SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Space Port Gameplay And Infinite Boss Battle Revealed

Sonic Forces comes out next month and SEGA is getting ready to let new information out of the bag. Earlier today they revealed the Space Port gameplay, Rental Avatar hero mode and even the first glimpse at a Infinite boss battle. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we discuss all the new information, talk Sonic Forces‘ marketing and did Sonic Team referencing Rent-A-Hero? Let us know what you think of the ‘new’ Space Port gameplay, the Rental Avatar hero mode and of course the first look at Infinite in action in the comments below.

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Comic Book Tie-In Discussion

The first, free digital issue of the Sonic Forces tie-in comic being titled ‘Moment of Truth‘ has been released by SEGA. This promotional tie-in issue is set to give users a taste of one of the many created avatars that have joined our Sonic the Hedgehog heroes in the fight against Eggman. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we will give you our opinion on the Sonic Forces ‘Moment of Truth’ tie-in comic, our thoughts on the story, tone, and what we will like to see in future issues. Tune in and let us know what you’re thoughts on the Sonic Forces ‘Moment of Truth’ promotional tie-in comic!

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic the Hedgehog Comics Return April 2018 Discussion

We all know the long story about how SEGA and Archie had a disagreement with the Sonic the Hedgehog license and that they are now relaunching the long running comic book series under publisher IDW. Thanks to the New York Comic Con ‘IDW Sonic Comic Town Hall panel’ we now know new information on the relaunch that has been confirmed for April 2018. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we talk about getting four issues in April 2018, Ian Flynn being named head writer, Tyson Hesse doing promotional art for the event, and the return of The Freedom Fighters? Tune into the episode and let us know your thoughts on the IDW Sonic the Hedgehog comic book relaunch in the comments below!

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces PSN Trophies Leak, Reveals New Info

Welcome to a new SEGA News Bits, today we will be discussing the Sonic Forces early PSN trophies leak that happen yesterday. On this episode I’ll be going through all the interesting information that the leaked PSN trophies revealed including Silver Moon Rings, Secret Stages, Daily Missions, and lots more. So tune in and let us know what you think of Sonic Forces’ PSN Trophies and are you planning on getting a Platinum on it? Let us know in the comments below.

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Sonic Forces PSN trophies leak early, teases at unannounced in-game content


It seems that Sonic Force‘s PSN trophies have now leaked via PSN Profiles, a website dedicated to listing PSN trophies for easy tracking. According to the website Sonic Forces will have 46 trophies in total including: 32 bronze, 10 silver, 3 gold, and of course 1 platinum. The trophies hint at the game having more in-game content, including ‘secret stages’ and ‘EX stages’. It seems that the game will also have a lot of things to collect in-game from red rings, number rings, silver moon rings, wispons, parts, and a lot more. Seeing what the trophies are made up of, I’m pretty sure this listing is legit. But since its not 100% confirmed by SEGA, believe at your own risk.

Another interesting thing on Sonic Forces is some of the ‘daily missions’ and ‘SOS missions’ that have been revealed via the trophies. I assume the daily missions will have some sort of online functionality where you get different rewards for completing missions given by the game? It seems that the big three trophies to collect are the gold ones and those are collecting all wispons, beating all challenge missions and collecting all the silver moon rings. You can check out the Sonic Forces PSN trophies over here for yourself. Are you planning on getting a platinum in Sonic Forces?

[Via: PSN Profiles]


SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Reveals ‘New’ Chemical Plant Zone Discussion

Sonic Forces has just revealed a sorta, not really new stage with Chemical Plant Zone. While the name suggests its the same stage, its actually quite different now that Eggman took over in the world of Sonic Forces. On this episode we discuss the new Sonic Forces stage reveal, the new wisp costume hero drill and theorize that we could be seeing a Episode: Knuckles? Tune in on the discussion and let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Sonic Adventure available on Xbox One via backwards compatibility update


If you have been waiting to replay Sonic Adventure but have been too lazy to hook up either your Dreamcast, GameCube or Xbox 360; you’re in luck since its now fully playable on the Xbox One thanks to the latest backwards compatibility update. As you can tell by the photograph above, the XBLA version of Sonic Adventure uses assets from the GameCube version and sticks with its original 4:3 image.

While I have plenty of not so great things to say about how Xbox One brand has been handled, one thing I do think is very ambitious is how Microsoft is setting up the console to be the only Xbox console you would need to own thanks to its focus on backwards compatibility. I find it to be a great solution and a lot better than ‘streaming’ your last generation games like on PlayStation 4. How many of you guys are giving Sonic Adventure another go on Xbox One?

IDW to talk Sonic the Hedgehog comics at New York Comic Con

If you are going to New York Comic Con and are a huge fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog comics, you might want to stop by ‘The First Sonic the Hedgehog/IDW Town Hall‘ on October 8, 2017 from 12:45 PM through 1:45 PM at 1A02, Javits Center. Of course the new Sonic the Hedgehog comic book isn’t launching on IDW until 2018, but we might finally get more information on the creative team behind the new reboot and what it means for older stories going forward.

At SDCC, IDW announced they were taking over the Sonic the Hedgehog comic license. The comic isn’t being released til 2018 but this is the first official chance for fans to get in front of the editors to get to know them, hear some hints about what’s to come, share your own history with Sonic, and generally have an informal meet-and-greet with IDW CCO Chris Ryall, Editor Joe Hughes, and just maybe a special guest or two! Everyone in attendance will also leave with a special Sonic something, too! Join us on the ground floor of an all-new adventure with Sonic, won’t you?, won’t you?

Expect some surprises and maybe a early first look? Whatever they have planned, lets hope there is some video footage to follow so we can post it here on the blog. The only other thing to note is that IDW used the photo on their that we used as a featured image, meaning they are using modern Sonic branding with green eyes. Does this mean that the new comics will use more Sonic Adventure style Sonic?

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Classic Casino Forest Stage Reveal Discussion

Earlier today SEGA released a new trailer along with some B-Roll footage of Sonic Forces‘ newest stage, Casino Forest. This level would be for Classic Sonic, thus showing off classic Sonic gameplay. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we give you a small story theory regarding the new stage, what we liked about Casino Forest and we we disliked. Its a mixed episode for sure, so make sure to tell us what you think of Casino Forest in the comments below.

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Sonic Forces on PC confirms use of Denuvo DRM


It seems that SEGA will still continue to use Denuvo DRM in their upcoming PC port of Sonic Forces. The Steam page for the game has updated confirming that it will be using the anti-tamper DRM software that has a lot of people online rather heated. If you guys didn’t know, Sonic Mania got a two week delay to launch late with Denuvo DRM. One of the big issues with all of this is that SEGA never warned customers that Sonic Mania would feature the infamous DRM. The only other new thing listed in the Sonic Forces steam page is that the port will be co-developed by Sonic Team and Hardlight (in-house studio that made the Sonic Dash series), at least I take this news that the PC version is a port.

As for my opinion, I have quite a few games with Denuvo DRM and really can’t tell the difference between Denuvo or any other form of DRM. While may be the case for me personally, it isn’t the case with online users. The Denuvo DRM carries baggage associated with it and SEGA using it, in my opinion, is a bad PR move. What are your thoughts on Denuvo DRM and Sonic Forces? Are you still going to get the game on PC or are you thinking of dropping it altogether?


SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Trailer Shows New Cutscenes, Teases Infinite’s Secret

The SEGA Japan YouTube channel unleashed a brand new Sonic Forces trailer, this one being titled ‘Promotion Trailer’. The brand new trailer featured brand new cutscenes, teased a brand new stage, showed of Rogue the Bat, and even gave us more hints about Infinite’s origins. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we break down the brand new Sonic Forces trailer and try to find neat things that you might have missed. If we missed anything, you can go ahead and let us know in the comments below. What did you guys think of the new Sonic Forces trailer?

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Speed Battles Mobile Game Revealed

SEGA has soft launched their upcoming Sonic Forces Speed Battle mobile game for Android and iOS. The game will let you play as Sonic the Hedgehog and various of his friends as you race against people online to reach the end of the stage. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we discuss what Sonic Forces Speed Battle could mean for Sonic Forces console game, what we think of a Sonic Forces mobile tie-in game and if Sonic Forces Speed Battle is teasing new stages for the console version?

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Bonus Edition Features Jet Set Radio, Persona 5 & NiGHTS Outfits

SEGA has just announced Sonic Forces Bonus Edition which will come with in-game costumes for your OC based on SEGA and Atlus IPs such as Jet Set Radio, Puyo Puyo, Persona 5, and more! The Sonic Forces Bonus edition will also come with a controller skin featuring Sonic Forces asset art and will cost the same as the standard version, at the budget price of $39.99! On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we discuss if pricing a main title Sonic game at a budget price is good for the franchise, our thoughts on the Sonic Forces Bonus Edition content and wonder why there wasn’t a Sonic Forces Collectors Edition announced. Watch the video and tell us what your thoughts on Sonic Forces Bonus Edition in the comments below.

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Tag Team Mode Reveal Discussion

SEGA has revealed the new Tag Team Mode for Sonic Forces. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we discuss our thoughts on the Tag Team Mode, the Sonic Forces level design and our thoughts on the custom character designs shown so far. If you are looking forward to Sonic Forces, give it a listen and if you disagree with us let us know in the comments why. We really want to hear differing views and in the end of the day its just our opinion. Thanks for watching.

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Sonic Forces joins the list of games to be Xbox One X Enhanced

If you guys missed the news, Xbox One was getting another, more supped up console version mean’t to run games at 4k. Pretty close to what Sony did last year with the PlayStation 4 Pro, only that the Xbox One X seems to have better specs (and a hundred dollar more price tag). Microsoft is now preparing their marketing teams to hype up fans into upgrading to Xbox One X, one of the ways is to play enhanced versions of your favorite past and future titles. Looking through the list, the only SEGA title listed as a Xbox One X Enhanced is the upcoming Sonic Forces. No surprise as Sonic Forces will also take advantage of the extra power on the PlayStation 4 Pro.

So what will Sonic Forces do with the extra power of the Xbox One X? No idea, since there isn’t specifics on Major Nelson’s announcement post. Though he does say he will be updating the list and details as time goes on. You can check out the full list of Xbox One X Enhanced games here. As a Sonic fan, are you interested in the Xbox One X if its the best way to play Sonic Forces (outside of a PC)?