First ever Homebrew Games Summer Showcase airing live this Thursday, June 29th; confirms games for Sega consoles

Live video showcases of new video games are all the rage now ever since Nintendo debuted their popular Nintendo Direct showcase over a decade ago. Many large companies are doing their own showcases now, including Sega with their new Sonic Central showcases. There are a few indie showcases as well, but this is gonna be one to watch for retro gaming enthusiasts, especially as it’s confirmed that some of the games showcased will be for Sega Genesis/Mega-Drive, Master System, and Dreamcast.

Make sure to sign up for a notification for the above video’s premiere, taking place this Thursday, June 29th 2023 at 12:30 PM PST. After the break though, you’ll see more information about the consoles confirmed to have games shown.

Japanese Only Dreamcast Game “Nakoruru: The Gift She Gave Me” Gets Fan Translated English Patch

The SEGA Dreamcast is a great console that received a lot of great games, some of these games only got a Japanese release. Thankfully, in the last few years we have had fans go back and translate the games themselves. Nakoruru: The Gift She Gave Me was released back in 2001 on Windows PC and a year later on Dreamcast. This game is an adventure game that’s actually a spin-off of Samurai Shodown from SNK, since Nakoruru is a selectable fighter from the franchise.

Even though the game alludes to you playing as Nakoruru in this game, it seems that isn’t the case. Here is an overview of the game from SNK Fandom Wiki:

“The player is a seven year old girl named Mikato, a villager in Kamui Kotan who looks up to Nakoruru. She watches and idolizes the priestess, trying to help her in anyway that she can. During the time of peace, she spends time acquainting herself with the residents and the beautiful yet sometimes unforgiving environment. Their serene lives are invaded by an evil force, making once tame animals into berserkers and allies into sudden foes.

The basic flow of the game uses traditional elements from the adventure game genre. Players select their answers and proceed along a path that hopefully gets to the good ending of the game. Along the way, they’ll also have to complete a variety of mini-games that test typing and reflexive skills.”

This translation was brought to us by Derek Pascarella who posted his English translated patch on Github. He also points out that there is a bonus disc for the game that features brand-new supplement to the full game including music and a 30-minute OVA with English subtitles.

Red Moon Lost Days is an indie RPG/visual novel for the SEGA Saturn

In the days of old, the long long ago times of 2009, professionally pressed indie games for SEGA consoles were both a rarity and a luxury. There were, at most, two or three games a year for consoles like Master System, Genesis and even the Dreamcast. Nowadays it seems that a new indie game is releasing every few weeks with all the bells and whistles of an official release, including color manuals, pressed CDs and cartridge labels. But, through all that time, rarely (if ever) was the SEGA Saturn given attention. That is why the game Red Moon Lost Days caught my attention.

Rent-A-Hero No. 1 on Dreamcast gets fan translation, includes bonus content

Rent-A-Hero No.1 on Dreamcast, a remake to Rent-A Hero on the Mega Drive, which both have been exclusive to Japan, has been translated by fans. The crazy part is, its not just a translation that the team has done, but have also added extra exclusive features, making this the definitive release!

The exclusive features include:

  • Unlockable content
  • 3D models / animations
  • VMU graphics / animations
  • Opening/Ending subs
  • Interface controls
  • Debug menus
  • Secret modes ( One-Punch man fans rejoice! )
  • Developers message board with original team + Rent-A-Modders dev comments
  • Skip logos sequence with START button
  • Bug fixes

Rent-A-Hero No.1 has been one of the games that a lot of Western Dreamcast gamers wanted a translation for. The game even got a port for the Xbox and was revealed via a leaked English prototype in 2017 that there was plans to bring the game West. Now, fans have translated the SEGA Mega Drive original and have translated the Dreamcast version. What a time to be a SEGA retro gaming fan. j

[Via: Romhacking]

Streets of Rage 2 New Era fan port updates old game with new features

There aren’t many widely celebrated classics on Sega Genesis/Mega-Drive quite like Streets of Rage 2. The beat-em-up classic exclusive to Sega’s 16-bit juggernaut still holds up perfectly well the way it is, but some fans have set out to modernize the game in Unity 3D with some amazing new enhancements, made through reverse engineering.

Streets of Rage 2 New Era is a brand new fan-developed port of the original game for PC and Mac that builds on it with new 4-player multiplayer, widescreen, and even online co-op. It is a complete experience currently at version 2.0 at the time of this writing. The game requires you to have an original Streets of Rage 2 ROM file in order to play. This is only to get around the legal issue of making the game freely available while Sega, the rightful copyright holders, still sell Streets of Rage 2. New Era does not rely on emulation to run or enhance the game. It recommends that you buy Streets of Rage 2 on Steam where, along with every other game in the Sega Genesis Classics Collection, it comes with a freely accessible ROM file ripe for the taking in that collection’s installation files.

Check in after the break for extra info. Otherwise, head to the game’s web page to download the game.

Sonic Hacking Contest 2022 is live right now

As of Monday, October 20th 2022, Sonic Hacking Contest 2022 is now open, with all the many fan hacks and mods developed by some of the most creative Sonic fans out there ready to try. There are tons of mods from every Sonic game from the original Genesis classic to Sonic Forces, all of which change up each game in many creative ways. Some of them even create a brand new experience off of the foundation of a classic Sonic game you may be well familiar with already from start to finish. Even if you don’t have time to try every game for yourself, (And there are already so many that you most likely don’t have that kind of time. After all, I’m still going through some games from this year’s Sonic Amateur Games Expo.) many online content creators have been streaming these games throughout the week, including favorites like Blue Vivacity, Sam’s Procrastination Station, SomeCallMeJohnny, MegaGWolf, and up-and-coming YouTube personality Chaomix. 

Since this is a contest, the creators of each of these mods are also being judged on their creations. Everyone is encouraged to vote for each of their favorite mods in a variety of prestigious awards, so if any of them has you particularly impressed, make sure you vote for it in whatever award it may be nominated for. 

See beyond the break for a few of my personal highlights of this year’s mods. Otherwise, click here to check out the website to download these mods for yourself or to see who is currently streaming.

Unreleased Dreamcast game Dee Dee Planet online features finally running unofficially

Dee Dee Planet cover art

The unreleased Sega Dreamcast game Dee Dee Planet has now had it’s online servers finally brought to life thanks to the efforts of the fan-run Dreamcast Live online service. Due to the game having been cancelled, it’s online multiplayer has never once been playable by the public until now. If you want to try it for yourself, you can download a version of Dee Dee Planet that’s been patched for Dreamcast Live functionality from Dreamcast Live’s downloads page. One of Dreamcast Live’s founders, and prominent Dreamcast superfan and preservationist, pcwzrd13, had previously gotten a hold of a nearly complete build of Dee Dee Planet last year, and now Dreamcast Live user Shuouma had been able to create server code for Dee Dee Planet using the server code from Chu Chu Rocket, one of the games previously brought back online through Dreamcast Live, as Dee Dee Planet was designed to use a very similar online server setup already.

Chances are many of you have no idea what Dee Dee Planet is, so check past the break for a brief history of both Dee Dee Planet and Dreamcast Live.

SEGAbits @ SAGE 2022: Interview with Noah Copeland on Sonic Triple Trouble 16-BIT – PART ONE

As part of our SAGE coverage, we managed to get a hold of Noah Copeland to come have a chat with us about the development of his fangame Sonic Triple Trouble 16 bit. This love letter to the classic Game Gear game released to much fanfair last month, remaking the original games visual to fit perfectly with it’s classic Mega Drive counterparts, featuring the ability to switch between Sonic or Tails as well as multiple playable characters. Hit the break for the first of two part interview with Noah as he goes into more detail about the fan games history and development ideology!

Playable at SAGE 2022, Sonic McOrigins, featuring the McDonald’s LCD Sonic toys!

If you ever wanted to know what you missed out on as a kid when McDonalod’s teamed up with SEGA to release a bunch of Sonic LCD games well, you’re in luck! Thanks to developer Dfug hard work, we have been graced with the collection that has all the games from Knuckles Baseball to Tails Soccer. Their painstaking work to digitise the collection of 17 games helps to perserve these bits of Sonic memoriable and shows you how popular Sonic was in 2003, with the height of popularity coming thanks to a combination of Sonic X and the release of Sonic Heroes. So head over to SAGExpo and give them a try, along with all the other cool games at the event.

Sonic Amateur Games Expo 2022 is LIVE! Check out a bunch of demos for new fan games

It’s that time of the year again where the Sonic Amateur Games Expo, or SAGE (No relation to the Sonic Frontiers villain!) for short, graces us with it’s presence. Filled to the brim with some of the most dedicated Sonic fans on the net, this event now boasts a huge selection of non-Sonic fangames from Mega Man to Kirby as well as a host of indie games. In the coming days we’ll be sharing interviews with developers and game impressions at the event, so stick with SEGAbits and don’t miss a beat in our coverage. In the mean time, check out the SAGE trailer and head over to Expo’s website here and start downloading some of the coolest fan projects around!

New music album/Windows 95 simulator developed for SEGA Genesis by Mike Yedley

A musical album released in the form of a game cartridge or ROM might sound like an odd concept, but quirky homebrew developer and musician Mike Yedley has done just that, and it’s not even his first one. Not too long ago, he debuted his second Genesis music ROM on his page, called “mikeyeldey95”. Being a ROM, it can be run in your favorite Genesis emulator or on original hardware with a flash cartridge such as any of the Mega Everdrive line of cartridges. In a very interesting twist, this album also doubles as a retro Windows 95 desktop simulation, full of fun easter eggs and mini-games. You can change the desktop background and color scheme, explore a web browser (This game has no way of actually connecting to the internet), and even explore an MS-DOS environment. There are 11 main songs total, but exploring a bit more can uncover several hidden songs, including some full PSG tunes.

The Unofficial SEGA-centric Fan Event Returns After 4 Years; Sonic & SEGA Fan Jam REMIX Event & Kickstarter Pre-Sale Dates Details

After four years of absence, Sonic & SEGA Fan Jam returns for another exciting gaming event celebrating the legacy of SEGA video games and will be the essential experience for fans of Sonic the Hedgehog, Yakuza, Persona, Virtua Fighter, Super Monkey Ball and other SEGA games old and new! As always, there will be games, special guests, artists, content creators, panels, contests, and much more. It is a not-for-profit event and this year’s theme will be inspired by SEGA’s focus on revitalizing classic IPs for the modern audience, hence the term “REMIX” in the title. While previous events took place in Savannah, GA, over the years, this year’s event will take place in Marietta, Georgia at the Hilton Atlanta/Marietta & Conference Center on Saturday, November 12th with a Kickstarter badge pre-sale launching on Tuesday, May 17th with amazing reward tiers.

Here are the guests announced for the event so far:

Industry/Voice Actor Guest

Corey Marshall (Shenmue)
Eric Kelso (Virtua Fighter, Shenmue, F-Zero GX)
Lisle Wilkerson (Virtua Fighter, Crazy Taxi, Shenmue)

Sonic & SEGA Fan Community/Content Creators

Sam Procrastinates (Sonic Community)
Chaomix (Sonic Community)
SomeCallMeJohnny (YouTube)
AntDude (YouTube)
Skye Rocket (Music)
Victor McKnight (Music)
TreasureHuntingSonic (Sonic Community)

More guests to be announced soon. You have questions regarding the event or like to receive updates, you can follow the event through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Arts and Crafts: Make your own Sonic Origins Genesis box, manual and cartridge!

Fool your friends, be the envy of your enemies (or vice versa) with the Sonic Origins SEGA Genesis paper craft! I did it for Sonic 4 Episode 1, Sonic 4 Episode 2, Sonic Generations and Sonic Mania. So it only makes sense for me to do it again for Sonic Origins!

The process is pretty easy. Print out the images below, slip the cover in a Genesis case, tape or glue the label on a Genesis cartridge and fold and place the manual inside the case. I like to use old sports games, but you can use any old Genesis game case that you wish. Have fun!

[lock-on] Volume 003 magazine shines the spotlight on the SEGA Dreamcast

Magazines focusing on classic video games have seen a bit of a renaissance recently, and towards the top in terms of print quality and quality of writers seems to be [lock-on]. Unlike other contemporary retro gaming mags, [lock-on] has a much slower release schedule, with a Kickstarter campaign to fund each issue. While we in no way are telling you how to spend your money, as past SEGA focused campaigns from other individuals have gone unfulfilled, it is a good sign that the team behind [lock-on] have successfully delivered the first two issues.

The third issue, or Volume 003 as they call it, will focus a good portion on the Dreamcast with several guest writers. Check the campaign out for yourself, and after the break learn about what guest writers they have planned for the issue.

Shinobi inspired ‘Shadow Gangs’ launches Kickstarter for Dreamcast port

The independent, Shinobi inspired arcade action game Shadow Gangs, which has been released on Steam, Xbox and Nintendo Switch is asking fans to fund their Dreamcast port of the project with the chance of grabbing some sweet goodies for their support.

So, if you are reading this blog you are most likely a Dreamcast collector and are wondering what tier you get a physical copy? The company is asking for a pledge of £45, about $60 USD. But it also comes with a Dreamcast digital copy, a downloadable code (for either PC, Switch and Xbox) and even your name in the game’s credit.

Check out Shadow Gangs‘ Kickstarter here.