99 (was $4.99)
  • Sonic 4, Episode 1 $4.99 (was $6.99)

The sale starts… right now. Go, give some sexy cash to SEGA. It ends on December 1st, in case you are waiting for your paycheck.

[Source: SEGA]

How well is Sonic 4 doing on XBLA?

Pretty well, it seems. According tot he latest charts, released by FADE (Forecasting and Analyzing Digital Entertainment) it came in number 2 for October, selling 98,000 Units. So who took the number one spot for the month? Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, which had longer to sell and was 400 points, compared to Sonic 4’s 1200. But it didn’t beat Sonic 4 by that much, only 6,000 units.

If that was not enough, Microsoft’s sales jumped 91% for October, thanks to big titles like Super Meat Boy, Dead Rising: Case Zero and of course Sonic 4.

[Source: CVG]

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SEGA does something nice for the community, Sonic fanboy complains

[The sky is blue]

Recently Sega of America held a community event, and a limited number of Sega fans were invited along to play various games and have a focus group session. Dinner was provided by Sega, fancy!

The event was limited to 50 people, but they later extended it to 55 with a hefty waiting list. So you would hope that at least some real Sega fans would get in, right?

Sounds like a nice event all round. Sega of America went out of their way to do something genuinely great for the community…  So it’s kind of disheartening when I’m greeted with the impressions of the event by one ungrateful Sonic fan. What’s new right?

Hit the jump for some choice quotes of his impressions and some screens of inside Sega American.


Sonic fan does a 20 minute YouTube rant about Sonic 4 physics

Here is a 26 year old Sonic fan, AGwolf2097, who was so pissed off with the physics in Sonic 4, that he decided to go and make a 20 minute YouTube video rant. The video comes in a epic 2 part Saga. YouTube can’t contain it in one video.

I know our forum members aren’t too happy about the physics, there are issues, but I want to know what you guys think of this guy’s point of view? Agree or disagree?

[Source: GoNintendo]