SEGA announces Total War: Warhammer II

If you didn’t know, when SEGA first announce the Total War: Warhammer project a few years back they said that the game was going to be so large, that it would take three parts to experience the whole thing. Not surprisingly, SEGA announced Total War: Warhammer II earlier today.

Total War: Warhammer II will introduce the following new races to the game:

  • High Elves
  • Dark Elves
  • Lizardmen
  • Secret fourth unannounced race

Total War: Warhammer II will continue expanding its Total War type gameplay, but Creative Assembly have promised that the game will have a “new style of narrative campaign”.  This new campaign promises to offer hundreds of hours of gameplay. The Creative Assembly promises old Total War: Warhammer owners an update that will combine thecampaign maps that will consist of both games. This means you can play any race you own (consider each game has its  own races) via the campaign. This new update is expected to hit the first game after Total War: Warhammer II launches.

SEGA has not given a specific release date for Total War: Warhammer II, but it promised to release it before the end of the year. The last game, Total War: Warhammer III should release sometime in the future. Considering that the first game has over 1.4 million steam owners, I’d say this is a highly anticipated title.

Dawn of War III announced with teaser trailer – game to release in 2017

Dawn of War III, a new entry in the highly acclaimed Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War series, has been officially announced today. Dawn of War is a sci-fi RTS set in the far future of the Warhammer universe and is not to be mistaken for the fantasy setting Total War: Warhammer which is in development at The Creative Assembly.

The trailer, which seems to be mostly CGI but possibly features some in-engine cut scenes for good measure, highlights some of the massive units and factions in Warhammer 40k’s universe of never ending war. The video is accompanied by the following description:

“Step into the nightmare of brutal galactic warfare with the Dawn of War III worldwide announce trailer!
Watch the battlefield come to life, and death, as you’ve never seen it before as Space Marines, Eldar and Ork slip ever deeper into the darkness of endless war.”

It will be interesting to find out if this new installment is similar to the original Dawn of War, with its more traditional RTS play style, or Dawn of War II which is more similar to Relic’s other highly acclaimed RTS series Company of Heroes.

Dawn of War III will release some time in 2017.

Total War: WARHAMMER – Vampire Counts In-Engine Trailer

Far from home, an Empire Witch Hunter seeking the source of this corruption will soon find that there are fates in the Old World far worse than death. The Vampire Counts have arisen, and today in this brand new Total War: Warhammer in-engine trailer, they are unleashed.

Vampire Counts are the forth and final race to be revealed for the first of the Total War: Warhammer trilogy. Other races in the first game include; Empire, Dwarfs, Greenskins and if you pre-order Chaos Warriors. The combinations of all three games will eventually cover all major Warhammer races and much of the land combining into one epic game, Shining Force 3 style.

Total War: Warhammer releases 24th of May 2016, for PC.

Warhammer Total War: Savage Orc, Boar Boyz Big’Uns

Another new unit for the highly anticipated Warhammer Total War. Dressed in nothing but a rancid loincloth and tribal blue warpaint, the Savage Orcs are an intimidating force, even amongst other Orcs.

In Greenskin society, might makes right and bigger is always better. The very biggest Orcs earn the honoured title of ‘Big ‘Uns’ and Savage Orc Big ‘Uns are among the meanest and fightiest of the lot. Mounted on boar-back, they are almost unstoppable. These heavy hitters represent the most elite cavalry the Greenskins have to offer, and are some of the most formidable in the Old World.

Warhammer: Total War is set to released April 28th, 2016!

Total War: Warhammer developer ‘disheartened’ that fans dislike pre-order DLC

The whole downloadable content thing is a touchy subject, in practice it should be good. Think about it, you get more content for a game you already love but most fans have been finding stuff like ‘pre-order DLC’ to be more of a rip off due to forcing users to investing in a game that hasn’t been reviewed or that we don’t know the quality of the title.

SEGA’s Creative Assembly announced that the Chaos race, a important fraction in the Warhammer universe, would only be unlocked if users pre-ordered their Total War: Warhammer video game. This obviously pissed off fans, since most Total War fans trusted Creative Assembly back in 2013 when Total War: Rome 2 (which had similar pre-order deals) smashed pre-order records; sadly the game had a bad launch. Creative Assembly did the same with Total War: Attila and Alien: Isolation, offering big pre-order exclusives that many fans felt should have just been part of the base package.

In a interview with Eurogamer, Game Designer for Total War: Warhammer Rich Aldridge tries to explain why they decided to put Chaos as a pre-order race. According to them if they didn’t get it out as pre-order content, they would have to charge later on as DLC. As much as I dislike pre-order DLC, it isn’t as bad now considering that Steam offers refunds on pre-orders if you dislike the game. What really ticks me off is all the DLC they are planning after the release. Is it too hard to buy a complete game for $60 dollars and not get nickel and dimed at every turn?


SEGA announces a Total War: Warhammer collectors edition

WarhammerTotalWarHighKingEditionThe war is coming to PC on April 28th, 2016 and SEGA have given out a few more details about what you can expect when the game comes out including a new collectors edition. Users that buy the game get the game’s first DLC for free.

The game will have three versions available: The standard edition that comes with the game, the limited edition with the steelbook plus printed strategy guide and the ‘High King Edition’ which comes with all the stuff pictured above!

SEGA has also shown off the latest DLC that comes for free for people that are pre-ordering/day one buying the game: check out the Chaos Warriors Race trailer. What do you guys think about this collectors edition? Tempting?

[Source: IGN]

Total War: WARHAMMER gameplay shows off 16 minutes dwarf scrimmage

This Let’s Play is an example of an early Quest Battle from the Dwarfs campaign. In the vast tunnels of the Underway, a Dwarfen force lead by High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer is ambushed by a Greenskin horde.

Showcasing new features and never-before-seen units battling underground for the first time in a Total War game, this video is a taste of things to come and a glimpse into the dark and exciting fantasy world of Total War: WARHAMMER.

Total War: WARHAMMER will be released in 2016 for the PC.

Total War: WARHAMMER – High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer Trailer

Deep beneath the World’s Edge Mountains, in the throne-room of the Dwarfen capital Karaz-A-Karak, High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer broods.

This spectacular new trailer uses in-engine models and animations to introduce the sturdy, redoubtable Dwarfs, one of four playable races in Total War: WARHAMMER.

The Dwarfs are as tough and unmovable as the mountain they dwell beneath, using black powder weaponry and machines like the gyrocopters they’ll prove either a formidable foe or valuable ally… The choice is yours.

Total War: Warhammer – Battle of Blackfire Pass Walkthrough (Pre-Alpha Footage)

The Creative Assembly today released the first in-game, pre-alpha footage of Total War: Warhammer. This scripted walkthrough demonstrates a Legendary battle lifted from Warhammer lore; The Battle of Blackfire Pass. This walkthrough showcasing the Empire (Humans) and Greenskins (Orcs and Goblins)the battle lasts approximately ten minutes, featuring new game mechanics and units never before seen in a Total War game. Watch as shamans cast huge magical spells; colossal spiders eat men and spit out their swords; wyvern and gryphons do battle in the skies above while line infantry clash below. It’s a big change to the historic Total War formula and one I’m excited to see more of.

The first part of the Total War: Warhammer trilogy will release in 2016 for PC.

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SEGA registers Dawn of War 3 website

It has begun, SEGA of America has registered the domain for, pretty much giving away that Relic’s next game will most likely be the much requested Dawn of War 3. Its not at all surprising seeing how big their other team, Creative Assembly’s Total War: Warhammer project will be, already confirming long term DLC support.

It seems that SEGA is all in when it comes to creating Warhammer games, not only in Warhammer Fantasy universe but also in Warhammer 40k universe. As a fan of Warhammer I’m excited and I think its a smart move by SEGA West as a whole, seeing how popular Dawn of War series has been in the past. I just wish we had more SEGA Japan projects that where as high budget as these western titles, but what can you do about that.

The Creative Assembly’s first Warhammer game to be Total War: Warhammer


Over two years ago SEGA announced that they and The Creative Assembly had partnered with Games Workshop to make Warhammer games. Now, seemingly not long before the game is supposed to be officially announced, we know what the first game to come out of this deal is. Total War Center forum member StormOfRazors had received the book: “The Art of Total War” about eleven days before its intended release date of January 23rd. And in it he noticed a passing mention of Creative Assembly’s Warhammer game.

As it turns out, the game will combine Total War with the Warhammer series in Total War: Warhammer. Seeing how this book is coming out in a little more than a week, hopefully SEGA will give us a good look at this game pretty soon.

Creative Assembly to announce a new game tomorrow at GDC

Seems that Creative Assembly’s James Russell (Lead game designer at Creative Assembly) has posted on twitter that he will be announcing a new game during their GDC talk.

“Very excited that in my #GDC talk tomorrow, I can announce a new @totalwar game in development – and it’s like nothing we’ve done before…”James Russell, Lead designer at Creative Assembly

Here is the thing, there are few games that Creative Assembly has been working on that they haven’t announced yet. One being an Aliens title and the other one having to do with the  franchise. Both of which have me excited, Assembly Creative can do some great games. But this seems to be more of a Total War entry… (Total War: Viking 2 please!)

Games Workshop looking for more publishers and developers to make Warhammer based games


We have reported many times on SEGA picking up the IP license to Warhammer, but today Games Workshop announced that Slitherine, a video game publisher, is creating a real-time strategy game based on the Warhammer 40k universe.

So who else is making Warhammer titles?

  • Siltherine – We talked about above, they are creating a RTS game based in the Warhammer 40k universe. 
  • Zattikka – Announced last week that they will be creating social games based on the Warhammer IP.
  • Full Control – They acquired the Space Hulk license.
  • EA – They have created Warhammer: Age of Reckoning and are developing  Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes.
  • Rodeo Games – Creating a game called Warhammer Quest.
  • No Mad Games – Picked up the license to develop games based on Talisman.
  • SEGA – SEGA, which own the studio Relic, responsible for some of the most popular Warhammer 40k games. Also rumored is that Creative Assembly is making a game based on the Warhammer license.

Apparently Games Workshop is open to new ideas and said they will be going to trade shows to meet potential developers for games. With quite the list of developers already having Warhammer games in the works, even our blue and true SEGA, and the licensee looking for more games means that he market is going to be filled with Warhammer based games. Is this good? All I hope is that the games are great. The Warhammer universe is expansive and if they can cover different parts in different style games, they got my money.

RUMOR: Sega looking to buy Relic

Interesting news coming out of the THQ bankruptcy. Apparently, they are selling their properties and developers piecemeal to the highest bidders. According to a Twitter post from Insidegaming, Sega appears to be the highest bidder on Relic Studios. If you don’t know Relic, they do the popular Warhammer, Company of Heroes and Dawn of War franchises. If this deal goes through, I imagine Sega will use them to boost their PC profile. We should find out soon enough if this deal is actually happening, but so far All signs point to “yes”. Stay tuned.

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