SEGA of Japan brings us some awesome Sonic Adventure 2 HD footage

Never would have thought that SEGA of Japan would be the ones to give us our first real footage of Sonic Adventure 2 HD in action, but here it is! The footage shows off single player, split screen, CG cutscenes (which are their original 4:3 aspect ratio, thankfully not stretched or cropped) as well as Chao, Battle DLC and footage from the bonus documentary. Having seen the Jet Set Radio doc, I am now really looking forward to the ones included with Sonic Adventure 2 and NiGHTS. And is it just me, or is everything better with a bunch of Japanese words superimposed over it?

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NiGHTS and Sonic Adventure 2 Heritage Collection releases dated and priced

SEGA has finally revealed the release dates and prices for NiGHTS and Sonic Adventure 2, both of which are a part of SEGA’s Heritage Collection. NiGHTS and Sonic Adventure 2 will be available on PSN on October 2nd for $9.99 USD, and available October 5th for 800 msp on XBLA. So both games in one day? Sweet deal! SEGA has also announced Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Mode DLC for an additional $3/240 Microsoft Points. Battle Mode includes more maps and characters from the Gamecube version, including Chao Karate. Also revealed is that NiGHTS will have the Christmas NiGHTS content included at no extra charge.

No word on Europe yet, when we get the details we’ll share them. However, we can assume the price will be similar to the US.

Sega releases Heritage Collection trailer. Also, developer interviews.

TSega has revealed a Sega Heritage trailer featuring the 3 main digital Sega classics coming later this year. Jet Set Radio (September), NiGHTS (October) and Sonic Adventure 2 (also October) it was also revealed that each game will have “bonus developer interviews” Those who have played the Genesis collections on PSP or PS3 can expect something similar to those.

Stay tuned to Segabits for more news on these games coming later today.

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Sonic Talk Episode 11 “Skype sucks”


The internet is a very confusing thing to me sometimes. It carries a ton of data at insane speeds over phone lines and even wireless. The same kind of phone lines that we’ve been using for decades to have conversations. SO WHY CAN’T WE HAVE A PROGRAM THAT ALLOWS US TO HAVE CONVERSATIONS THAT DON’T DROP OFF?!! It’s really insane. It was so bad, I gave up a few times and this episode was originally in six pieces until I wrangled everything together. If you didn’t care for Episode 10’s 3-Hour podcast, you’ll be happy to know that this one comes in just barely over an hour.

Also, sorry for the poor audio quality of the intro. I was trying to do something funny and failed. (Also, I need to keep my fan away from the mic.) Read on for this week’s topics.

SEGA Memories: Sonic Adventure 2 Commercials

Of all the things I remember about the Dreamcast days, the Sonic Adventure 2 commercial is about the only ad that actually sticks in my mind. Why? Well, for one, it was the only Dreamcast ad I ever actually saw on television. Thanks to Youtube I know that the Dreamcast had the sort of ads that console makers never even bother with these days. I don’t know what Master Chief and Marcus Fenix are doing in my Xbox, but I know exactly what Sonic and other Dreamcast stars are doing in my little white box: having a never ending dance party!

Microsoft unleashes Sonic Adventure 2’s product page before announcement

So Microsoft posted the product page for Sonic Adventure 2 earlier this morning, pretty much confirming that the game is almost going to be announced. From what it looks like, it seems that SEGA might have delayed the game a bit? Don’t be surprised if SEGA announces it soon.

Stuff that is now obviously confirmed include widescreen support, chaos being playable and 2 player offline. Click the jump to see all the leaked assets including in-game screenshots.


Sonic Talk #9: Sonic 4 Episode II After Party

Sadly this episode is a few days late due to E3. But hey, I hope you guys are enjoying all this E3 content that is coming. The main man Ken Balough is back on Sonic Talk this week to talk to us more about Sonic 4: Episode II, now that the game is already out and we all played it, its an interesting talk. Like every week we have your weekly Sonic news, so take a break from all the E3 news and sit back for some Sonic Talk.


SEGA Tunes: Sonic Adventure 2’s “Won’t Stop, Just Go!”

If there’s anything just about every Sonic game has going for it, it’s the soundtrack, and Sonic Adventure 2 was no exception. In fact, this game probably contained some of the most iconic songs in the franchise’s history, featuring songs every Sonic fan knows Live and Learn, City Escape, and I Am the Eggman. Cheesy lyrics and all, Sonic Adventure 2’s soundtrack has had an impact on the Sonic fanbase like no other game in the franchise, at least since the end of the Genesis era. Beyond the well-known stuff, however, is a treasure trove of superb, lesser known tracks.

Like today’s song, “Won’t Stop, Just Go!” which was the theme for Green Forest. Green Forest was one of the fastest, most exhilarating stages in Sonic Adventure 2. Unlike many of the other stages in SA2, this level focused first and foremost on delivering a rush to the player as they raised against the clock to escape Prison Island before it exploded. This track perfectly complimented the quickened pace, standing in stark contrast to some of the slower tracks later on in the game.

If Sonic Adventure 2 avatar items are hitting XBLA on June 5th…

… that can only mean Sonic Adventure 2 will be revealed for XBLA and PSN at E3! The Sonic Stadium is reporting that XBLA’s Major Nelson has just posted the latest Xbox Live Marketplace release schedule of all the games and items being released over the next few weeks. Among these new goodies are Sonic Adventure 2 Avatar items with a release date of June 5th. Hey, that’s when E3 begins. This wouldn’t be the first time a Sonic Adventure 2 announcement was made at E3. Back in 2000, we were wowed by the trailer posted above. And last year, we were given the great City Escape trailer for Sonic Generations. If you want to see that, check it out after the break. As for E3 2012, stay tuned to SEGAbits for the impending trailer, assuming there is one.

RUMOR: Sonic Adventure 2, More Vintage Titles Revealed for XBLA

UPDATE: Penny Arcade 3 and Rock Band Blitz have been confirmed giving even more credibility to this list. I believe we can consider SA2 all but confirmed.

A list of upcoming XBLA titles has been leaked onto the web via NEOGAF. Allegedly, the source of this list is Microsoft’s Partnernet service, which has notoriously been the source of numerous leaks in the past, including the infamous Sonic 4 Episode 1 leak back in 2010.

Among the games listed are Sonic Adventure 2 and Vintage titles Streets of Rage and Golden Axe. Another leaked title, Rock Band Blitz, could be the title to make or break the validity of this list, as that game’s developer, Harmonix, is expected to debut their next title this weekend at PAX East. If anything becomes of these rumors, we’ll be sure to report it.

Until then, you can find the complete list of leaked titles at the source below.

Update: Rock Band Blitz has been revealed on G4.

The voice behind City Escape!

Ain’t it awesome? =3 Ted Poley has released a behind the scenes video of him recording his beautiful voice for City Escape.

This is my holiday gift to the gamers out there, this is from my own private collection. this is a full take all the way through of a recent session to re-do the song ESCAPE FROM THE CITY as a tribute to the 20th anniversary of Sonic. Some,or most of this “take” made the final cut. Its not as easy as it looks, it took many hours to prep and rehearse so that i could nail it in the studio while the clock was ticking,plus, i wrote the lyrics so i was very familiar with the song….this gives a rare behind the scenes look at what it takes to get it right,this was the final take so there are some other vocals already on the track that you will hear leaking out from my headphones. I wrote the lyrics and a brand new bridge section for this new version, and Tony Harnell came in later and sang also. please visit and buy my greatest hits cd and also check out my new video BREATHE right here on can buy the BREATHE single on itunes. someday i hope to play in japan with Jun Senoue who produced this song and we will play the many songs we have done for SEGA together live.

Sonic 20th Anniversary Soundtracks Now Available on iTunes

Today, Sega of Japan announced that the Sonic 20th Anniversary Soundtrack would be available on iTunes in Japan, Europe and The United States. The soundtracks include Sonic CD, Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 and Sonic Heroes. Also available are two Crush 40 albums including a “Best of” and Jun Senoue’s “The Works”. The albums are only $9.99 American so download now!


DCJY InsideOut & Rummage Review: Sonic Adventure 2 10th Anniversary Birthday Pack

Well GagaMan is at it again (actually he was at it a while back, we’re just late with sharing it), in order to celebrate Sonic’s 20th Anniversary on time. DCJY dusted off their copy of Sonic Adventure 2: Birthday Pack and gave those who still haven’t owned it a definitive look at one of the most cherished Dreamcast Collectibles.

The review is even more spectacular, it echoing my own personal perspective towards the Gamecube (well that’s what the next Generation of Sonic fans grew up on).

Whether you like it or not a new Generation of fans have grown up on it, with just as much nostalgia for it as we have for the old games _ Master Gaga.

Hit the Jump for the Review it is worth watching

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SEGA Sequels: Risky SEGA Sequels Vol 2

Apologies in advance for adding yet another Sonic story to our collection. I always cringe when I see Sonic dominating our weekly stories just because I know that there are so many other great IP from SEGA to focus on, and I know that, to a lot of people, Sonic is all that makes up SEGA, and that’s unfortunate. It just so happens though that there has been a lot more Sonic news this week to report on than usual, thanks in large part to his big focus at E3 and of course Sonic Boom, but in truth, I’d planned on writing this as far back as a couple weeks ago, so I guess it can’t be helped.

This week’s SEGA Sequel Saturdays will be taking a look at another risky SEGA sequel, Sonic Adventure 2, which, like Jet Set Radio Future of last week, made bold changes to what many thought was a successful formula and, as a result, delivered an experience that was entirely different from what people expected.