Limited Run Games announces Streets of Rage 4 Standard, Classic and Limited Editions

Limited Run Games have officially announced on their Twitter account that the upcoming Streets of Rage 4 will have multiple physical editions coming our way! Starting this Friday, March 20th, at 10am ET fans will be able to pre-order Standard or Classic Editions of the game for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. Important to note: this is an EXTENDED PRE-ORDER WINDOW. The window is open from this coming Friday through to a week after the digital release. This means that fans will not be fighting over a limited run of stock, instead the run will be limited to what is being ordered. The Standard Edition will feature reversible cover art that gives the game a SEGA Genesis look. The Classic Edition will include the standard case, with reversible cover art, a SteelBook case (sized to PS4 or Switch, depending on your platform) as well as a custom clam shell Genesis case that fits your SteelBook and standard game case.

Streets of Rage 4 introduces Floyd Iraia and will feature Online & Local Co-op

DotEmu has released the new character trailer for Streets of Rage 4 by introducing Floyd Iraia, who is the last playable character to be announced for the game and dishes out hard hitting attacks and grappling movesets with his mechanical arms. Here’s is a description of the new character:

“Meet Floyd Iraia, the last Streets of Rage 4 playable character, who dishes out serious damage with his incredibly strong cybernetic arms. Although Floyd’s movement and health recovery are slower than most, he boasts the longest reach among the playable roster and tremendous power, ensuring any combo he puts an enemy through will be devastating.”

Streets of Rage 4 will also feature two co-op mulitplayer options: 2 Player Online and 4 Player Local Co-Op. 4 Player Local Co-Op would be featured for first time in the series.

Streets of Rage 4 will be making its way make its way on to PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch in Spring 2020.

Storm Collectibles showcases Streets of Rage 4 and Golden Axe Action Figures at New York Toy Fair 2020

Storm Collectibles recently announced tons of licensed merchandise that their working on at their booth during New York’s Toy Fair 2020 event. Two of the licensed SEGA related products set for released is Streets of Rage 4 and Golden Axe.

One of the first line up of action figures for Streets of Rage 4 is a 1/12 scale action figure of Axel Stone in his current attire for the upcoming game with the release TBD. For Golden Axe, the line up will feature 1/12 action figures of Ax Battler and the Skeleton warriors set for release on March 20th for $130.

Check out photos taken at the booth after the break. Credits to Streets of Rage Brasil and Bleeding Cool for providing photos.


Streets of Rage 4 to reveal fifth playable character next week

Streets of Rage 4‘s publisher Dotemu has teased that they will be showing off a fifth playable character for the game. According to them the new character will be revealed with a “little” surprise… maybe? They have also confirmed that Streets of Rage 4 and Windjammers 2 will be playable at PAX East Boston.

Some people would suggest it might be Eddie “Skate” Hunter, but seeing as this game already has Cherry Hunter, Eddie’s sister and Adam Hunter; how many Hunters do we need? Some say this could be the return of Max Thunder, but he isn’t little at all. Maybe a Streets of Rage 3 character like Dr. Gilbert Zan or Roo? Eh. We shall see.

Who do you think the fifth playable character for Streets of Rage 4 will be?

Streets of Rage 4 to be offline co-op, will keep online co-op ‘in mind’

If you are planning on buying Streets of Rage 4 to play the game online with your old buddies that have moved around the world, you might want to hold that excitement because a user on the Steam forums have asked the developer behind the game if they will feature online co-op and this is what he had to say:

“Going to be local co-op actually but we’ll keep the online coop idea in mind.”

Not really much to discuss but you’d think having online co-op in 2020 would be a no brainier. I do know that Steam now has a feature called ‘Remote Play’ that allows users to play multiplayer offline games, online with the feature. I don’t think PlayStation 4, Xbox One or Nintendo Switch has these, so it seems this could be a negative for the game. Personally I play most of my games offline, but what do you think?

Streets of Rage 4 “Adam Hunter” trailer showcased, tentative first-half 2020 release date announced

New information regarding to the upcoming Streets of Rage 4 have been revealed, courtesy of Nintendo’s Indie World direct. Most notably, a new trailer highlighting the fourth playable character, Adam Hunter. As the name implies, he’s the brother of Skate from Streets of Rage 2 and the father of Cherry. He’s described as a person who hunted down the syndicate leader 28 years ago, now coming back to finish the job alongside Cherry, Axel, and Blaze.

It’s also confirmed that Streets of Rage 4 is planned for an first-half 2020 release window for all platforms. Nothing specific has been announced at this time, but we’ll keep you up to date on the latest Streets of Rage 4 news.

Streets of Rage 4 will hit Xbox Game Pass next year

We already posted that the Yakuza games are coming to Xbox One and Xbox Game Pass, which we posted. But now we got another SEGA classic coming to Xbox Game Pass… Streets of Rage 4! You can check out the full Game Pass line-up so far in the screenshot above.

It seems that Microsoft is going all in with their Game Pass, are you interested?

Streets of Rage 4 ‘Behind the Gameplay’ video ensures classic fans to stay excited

The publisher behind Streets of Rage 4 posted up a “Behind the Gameplay” video allowing us to see the environment, people and tools being used to bring a ‘brand new’ ‘classic feeling’ Streets of Rage 4. One of the cool bits is around the 2 minute mark where they are playing the animation from Streets of Rage 4 side by side with Streets of Rage 2. They both move exactly the same, which will make Streets or Rage 4 have that heavy feel we all love in the originals.

Part of the video talks about the engine being used, which was created by Guard Crush Games, and how easy it is to modify things within the game. They even go into combos and we have the development team showing off Street Fighter III combos that inspired them? Is this game gonna get that crazy?

Streets of Rage 4 coming out on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PC

Streets of Rage 4 publisher DotEmu has now confirmed on Twitter that Streets of Rage 4 will be coming out on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and of course the Nintendo Switch. This will basically cover every large platform that most fans wanted it on. Well, maybe not the Dreamcast, but you can’t give them a hard time about that.

We also know three of the four characters that are playable, if you missed it we got Axel Stone, Blaze Fielding and new comer Cherry Hunter. The fourth character shadow also seems to be new but will probably be a character based on Max Thunder? Personally super excited for this game and probably going to be one of the best SEGA revivals since the return of classic Sonic in Sonic Mania!

While they listed it as PC, they didn’t put ‘Steam’, while this makes me scared that it might be one of the many PC games to go Epic Store Exclusive; the studio did tweet that its available to put on wishlists on Steam.

Streets of Rage 4 soundtrack composers revealed, featuring all-star talent

Today it was announced that gaming music label Brave Wave Productions have teamed with DotEmu and Lizardcube to create the soundtrack for the upcoming Streets of Rage 4. This means the strong talent already working with Brave Wave are assembled and are working on the new music! Who is involved? Series stalwart Yuzo Koshiro, Motohiro Kawashima (Streets of Rage 2, Streets of Rage 3), Yoko Shimomura (Street Fighter 2), Keiji Yamagishi (Ninja Gaiden) and our friend Hideki_Naganuma (Jet Set Radio, Sonic Rush). This undoubtably means we will see some sort of soundtrack release from Brave Wave.

After the break, check out a preview video featuring Yuzo Koshiro.

Streets of Rage 4 to be playable for the first time at PAX East

Streets of Rage 4 publisher, DotEmu, has announced that they will be making an appearance at this year’s PAX East along with developers, LizardCube and GuardCrush, with Streets of Rage 4 playable for the first time to the public in Boston from March 28-31 at Booth 21097.

Streets of Rage 4 is an upcoming side-scrolling beat em up brawler that serves as an continuation to the original Streets of Rage series on the SEGA Genesis with Axel Stone and Blaze Fielding returning back to fight crime after 10 years of absence.

Will you be attending at PAX East to play Streets of Rage 4? Please let us know in the comments below.

Streets of Rage 4 gets new screenshots and gameplay gif

DotEmu has released some new Streets of Rage 4 screenshots, one including a gameplay gif showing off the game’s new juggling mechanic. You can view that up on top in video format.

Below we have a few new screenshots showing off more of Streets of Rage 4’s art style. So far the screenshots don’t show anything brand new, still only includes Axel and Blaze. I guess we will see more announcements come 2019.

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SEGA News Bits: Streets of Rage 4 Announced Reaction

It is hard to believe that the last Streets of Rage game came out way back in 1994, but we are finally getting a Streets of Rage 4. That’s right, not Streets of Rage Mania or a remake of the older games. A brand new title built from the ground up and on this episode of the SEGA News Bits we discuss the released trailer, the information we know and give you our thoughts on the announcement.

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