Is Ecco the Dolphin getting a 3D makeover on 3DS?


Looks like Sonic the Hedgehog won’t be the only Genesis game getting a 3D make over. If PEGI’s ratings website is anything to go by, Ecco the Dolphin will soon be coming to 3DS with a new 3D coat of paint. I hope this sells: its superior sequel Tides of Time would be a real sight to behold in 3D.

The game hasn’t officially been confirmed by SEGA, but given the track record of the ratings boards in predicting SEGA’s 3DS digital titles as of late, I am definitely willing to take this at face value. Is it too much to ask for this to use content from the SEGA CD version, SEGA?

The Cave is coming to iOS this summer

It’s sort of weird, SEGA listed the mobile version of The Cave to be shown at E3 and our guys didn’t see it there.  What we do know is that it is coming out this Summer.

Well, it seems that TouchGen was shown the game and said that they are changing the ‘console’ controls to ‘touch to move’, which isn’t that big of a deal considering that only the console versions had platformer like controls. I played it on PC and it’s basically a point and click game, so ‘touching’ instead of pointing and clicking will be the same basic thing.

The Cave was also announced awhile back for the Ouya, the  $99 dollar Android console. So I’m assuming SEGA is also working on an Android port for phones and tablets along with the Ouya release. We did a pretty nice review of the game over here, if you want to check it out.

Crimson Dragon creator wants to to make a Crimson Dragon RPG

Yukio Futatsugi is the creator of the acclaimed Panzer Dragoon franchise, though he has left SEGA to work at Microsoft Game Studios Japan, the developer working on Crimson Dragon. Yes, that Xbox One title that looks very similar to the iconic SEGA franchise.

SEGA also had a spin-off of sorts called Panzer Dragoon Saga, which happens to be an RPG instead of a rail shooter. That title was created by Yukio Futatsugi, and when asked at E3 if he would ever return to make a new RPG, he said he would like to make one based in the Crimson Dragon world. Seems that the team is full of SEGA employees that worked on the old Panzer Dragoon titles and it shows.

When he was also asked if he would like to see Panzer Dragoon Saga re-released by SEGA, he stated yes. He said that they’ve talked about a re-release over at Grounding Inc (the name of his studio) and ultimately came to the conclusion that it would be too hard to remake. Of course, this RPG will only happen if Crimson Dragon does well on Xbox One…

E3 2013: Total War Rome II Hands-On

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I have a confession to make: I am not very good at real time strategy. I have always been more of an action gamer, so strategically placing units and managing resources are not things I have much experience with. That said, I do have a few dozen hours of experience with Total War: Rome, so when it came time to choose between Company of Heroes 2 and Total War: Rome 2 this E3 I knew there was only one I could write about with any degree of competence. Though I will make it clear now: if you are looking for detailed impressions of the many changes made to Rome 2, look elsewhere, as the only other Total War game I have ever played was the original Rome and I was a very casual player.

Have to say, I’m happy with my choice. From what I saw in the presentation, Rome 2 looks like it will be a pretty serious improvement over its predecessor. Your cities are a lot more detailed now: instead of your cities simply changing their appearance as they grow, the cities now actually grow and evolve. The changes made to your cities can now be seen visually as they develop over the course of the game’s 200 year campaign. In addition to this it sounds like city management will now be more streamlined. Rather than having to micromanage each individual city, you can now manage all your cities from your capital.

Marza Animation Planet’s next movie is called ‘Robodog’

If you didn’t know, SEGA-Sammy own a CGI animated studio called Marza Animation Planet, who is co-producing the Captain Harlock movie.

The studio has now announced its new film which has begun pre-production and will be their first original film. They got Henry F. Anderson III (Gnomeo & Juliet) directing, Paul Wang (Astro Boy, TMNT) producing and Jeannette Manifold (Happy Feet, All Dogs Go to Heaven) as head of production. Its based on a script by Robert Reese.

SEGA announces “Hero Bank” – a 3DS exclusive money-based RPG

Via Famitsu comes the reveal of a new 3DS exclusive from SEGA Japan entitled Hero Bank. Set to release on December 19th, Hero Bank is a unique RPG that revolves around world currencies. Seen after the break are two heroes, one with a yen theme and one with a US dollar theme. From what we can gather, the game is based around a fictional sport known as “Hero Battle”. Through one-on-one battles, players must earn as much money as possible to become the winner. Players download “hero data” which is based on real world individuals for in-game use. SEGA uses racers and baseball players as examples of potential real-world individuals.

It sounds like a pretty unique spin on the RPG battler genre, and the character designs are pretty cool. When we learn more, including who exactly is developing the title, we’ll be sure to share it!

Round Table: Our favorite games of E3 2013

This year’s E3 is now behind us and all the talk about what games people liked is continuing. So it is only fair for us here at SEGAbits to have a Round Table telling you which games we are looking forward to getting our hands on! After the break, find out what our writers liked most from SEGA, as well as their favorite non-SEGA E3 titles.

E3: Company of Heroes 2 Hands-on impressions


I stepped into Relic’s booth at E3 with a bit of hesitation. Company of Heroes is a series I’m unfamiliar with from a studio that started the series with a different publisher (THQ) on a platform (PC) that I don’t game on much and in a genre I haven’t touched in ages. Needless to say I was coming into the game inexperienced. I will say though, I walked away with more of an appreciation for the genre and respect for the work that goes into it. I got a chance to play both a single player and multiplayer campaign. Here’s my impressions.

The SEGA Five: Last generation SEGA IPs that I want to see return next generation

Last generation might not have been the best time for SEGA fans, the start of 2006 was pretty rocky with SEGA totally ruining the image of Sonic the Hedgehog and releasing a slew of blunders through out the generation. That doesn’t mean that beneath the piles of garbage there wasn’t some great IPs, right? This list will consist of five last generation SEGA IPs (this means that they debuted, brand new on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and/or Wii) that I want to return on next generation consoles (be it Wii U, Xbox One or Playstation 4).

Direct-feed footage of Sonic Lost World reveals some awesome music!

The past few days of E3 have given us a lot of Sonic Lost World footage, but a bulk of that was either filmed from the show floor or featured the manly voice of “Men of E3” winner SEGA brand manager Aaron Webber. Now, thanks to Gamespot and TSSMB member Woun comes direct-feed footage of Sonic Lost World in action on the Wii U, free of show floor chatter and commentary. Check out the video above and the video after the break to soak in all the sounds and music we’ll be hearing this holiday season. Should more footage appear, we’ll be sure to add it to this post.

Want to learn more about how the game plays? Check out our hands-on preview.

Hands-on: Sonic Lost World (Wii U)

When Sonic Colors came on the scene in 2010, it was a breath of fresh air for the Sonic franchise which was getting quite stale at the time, and it broke the infamous “Sonic Cycle”. In 2011, Sonic Generations shattered it even further. Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed ran those pieces into dust and finally, Sonic Lost World sweeps up those pieces and dumps them in the trash. You need not worry about the Sonic franchise anymore. Sonic Team has learned from its past, listened to its fans, and has renewed the Sonic series into one you can trust to have great games even when they take risks and change the formula a bit and no game is more proof of that than Sonic Lost World.

E3 interview: Producer Omar Woodley (Castle of Illusion)

Purple Shigs, Purrrple shiiigs! A royal hue shines upon me as I talk to the producer of Castle of Illusion, Omar Woodley, about what went into remaking this classic platformer. Also, you get to hear my “lovely” singing voice. By “lovely”, I mean you’ll want to stab your ears out with a pencil.

Sorry if it seems to cut off quickly, but Nux’s camera ran out of juice.

Four more Game Gear games now available on the 3DS eShop

The SEGA Blog has revealed the next Game Gear titles heading to the Nintendo 3DS eShop. When are they available? Today! Right now, ready to download, are Sonic the Hedgehog, Columns, Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, and Shining Force: Sword of Hajya! All four are fantastic titles. Sonic fans who never experienced the 8-bit version of Sonic’s first adventure should play the Game Gear Sonic the Hedgehog as soon as possible. Both Columns and Mean Bean Machine are solid puzzle games, and Shining Force: Sword of Hajya (aka Shining Force Gaiden II: The Evil God Awakens) is a great mobile version of the strategy rpg series.

SEGA also promises that more titles are on the way, so stay tuned!