SEGA Talk #116: Bangai-O (1999)

Missiles locked-on! FIRE! We dive deep into Treasure’s mech shooting, missile blasting, originally Nintendo 64 having, cult classic Bangai-O! Find out what unexpected game influenced the creation and more!

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Radiant Silvergun has surprise release on Nintendo Switch, then is swiftly pulled from North American eShop

In a surprise announcement from the September 13th Nintendo Direct video showcase, the Treasure-developed Sega Saturn classic Radiant Silvergun was just released onto the Nintendo Switch eShop, courtesy of publisher Live Wire Inc.

Well, to many of you, this may be a surprise. However, Treasure had actually teased a re-release of a “highly requested” game from their storied past for their 30th anniversary celebration in June of this year. Two weeks ago, during Tokyo Game Show, the exact game was leaked online through some unused images on the Happinet website, who hosted several company’s’ games at their own booth. For anyone unaware of of all this, you are likely pleasantly surprised.

Three SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive Titles Coming To Nintendo Online Expansion Pass

It has been recently revealed by Nintendo that three more titles from the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive are coming to the Nintendo Online Expansion Pass service. Two of them are from Treasure, being the coveted action game Alien Soldier and the isometric adventure game Light Crusader. The third being Super Fantasy Zone, an original game released for the Mega Drive originally developed by Sunsoft. All three games are now available for those that have the Nintendo Online Expansion Pass, in all regions.

It’s worth noting all three games were technically previously released on the SEGA Genesis Mini, albeit Alien Soldier was exclusive to the Asian (Korean and Chinese) market. But the lineup is still a solid reveal regardless, especially since Alien Soldier and Super Fantasy Zone are expensive on third-hand markets.


SEGA Talk #85: Astro Boy: Omega Factor (2003)

On this SEGA Talk, we cover all things Astro Boy and we dive deep into the manga and anime world created by Osamu Tezuka. We also discuss how SEGA’s Hitmaker studio and Treasure teamed up to create the Game Boy Advance classic Astro Boy: Omega Factor!

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SEGA Talk Podcast #77: Dynamite Headdy (1994)

On-stage Rampage! The curtain is raised, and the Treasure Theater Show begins. SEGA Talk returns, this time talking about Treasure Game’s cult classic title Dynamite Headdy on the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive. Some say this dude has the coolest head on stage, so we will break down what makes Headdy so dynamite on this episode of SEGA TALK!

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If you want to give us feedback, suggest a topic for the next podcast or want to ask a question for us to answer on the next episode you can add  them as a comment below or send theme directly to our email. Make sure you use subject line ‘SEGA Talk’ and as always, thanks for listening!

SEGA Talk Podcast #49: Gunstar Super Heroes (2005)

On this episode, we return to a Treasure classic with a look back at the Gunstar Heroes sequel Gunstar Super Heroes! Being our first Game Boy Advance game on the show, we also share our thoughts on Nintendo’s handheld, including the best games and our preferred models. As for Gunstar Super Heroes, we dive into the game’s development, how it compares to the original, and discuss the many elements of SEGA fan service that did and DIDN’T appear in the final product.

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If you want to give us feedback, suggest a topic for the next podcast or want to ask a question for us to answer on the next episode you can add  them as a comment below or send theme directly to our email. Make sure you use subject line ‘SEGA Talk’ and as always, thanks for listening!

SEGA Talk Podcast #35: Gunstar Heroes (1993)

We reopen the Treasure chest and check out another gem from the studio we all love (that being Treasure, if you didn’t get the earlier reference). This time it’s Gunstar Heroes! Learn about how the game’s title came to be, where the franchise went after the initial Mega Drive release, the technical ins and outs of the game, and more!

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If you want to give us feedback, suggest a topic for the next podcast or want to ask a question for us to answer on the next episode you can add  them as a comment below or send theme directly to our email. Make sure you use subject line ‘SEGA Talk’ and as always, thanks for listening!

Final 12 Mega Drive/Genesis Mini Lineup Revealed Including Darius MD and Tetris, Accessories

It’s the last 10– no wait… 12! Yes, the last 12 games set for the SEGA Genesis Mini and the SEGA Mega Drive Mini in all territories. SEGA has recently showcased on their most recent livestream the remaining games in the collection along with some other tidbits on accessories you can purchase for your miniature system including a carrying case as well as the ability to “dress up” your system in the tower of power with an attachable (non-functioning) SEGA CD and 32X units along with miniature cartridges of Sonic 1 and Sonic & Knuckles (Actual games not included) to your system. The last two games, Darius MD and Tetris appear as special bonus games. Darius’s inclusion is notable in that this conversion was never before produced and the mini system features official support from the Tetris Company to include the ultra rare Mega Drive conversion of SEGA’s Arcade Tetris.

[Source: SEGA of America Twitter, SEGA Mega Drive Mini Livestream]

Click below to reveal the last remaining titles in the line up as well as pictures of the accessories shown during the livestream.

Treasure’s Dynamite Headdy joins the SEGA Forever lineup

The SEGA Forever lineup expanded today, with the release of Treasure’s Mega Drive classic Dynamite Headdy. The game is free to play on iOS and Android now! Released in 1994, Dynamite Headdy is best known for its Mega Drive release (which is what you will find in the SEGA Forever version), however it was also released to the SEGA Game Gear and brought to the Master System in Brazil. A 32X port was planned but cancelled.

In other SEGA Forever news, Golden Axe and Altered Beast will be receiving local multiplayer updates today. This feature works on both free and paid versions.

Treasure President teases announcement for 2018, vows never to work on social games


The last time we heard about Treasure, we ran a rumor that the company was going to stop making new games. Is it true? So far it has stayed true since the companies last ‘new game’ was Gaist Crusher God which was released back back in 2014. Since then Treasure Games hasn’t made a single brand new game. Rumors suggested that the company was going to continue as an IP holding company. Now according to a Japanese twitter user, Treasure President Masato Maegawa stated that he has an announcement coming in 2018 and that Treasure games won’t make a social game (usually mobile games) as long as he lives.

“I’ll never work on social games for as long as I live! I’ll have something to share next year” – Treasure Games President Masato Maegawa

Maegawa also complained that there was a total lack of communication at SEGA during the Mega Drive, especially during the time they developed Yu Yu Hakusho. He also revealed that Gunstar Heroes shipped 70k units in Japan and 200k abroad. Said the initial 10k print run in Japan sold out fast. Treasure Games’ president also wished that SEGA would have their own ‘Mega Drive Mini’ much like what Nintendo offers.

According to twitter user @gosokkyu, this lines up with what he has heard about from Treasure, that most publishers are only wanting them to work on mobile or ‘social’ type games. I’m glad to see a Japanese developer that doesn’t want to succumb to mobile gaming. Some developers just don’t transition over well and since a lot of Treasure Games are about the gameplay, I don’t think it would work out on mobile. But hey what do you think this announcement will be? Are you excited? Sound off in the comments.

[Via: ResetEra]

Data Discs releasing Gunstar Heroes soundtrack on vinyl

Gunstar_Heroes_Art_01While not much information has been revealed, Data Discs posted this morning on their social media channels that their next release was going to be the Gunstar Heroes soundtrack. If you didn’t know we are huge fans of the Gunstar Heroes soundtrack (game too) and will be the perfect addition to Data Discs’ outstanding collection of SEGA records.

The Gunstar Heroes soundtrack isn’t the only one being planned. If you go on their site it has two ‘coming soon’ windows for two new releases. That second release could be the Panzer Dragoon soundtrack that was talked about by Data Discs all the way back in April of this year. The weird part is they said it was going to be part of their 2016 line-up, but now they are teasing Gunstar Heroes. No idea what went on there. Data Discs said that you can expect more information very soon, but if its like their other releases I assume it will come in three variant colors; with one being limited edition. That was a given.

What do you think about the Gunstar Heroes soundtrack? Do you think its about time it got a re-release on vinyl? Let us know in the comments below.

Rumor: Treasure to stop making new games

TreasureRIPLong time SEGA-collaborative developer Treasure Games might be out of the gaming biz, at least for brand new titles according to the latest Giant Bombcast (time stamp: 2:22:20 – 2:24:38). The hardcore cult studio seems to be moving towards becoming more of a license holding company, which isn’t surprising when you consider they hire under 30 employees.

The last full game developed by the company was a license game for Gaist Crusher, that came out in 2014 and was exclusive to Japan. While getting re-releases of their older games on new consoles isn’t terrible, I think we will all miss that Treasure Games magic that we grew up with.

What are your thoughts on all this? Are you surprised? Let us know in the comments.

[Via: NeoGAF]

Ikaruga successfully greenlit for Steam


Today’s Steam Greenlight round up features 37 games that have been voted on by the Steam community, and for Ikaruga fans can rejoice as the game was among them!

There is currently no release date set, and there is no other news about this version other than what is already known, however the developer, according to their official Twitter, has expressed interest in adding more of their games to Steam.

There are already games by the developer on Steam such as Dynamite HeaddyGunstar Heroes and Alien Soldier. However this is their first attempt at self publishing on the service.

More as it develops.

Treasure’s good news is Ikaruga on Steam Greenlight


Back in late September, it was reported that Treasure was going to bring good news for fans of Ikaruga. Which turns out to not only be a port of their arcade game, but that it would be the developer’s first foray into Steam Greenlight. While this means they require fan demand for the PC version, they promise to deliver on an updated version of the Xbox 360 release which also includes XInput controller support.

Head on over to Steam Greenlight if you’d like to see this game, possibly along with their other titles, on their service. Maybe this could also lead to Guardian Heroes or Bangai-O on Steam?


Treasure says there is ‘good news’ coming regarding Ikaruga


The SEGA NAOMI cult classic shoot ’em up Ikaruga might have some ‘good’ news incoming, that is according to Treasure’s twitter account.

Of course, fans are raving and hoping that this will mean a sequel to the original (which was a spiritual successor to Radiant Silvergun). I also hope for a sequel, the game has had enough ports already (appearing on Dreamcast, Gamecube, XBLA, and Android mobile devices). So, are you guys ready to return to another bullet hell adventure?