SEGA News Bits Extra: Q&A and House of the Dead Mini Game in Project Judge

It’s the first week of the month, which means a preview of SEGA News Bits Extra! Extra is a weekly series for our Patreon supporters where we discuss news not seen on the SEGA News Bits videos. New to the monthly preview is the return of SEGAbits Q&A! All Patreon supporters get question priority, and after that we may dip into the Twitter, YouTube and comments sections for random picks.

This week we discuss the House of the Dead style mini game in Project Judge as well as an easier way to get online with the SEGA Dreamcast. Thank you to our Patreon community for the support and consider joining the community yourself if you enjoy our content!

Judge Eyes extended trailer reveals playable House of the Dead inspired game

SEGA has unleashed the new extended trailers for Judge Eyes (Project JUDGE), one for the story mode and the other for the gameplay. In the gameplay one SEGA showed off a ton of different things you’ll be able to play through, one of the sections was the arcade games that will be included in Project Judge showing off Motor Raid (which we knew was coming already), but they also gave us a glimpse at The House of the Dead play spot (5m28s in). The question now is if that is actually House of the Dead or maybe a made up in-universe mini-game that is influenced by House of the Dead.

So am I going crazy or is this not one of the past House of the Dead games? One of the biggest giveaways is the art style and the UI. The lives used in Judge Eyes is hearts when in The House of the Dead series they use torches. Maybe this miini-game will play like House of the Dead but be its own thing? Maybe it’ll be based on Yakuza: Dead Souls?


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DARTSLIVE reveals Darts of the Dead limited time tie-in event

The popular ‘DartsLive’ machines will have a House of the Dead tie-in event being titled ‘Darts of the Dead‘. A few weeks ago SEGA Japan filed a trademark for ‘Darts of the Dead and now we know what its all about. The machine will play footage of The House of the Dead 4, giving you a number to hit on the dart board. If you hit each number you survive. You can see even more mini-games for Darts of the Dead  in the video above.

It seems that this update is a limited release and will begin on Monday October 2nd (today) and finish on Halloween. If you have a ‘DartsLive’ machine near you, I suggest you give it a visit if you are looking for some SEGA zombie filled darts action this October.



SEGA Cinema: House of the Dead

*Warning movie is rated R: contains gore, terrible acting and nudity*

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No worries, download the full episode here.

Welcome to another installment of SEGA Cinema, where you sit back and watch a flick with your buddies here at SEGAbits. This time we are watching Uwe Boll’s classic ‘House of the Dead‘. That’s right, just in time to celebrate your Halloween night.

We suffered through this, now you have to too!


Vidya Retro Streaming Feature of House of the Dead

Watch live video from VidyaRetro on TwitchTV

With the release of Typing of the Dead Overkill on Steam, we get to take a look at it along with other games in the House of the Dead series.

Update: Our livestream is over, but you can expect the Retro crew including Bartman3010, DavidTL, Overlord, Perfect Chaos Zero, GeneHF and Guess Who looking at several titles including The House of the Dead III, The House of the Dead 4, Zombie Revenge, and several random mobile games as well as The House of the Dead Overkill – Lost Reels, and the horrors of the mine cart in Sonic 4 Episode 1. 

Spot some classic SEGA arcade cabinets in the latest Wreck-It Ralph trailer

Wreck-It Ralph is becoming one of our best sources for SEGA in the Media. In the latest trailer for the movie, the opening scene features a shot of the arcade changing over the years. In blink and you’ll miss them cameos, three classic SEGA arcade cabinets appear and disappear in the arcade as time passes. Check out the intro to the trailer above and see what games you can spot. After the break, we’ll spoil them for you.

House of the Dead: OVERKILL: Extended Cut – Crossbow Trailer

Today we’re proud to present the Grindhouse Crossbow trailer for The House of the Dead: OVERKILL – Extended Cut! Narrated by Jackson J. Jackson, CEO of Jackson J. Jackson’s Crossbow Emporium, these impressively scoped, extremely explosive lightweight portable crossbows are a great way to take out the mutant menace overrunning Bayou City. You won’t find higher-quality weaponry anywhere else – Jackson J. Jackson guarantees it or double your money back!

House of the Dead: OVERKILL: Extended Cut is exclusive to PlayStation 3 and built with the Move controller in mind. It’ll be released on October 25th, can’t wait to ‘asplode some zombies with the crossbow!

The Weekly Five: Rise of Nightmares X The House of the Dead

I’d think any true blue SEGA fan has a special place in their heart for The House of the Dead franchise. Being an arcade lightgun classic, and spanning three console generations, The House of the Dead has produced a number of sequels, spin-offs and even ventured outside of the video game world by way of two horrible films. When Rise of Nightmares, SEGA’s latest Kinect title, was revealed at last year’s Tokyo Game Show, little was known of the game aside from “save your wife from an evil scientist”. Was it internally developed? Was it a House of the Dead title? We just couldn’t tell based on the short and creepy trailer. But now that time has passed, and the game is in stores, we have all the answers. In this week’s Weekly Five we’ll take a look at five reasons why I think Rise of Nightmares sits well alongside the beloved House of the Dead series, despite not carrying the series title, and why HotD fans should check the game out!

SEGA Sequel Saturdays: HOTD Overkill!!!!!!

It might seem crazy now, but there was a time when the Wii was genuinely looked at by some publishers as a system where adult-targeted games could flourish. (Welcome to Sequel Saturdays number 18. Remember readers, if you want to write one of these yourselves, drop me a PM and we’ll work something out.) SEGA deserves credit for trying, as they delivered not only one ultraviolent Wii game, (PlatinumGames’ MadWorld) but two, and House of the Dead: Overkill was a bold step not only because it was a violent game on a Nintendo system, but because it was a classic SEGA franchise that had been given a pretty big makeover. The game was not developed by the studio responsible for the other HOTD games, in fact, it wasn’t developed by SEGA at all. The reigns were handed over to UK studio Headstrong Games, who took the opportunity and totally ran with it.

SEGA: 3DS shows Nintendo’s brilliance

Possibly the best new piece of hardware shown at E3 this year, is getting praise by SEGA West President Mike Hayes. He is even talking about mature audiences.

“With the quality of the device they’ve got it’s possible they can expand their audience into an older, broader audience. It was interesting to see games like Saint’s Row on the device. If we could bring, let’s say, a House of the Dead or an Aliens title, if the audience for 3DS is much broader it could give us much more scope in that market, and that’s as exciting as well as Mario & Sonic and Monkey Ball games. The 3DS is Nintendo through and through, this is Nintendo’s brilliance. They’re almost in their own technological world, doing their own thing. Whilst 3D TV is quite an amazing technology advancement, and many companies will get into that, Nintendo will now create this huge business with their own unique piece of technology that very few if any, will be able to copy. That’s Nintendo over and over again, it’s fantastic. For us as a third-party it’s a great leg up in terms of the portable business.” – Mike Hayes

I expect the 3DS to be more successful than the DS just because I agree with Mike Hayes, the appeal is more broader compared to the original DS.

[Source: GoNintendo]