Nintendo Direct shows off behind-the-scenes footage of Bayonetta 2

Nintendo streamed another Nintendo Direct today, and briefly touched on Bayonetta 2 for the Wii U. While not much of the game was shown off in a finished state, a lot of behind the scenes footage was shown including wireframe models, concept art and a peek at Bayonetta in a new outfit and sporting blue guns. It was also mentioned that the game will kick off with a scenario that gives the feeling of fighting the final boss of a game. Unfortunately, SEGA did not get a mention, aside from a logo at the end of the trailer, which personally made me a bit sad. Bayonetta 2 might very well be an awesome title, but it is looking to be much more of a Nintendo/Platinum Games effort with SEGA only attached by way of owning the IP.

The Bayonetta 2 segment begins at 19:25 in the video above.

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The Cave available on Wii U, PS3 today

The latest digital offering from Double Fine and SEGA is now available on the Wii U’s eShop, and will be available on the Playstation Store later today! The Cave is the latest adventure game from Ron Gilbert, a man best known for his work the LucasArts adventure games Escape from Monkey Island and Maniac Mansion. While SEGAbits was never given a chance to play the game, we were given an eyes on preview which we wrote about here.

The Cave is going for $15, and will be available on Xbox Live and Steam tomorrow. At the moment, Wii U owners wishing to purchase the game will need to search for it on the eShop since it is not currently available on the shop’s front page.

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Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed demo now available on Wii U eShop

Though it may seem a bit late at this point, North American Wii U owners still on the fence about picking up SEGA’s well-received kart racer now have the opportunity to try it before buying it. Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed may have an unwieldy title, but it’s a fun game with a massive amount of content easily worth your $39.99, so check it out if you haven’t yet!

New Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed trailer shows off the Wii U’s features

This morning, Sega put up another trailer for Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed. This time, the focus is on all the features of the Wii U version. Features shown include 5 player split-screen, 10 player online, rear view and weapon view cameras, optional tilt control and more. If the video is indicative of the Wii U version, it’s looking pretty smooth. Now you know why this is the version I’m picking up with my launch Wii U.

And you too can pick Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed on Wii U, 360 or PS3 when it races into stores November 18th.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on Wii U won’t support voice chat

If you are planning on picking up Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on the Wii U, I might have some bad news. It seems that the Wii U version will not support voice chat. As you know, Wii U will be online chat capable, but will be done on a game-by-game basis and require you to get a third-party headset instead of using the Wii U GamePad microphone.

“We don’t support voice chat on Wii U for those reasons. One of the side effects of being a launch title basically. Does support it on PS3 and 360 though!” – executive producer Steve Lycett

Seems the problem was time, since the game is a launch title it’s hard to get all the features you want into the game. Other launch games that do support online chat include Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Mass Effect 3: Wii U Edition.

Aliens: Colonial Marines let’s you earn XP offline or on

I’m not too big into playing games online, I usually purchase a game strictly for its single player campaigns. Then when I do go online, I get angry due to not having my guns I upgraded in single player. If you are like me, you will want to check out Aliens: Colonial Marines since the developers have confirmed that single player XP will transfer to the online game. So you will always have those awesome weapons.

“The great thing about that is, if you are more into single player, you can get just as many upgrades and weapons before you even play multiplayer for the first time,” senior producer, Matt Powers

Though there is a catch, even though your online Marine (since you can only play Marines single player) will have its single player states, your Xenos will have to be leveled up strictly online.

All Stars Racing Wii U frame rate issues fixed, says Sumo Digital

If anything, the Wii U version is now the closest to the target frame rate, well discounting the PC version that is.

Those are the words from Sumo Digital’s Steve Lycett, who took to the SEGA forums to quell doubts about the reportedly sluggish framerate in the Wii U version of SEGA’s hotly anticipated racer.

With Sumo Digital’s assurance that this potentially crippling issue has been fixed, is anyone planning on picking up the Wii U version?

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Platinum Games says Bayonetta on PS3 is their biggest failure

Platinum Games developed an instant classic on the Xbox 360, one which received great reviews. The Playstation 3 version on the other hand wasn’t received so kindly. According to Atsushi Inaba, that port was their biggest failure. Not bad, considering that they didn’t develop the port and it was done by an in-house team over at SEGA.

“The biggest failure for Platinum so far, the one that really sticks in my mind, is that port. At the time we didn’t really know how to develop on PS3 all that well, and whether we could have done it… is irrelevant: we made the decision that we couldn’t. But looking back on the result, and especially what ended up being released to users, I regard that as our biggest failure. One thing I will say is that it wasn’t a failure for nothing. We learned that we needed to take responsibility for everything. So on Vanquish we developed both versions in-house. We learned, so it wasn’t a pointless failure, but it was a failure nonetheless.” – Atsushi Inaba

Sadly the team isn’t going to try again on Playstation 3 or the Xbox 360 for that matter, since Bayonetta 2 was announced as a Wii U exclusive.

SEGA Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed to be one of the 23 launch titles for the Wii U

Some people out there are excited about the Wii U, those people should get a bit more excited now that we know SEGA Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will be one of the launch titles for the Wii U come November 18th. Another SEGA game to hit the console is Aliens: Colonial Marines, which will come out in the launch window. Meaning don’t bet on playing it day one.

If you want to see all the ‘titles’ announced by Nintendo, hit the jump. So who is buying a Wii U?

Bayonetta 2 would not exist without Nintendo

Much hullabaloo has been made about Bayonetta 2 being a Wii U exclusive. Comments have ranged from fans cheering that the game is getting a sequel months after rumors circulated that the game had been canceled, to disinterest or disappointment from fans who don’t want to buy another platform for just one game they really wanted, to finally and most famously, immature and over the top Twitter rage from fans screaming of betrayal and thievery.

Well as it turns out, Platinum Games did not “betray” anyone, nor did Nintendo steal the game from other platforms. In an interview with video game website Polygon, Platinum Games executive director Atsushi Inaba explained in no uncertain terms how critical Nintendo’s involvement was to Bayonetta 2’s existence.

“Would Bayonetta 2 not exist without Nintendo? The answer is yes.”

In the interview, Inaba goes on to say that the game’s core game play won’t be affected by the move from Xbox 360 and PS3 to Wii U, “We create the basic framework of our games on the PC, so even though the hardware changes it doesn’t influence the creation of our games. We’ve already developed our own engine to work with multiple platforms.” In the interview, Inaba goes on to discuss the Wii U platform and SEGA’s handling of Anarchy Reigns, among other things. Click the source below to read all about it.

Update: Nintendo producers are also involved with Bayonetta 2’s production, as revealed by Hideki Kamiya on Twitter.

Sonic joins Wii U launch line-up and more Transformed news!

SEGA has confirmed that Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed has joined the European launch line-up of the Wii U, due for release on November 30th. Given that the game is launching at the low price of $40/33£, it will be one of the lowest priced Wii U titles at launch. Also, SEGA has confirmed that the Wii U version will have a Bonus/Limited Edition just as the other versions do. Above you’ll see a new preview video for the game running on Wii U hardware. Note the awesome Toot Toot Sonic Warrior remix and Sonic’s all new All-Star Move, as revealed in yesterday’s Sonic Talk podcast.

Bayonetta 2 announced for Wii U

Nintendo (not SEGA) will be publishing Bayonetta 2, which was just announced exclusively for the Wii U. This time it appears that Kamiya will not be in the director’s chair, presumably because he’s been busy with Platinum’s other Wii U exclusive, P-100, which has now been named The Wonderful 101.

No other details were given at Nintendo’s conference this morning aside from a small teaser with no gameplay footage, but more will be sure to come.

Update: SEGA has just spoken out about this announcement on Twitter, replying that they will be working with both Nintendo and Platinum Games as an “advisor” to the project. In light of this, I’m re-branding this post as SEGA news, as it looks like SEGA is still involved in some capacity.

That said, it’s fairly clear that Bayonetta 2 is really Platinum and Nintendo’s show. This more than anything seems to signal the end of SEGA and Platinum Games’ partnership.

What do you think about SEGA letting one of their most iconic characters and franchises of this console generation slip away? Or are you just too excited about Bayonetta 2 to care? Hopefully the latter, we need games like this to sell.

Update 2: Post updated with trailer.