RGG Studio programmer Hitoshi Iizawa receives excellence award for Model 2/3 emulation in Like A Dragon games

Esteemed Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio programmer Hitoshi Iizawa is being given an excellence award at the latest CEDEC, or Computer Entertainment and Developers Conference, in Japan for his work on emulation of Model 2 and 3 arcade games in the Like A Dragon series. This news was shared yesterday on Twitter by Lost Judgement director Yutaka Ito and is also being shown on the CEDEC website’s top awards list. Yutaka Ito’s tweet was also transcribed by known Twitter translator Gosokyuu.

Here’s what the CEDEC had to say about this honor on their website, translated to English:

The committee commended the expertise and uniqueness of the efforts to reproduce games for dedicated arcade hardware at the dawn of 3DCG games, as well as the fact that through the commercialization of these games, past arcade games that were often buried in the past were brought to the attention of today’s players.

Ito also had more to say about what went into the development of the emulation for these games and the difficulties of it on Twitter. You can read more about that past the break.

Yakuza Collaboration DLC Pack coming to Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown on December 8th

On the recent Virtua Fighter esports Official Broadcast, Seiji Aoki provided new information on the next upcoming downloadable content for Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown.

The upcoming downloadable content will be collaborating with the Yakuza series celebrating the series 16th anniversary featuring 650 items, 19 costume types, 19 costumes of the iconic characters from the Yakuza franchise such as Akira Yuki with Kazuma Kiryu clothes. The DLC will also feature 20 BGM from the Yakuza series, 20 Virtua Fighter 3 BGM (Arranged), and new 40 stamps.

The Yakuza Collaboration DLC pack for Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown will be released on December 8th for $10.


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RGG Studio to host Yakuza 15th Anniversary Live Stream; Covering the History of Yakuza and Future Developments

A special live broadcast for Yakuza’s 15th Anniversary will be held on Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio official YouTube channel on Tuesday, December 8th at 20:00 JST. The live stream will feature Takaya Kuroda (Kazuma Kiryu) and Kazuhiro Nakaya (Ichiban Kasuga) as special guests.

The stream will also cover the history of the Yakuza series for the past 15 years and will make announcements on future developments on the series. Click here to set a reminder for the upcoming live stream.

SEGA teases footage of New Yakuza game starring Ichiban Kasuga

It looks like SEGA still has some surprises after SEGA Fes 2019, one of those is this footage they put on their twitter account showing off “Shin Yakuza” which will start new protagonist Ichiban Kasuga. The game was announced back in August of 2017 along with Yakuza Online. If you look at the footage, it seems to be taking some cues from the Yakuza Online game, which was the first time we saw Ichiban Kasuga but with real time gameplay? Hard to tell considering the person working on the game keeps stopping and skipping the fighting. Again, just a tease.

The other thing that it seems to show is turn based battles, with the bad guys having health at the bottom of the screen along with your parties health. Is this a mini-game that is being teased or will the full game change from real-time combat to turn base?

We also know that the game will be more comedic and from the footage it seems to fit the bill.

[Update] I’m an idiot and forgot it’s April 1st in Japan. Disregard all Japanese gaming news today. [/Update]

Judgment Launch Date Revealed, Digital Version to get early access

If dual audio and multiple subtitles wasn’t enough, SEGA has finally announced the final launch date for Judgment which is set to be release on June 25, 2019. The physical copy of the game will receive a reversible cover featuring the original Japanese cover art similar to Fist of the North Star Lost Paradise and a Ryu Ga Gotaku Studio sticker.

For those who are purchasing the digital version of the game on PlayStation Network will receive a static theme depicting Judgment’s main protagonist, Takayumi Yagami and early access to play Judgment beginning on June 21, 2019. You can order the physical copy over on Amazon for only $59.99 with the option of saving an $1.22 when you apply a coupon.

Source: PlayStation Universe

Yakuza 3, 4 & 5 remasters coming to PS4

According to the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation, SEGA plans to release remastered versions of previous Yakuza installments (Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4 and Yakuza 5) for the Playstation 4 with improved resolution and frame rates. No further news on if SEGA is planning to localize the remastered versions to the West. All three titles are scheduled for release in 2018 and 2019 starting with Yakuza 3 on August 9th for 3,990 yen including a download code & soundtrack.

Here is the Japanese release schedule for the other titles.

  • Yakuza 4 – Fall 2018
  • Yakuza 5 – Spring 2019

I am happy to see that SEGA is pushing forward with the demand of remastering more Yakuza games and a great opportunity for fans to play Yakuza 3 in it’s original format if it gets localized. How do you guys feel about this news? Feel free to post your thoughts on the comment section below.

[Source: Gematsu]

Yakuza Kiwami Steelbook Edition and release date announced


For those that have been waiting for Yakuza Kiwami information since its western announcement, we finally know when it will release and for what price! For a limited time, people can order a special Steelbook Edition for the game, at a surprisingly low price of $30. The game will be released on August 29th, 2017 in both American and European countries, and is readily available for pre-order on Amazon.

For those that are not informed, Yakuza Kiwami is a remake of Yakuza originally released in 2005 in Japan and 2006 in other regions for the Playstation 2. This remake was built from the ground up, containing the base game but with updates such as having 1080p and 60FPS support and a reworked script, along with a new “Majima Everywhere” system. If you haven’t picked up Yakuza 0, then Yakuza Kiwami is also another fine point to start out with the Yakuza series.

[Source: SEGA]

Amazon Pre-Order
Yakuza Kiwami Steelbook | Yakuza Kiwami Standard

Yakuza 6 website updates, first look at Puyo Puyo, Virtua Fighter 5, other activities


As previously reported by Famitsu, the latest installment in the Yakuza franchiseYakuza 6 will have Puyo Puyo and Virtua Fighter 5 included as among the variety of minigames and SEGA arcade games included. However, the official Yakuza 6 website has updated with a first look at both games, plus the varies other activities you can play, including karaoke, darts, and mahjong.


A look at SEGA of Japan’s Yakuza stage show

Did you know that the Japanese love going to stage shows? Did you know that SEGA have made quite a bit of stage shows of their franchises including stuff like Phantasy Star Online 2 and now Yakuza aka Ryu Ga Gotoku? I have to be honest, the stage show doesn’t look half bad from Famitu’s photo gallery and most of the actors fit their roles unlike the Takashi Miike directed ‘Like a Dragon’ movie.

Below you can see a few of the photographs taken from the stage show’s debut. If you want more head over to Famitsu’s extensive gallery.


Next Yakuza already in development


While it’s a surprise to absolutely nobody, Toshihiro Nagoshi and producer Masayoshi Yokoyama have confirmed to Famitsu that they’ve begun work on the next Yakuza game, following the release of Yakuza Ishin earlier this year.

Details are scarce, with a more formal reveal likely to take place in the near future. For now, the two mostly discussed the process of auditioning the game’s hostesses.

As has become typical, it’s unlikely that we’ll hear anything about a Western release, though I’d love to be proven wrong.

Keep it glued to SEGAbits for the latest on the Yakuza series and of course all other SEGA news.

Binary Domain Multiplayer DLC to feature Akiyama, Majima and Goda!

Kazuma Kiryu is not the only character set to make the jump from the Yakuza series to Binary Domain. SEGA today has revealed free DLC skins for three other highly popular Yakuza characters in the forum of Goro Majima, Shun Akiyama and Ryuji Goda. Just like with Kiryu, each character will have either a government forces outfit, which is their default model, or a resistence fighter outfit. The characters will be released for PSN users in Japan starting with  Akiyama on February 28, Goda on March 6 and Majima on March 13. XBLA users will get all three characters free on March 13. For all the screenshots, hit the jump after the break and for additional information on the sponserships that will be found in Binary Domain, hit the Andriasang link for more info!

Yakuza 5 – Details Leak (Edit: More info)

Some juicy tidbits have escaped from Famitsu today regarding Yakuza 5 (Ryu Ga Gotoku 5) The first bit of news is that Yakuza 5 will again be released on the Playstation 3. Considering four Yakuza games have already been released for the PS3 and every game in the series have been exclusive to Playstation consoles and handhelds I’m sure anyone could have guessed that one.

The second bit of info is a lot more interesting-

Nagoshi reveals why Yakuza is Playstation exclusive

SEGA’s action adventure series Yakuza has never moved from the Sony platforms and it does not seem like that will be changning anytime soon. Speaking to Eurogamer, Nagoshi revealed recently why Yakuza is exclusive solely to Sony platforms;

“At the beginning of the project we spoke to all the platform holders including Sony and Microsoft,” he said, “Every platform holder was negative about this prospect, but we kept on pushing because we believed in the potential, and as we kept going one platform holder that showed interest and saw the prospects of this title was Sony.”

“That’s how we started working with them, and that’s probably not going to change.”

Nagoshi also revealed that Yakuza of the End is the end of one particular era of Yakuza games, saying that as the series started as a Playstation 2 game, some design aspects were not changed when they moved to the Playstation 3.

“The basic style and mechanics is really an old game that started on PS2 and continued on PS3,” Nagoshi said, “Times keep changing, and if we started on some new games they would be in a very different shape – so the last game was the end of one particular era.”

[Source: Eurogamer]

Yakuza Week – Day 4: Of Demon Ninja Turtles!

“Well, isn’t that strange!”


We have just one prize to give away today, but it’s a good one!
Today’s prize is; Yakuza 4 the game, signed by YAZ and the Yakuza 4 Art book!

All you have to do to have a shot at winning this awesome prize is follow us on twitter, CLICK HERE follow SEGAbits and simply retweet this message;
“RT & Follow @SEGAbits – YAKUZA WEEK – DAY 4 – CONTEST! Retweet to win Yakuza prizes! Info: http://www.segabits.com/?p=12213“

We’ll pick a winner at random!
If you don’t win, don’t fret, there will be another chance tomorrow!

Day 3 winners are:
Of the Yakuza 4 game (Signed by YAZ) and branded Chopsticks! – Stinkdeken
Of the Yakuza 4 Art book and branded bowl! – Krup213

Congratulations guys!

Why you should own this game – Day 4 –Reason 4

It’s very rare that a game can be ‘laugh out loud funny’ I find more often than not the attempts to inspire laughter in videogames fall flat and more often then not are pretty cringe worthy.

The Yakuza series is one of the very few videogame series that have got a real, hearty laugh out of me. Whilst the main storylines are a serious affair, just below the surface there is always something to make you chuckle. Be it the often crazy revelations, some over the top heat moves or side missions like outrunning a cross dresser that wants to have his/her way with you. In Yakuza 4 you’ll also encounter some great look-a-likes and Cameos too; such as Dr. Emmett Brown from Back to the Future. Yeah, this game has it all!

Do yourself a favor and look at our side bar, over there on the right. We’ve made it easy for you to buy! Just click on that BUY NOW button!

YAKUZA WEEK – DAY 2: Of Heat and Content

Akiyama’s in heat!


Today we have just 1 give-away but it’s a good one!
Today one lucky winner will nab 1 copy of Yakuza 4 signed by YAZ and 1 copy of the Yakuza 4 art book.

All you have to do to have a shot at winning these awesome prizes is follow us on twitter, CLICK HERE follow SEGAbits and retweet this message;
“RT Follow @SEGAbits – YAKUZA WEEK – DAY 2 – CONTEST! Retweet to win Yakuza prizes. Info: http://www.segabits.com/?p=11942 “

We’ll pick a winner at random!
If you don’t win, don’t fret, there will be another chance tomorrow!

Day 1 winners:
Of the Yakuza branded bowl & Game – Hibikirush
Of the Art book & Chopsticks – D12W

Congratulations guys!

Why you should own this game, Day 2 – Reason 2:
There is just SO MUCH content.

Have you ever wondered if the price you are paying for the game is worth the content you’re getting? I know I often do. A good game is a good game but I’d like to be kept satisfied for at least 10 hours.

If there is one game that doesn’t skimp on content it is Yakuza 4. There is just so much to do. Beside the main, crime thriller storyline you can do multiple mini games including golf, baseball batting cages, gambling, fishing and many more.

Not only can you waste your money dating the lovely ladies of the game, brining them gifts, buying them food and saying all the right things to see where you can take the relationship. You can even run the hostess clubs where guys pick them up! Design the bar and even dress the woman how you like em!

Not only that there is the battle cage, an underground ‘flight club’ style arena where you fight other hard nuts in brutal battles to see who’s the best. Again, you can even become a trainer and coach fighters; you help them become the best!

If that wasn’t enough, there are the seemingly endless amounts of side missions you can take.

There is so much bang for your buck that most people I know who have played it say that they can be 20 to 40 hours into the game and only on chapter 3 or 4 and many find out that when they finish the story mode they’ve still only completely 30% of the games content.

Do yourself a favor and look at our side bar, over there on the right. We’ve made it easy for you to buy! Just click on that BUY NOW button!