Shinobi arcade game ported to SNK’s Neo-Geo; Golden Axe arcade port coming soon

The Sega arcade classic Shinobi (1988) has just been unofficially ported to the Genes- sorry, I meant the Dreamca- wait! No! It’s been ported to SNK’s Neo-Geo system. That sounds like a first.
Yes. Hobbyist developer h0ffman has just brought Shinobi to the Neo-Geo system by seemingly disassembling the original arcade ROM to make their own source code and then converting it to run on Neo-Geo hardware just to see if they could. They first got the game running from a physical CD on a Neo-Geo CD console and have since released versions that run on that as well as the Neo-Geo AES and Neo-Geo MVS. What’s more, they’re also currently doing the same with Golden Axe (1989), though they have not yet finished that port as of this writing. For now, you can download Shinobi and try it on your favorite Neo-Geo emulator or any Neo-Geo hardware you may own.
For download links, sneak on in past the break.