Sonic Adventure available on Xbox One via backwards compatibility update


If you have been waiting to replay Sonic Adventure but have been too lazy to hook up either your Dreamcast, GameCube or Xbox 360; you’re in luck since its now fully playable on the Xbox One thanks to the latest backwards compatibility update. As you can tell by the photograph above, the XBLA version of Sonic Adventure uses assets from the GameCube version and sticks with its original 4:3 image.

While I have plenty of not so great things to say about how Xbox One brand has been handled, one thing I do think is very ambitious is how Microsoft is setting up the console to be the only Xbox console you would need to own thanks to its focus on backwards compatibility. I find it to be a great solution and a lot better than ‘streaming’ your last generation games like on PlayStation 4. How many of you guys are giving Sonic Adventure another go on Xbox One?

Daytona USA on sale for $2.49 on Xbox One & Xbox 360


SEGA’s legendary Daytona USA HD port for the Xbox 360 is on sale for only $2.49 (regular price: $9.99). Daytona USA HD port is also playable on the Xbox One family of consoles thanks to the backwards compatibility it offers.

Daytona USA on XBLA 

If you have never played Daytona USA before, the game does offer a demo for you to try, so give it a shot. If you want some more Daytona USA while you play Daytona USA HD, give our SEGA Talk Podcast episode all about Daytona USA a shot! Are you picking up the game?

SEGA silently puts Castle of Illusion back on Steam, PSN and XBLA

We talked about SEGA losing the Mickey Mouse license this past September and having to pull Castle of Illusion from online stores, it seems something has changed since they have silently put them back on sale across all major digital platforms. When SEGA was warned about pulling Castle of Illusion they put it on sale as low as a dollar and now that its back its at regular price of $14.99. No idea what happen over at SEGA to make them change their mind or if this is some sort of mistake. Regardless Castle of Illusion is back on digital platforms, if you never picked it up I suggest get a copy while they are live.


Castle of Illusion is also available on mobile platforms, but those were published by Disney, so I didn’t mention them in the pull.  Maybe SEGA has a World of Illusion remake under their belt or Disney came to their senses? If SEGA is renewing old licenses and bringing back pulled games, maybe its time to bring back Afterburner Climax and OutRun 2? What are your thoughts on Castle of Illusion coming back to digital platforms?

SEGA Talk Podcast #10: Jet Set Radio (2000)

This is DJ Professor K, baby, the master of mayhem you know what i’m sayin’ bringing you another Tokyo underground pirate SEGA Talk radio broadcast from Jet Set Radio! On this nitro driven episode we discuss the creation of Jet Set Radio, the game’s iconic soundtrack, regional changes, and a whole lot more. Shake your spray cans, tighten up your skates because we are diving into Jet Set Radio and never leaving Tokyo-to! Calling all GG’s! Like always let us know all your Jet Set Radio memories in the comments below, thanks for listening.

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If you want to give us feedback, suggest a topic for the next podcast or want to ask a question for us to answer on the next episode you can add them as a comment below or send theme directly to our email. Make sure you use subject line ‘SEGA Talk’ and as always, thanks for listening!

Daytona USA now backwards compatible on Xbox One

“Tuu tu-tu tuu tu-tu tu-tu tu-ruu! DAYTONA! Let’s go away.”

The XBLA version of Daytona USA is now available to play on Xbox One via its backwards compatibility. This HD version of the 1993 breakout arcade hit Daytona USA was released way back in 2011 and is now playable on your shiny new Xbox One. It seems this is the closes we will be getting to a Daytona USA re-release, so Xbox fans should be quite thrilled as its the only current generation system with Daytona USA. If any old game is a system seller for SEGA fans, its probably Daytona USA.

Seems to be right in time, seeing as SEGA has revived the Daytona USA brand in their arcade division with a brand new entry to the franchise. Like always if you owned the game already on Xbox 360, all you have to do is log in and re-download it on Xbox One to enjoy it. No need to buy it again. If you don’t own Daytona USA yet, well, get a copy!

Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown playable on Xbox One via backwards compatibility

Screenshot_031We know that PlayStation 4 will get a playable version of Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown as its part of Yakuza 6, but Xbox One owners will now be able to play their Xbox 360 version of Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown thanks to Xbox One’s backwards compatibility feature. Confirmed by Major Nelson, Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown should work today thanks to the new update.

We still haven’t seen tests, but hopefully this gets a few new people playing the game since its basically dead online. But hey, what are your thoughts? Personally feel that if I get a Xbox One, i’ll be spending lots of time playing Xbox 360 games and not sure if that is a good thing.

See what SEGA games made the Xbox One list of Xbox 360 backwards compatible titles


The first wave of backwards compatible Xbox 360 games playable on Xbox One have been revealed, and we’re happy to report that some SEGA games made the list. Interestingly, all but one of the titles are Xbox Live Arcade releases, but by and large it is a solid selection. SEGAbits forum member crackdude was nice enough to share the list and highlight the SEGA titles. You can check out the backwards compatible games by checking out the forum post, or see them after the break!

Sonic The Hedgehog 1 & 2 Virtual Console and XBLA to be delisted October 30th


Via XBLA Watchdog Twitter user Lifelower comes news that SEGA Japan has announced that the Xbox Live Arcade and Wii Virtual Console versions of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 will be pulled tomorrow, October 30th. The reason for the games being pulled is unknown, but there are two possibilities. The most likely reason is that the contract for the games’ music rights, which are held by the original composer Masato Nakamura, are expiring and these versions of the game are affected. Another possible reason is that the Taxman/Stealth remastered versions are finally making their way to consoles, but take that possibility with an Oil Ocean sized amount of salt.

If you haven’t bought these versions yet, you have less than a day to do so. However it should be noted that there are several other versions out there including the original cartridges, Sonic Jam for Saturn, Sonic Mega Collection (playable on both the Xbox 360 and Wii via backwards compatibility), Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection, the aforementioned Taxman/Stealth remastered versions, and 3D Classics versions. I’m sure I missed a couple dozen others, but you get the point.

After Burner Climax likely to be delisted from PSN and XBLA on December 24th

After Burner Climax Header

If you want to own one of the greatest SEGA arcade games from the 2000s, better buy it now as we are hearing reports that After Burner Climax will be delisted from PSN and XBLA (and potentially iOS) on December 24th. This information comes from XBLA news tweeter lifelower, and the information is believable given OutRun Online Arcade was also delisted not too long ago due to an expiring contract with Ferrari. Retro Collect speculates that After Burner Climax is being pulled for the same reason as OutRun Online Arcade – it is likely SEGA’s contract with Boeing and Northrop Gruman, plane whose jet models are used in the game, expires at the end of the year.

We’ll find out for ourselves if this delisting is a sure thing, and in the meantime if you don’t own the game yourself it really is well worth owning. Pending delisting or not! You can find the game on Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Network for $9.99 and on the App Store and Google Play Store for just 99¢.

SEGAbits Gaming Community NiGHTS featuring Streets of Rage Collection


Join us in our next gaming community night with SEGA’s beat’em-up classic, SEGA Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage, this Wednesday night on Xbox Live Arcade. We will be playing through all three games from 7:00pm EST to 11:00pm EST on January 22nd.  Just add “KoriSX15” to your friends list and we’ll be sure to add everyone to the Xbox Live Party to begin the session. Hit the jump for the game schedules.

Art of SEGA: House of the Dead III


House of the Dead isn’t exactly the most beautiful game series, but it still required a substantial amount of concept art in order to determine the design of the protagonists, enemies, and game play scenarios. Below is a load of concept art, provided by our sister site Website of the Dead. As usual, we won’t be posting everything they have, so be sure to check out their database here!
Also, remember to submit something to our art contest!

Review: Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (XBLA)


Before Sonic the Hedgehog, there was Mickey Mouse. In November 1990, Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse released almost simultaneously in America, Europe, and Japan to the SEGA Genesis and Mega Drive consoles. At the time, the game was visually stunning, described in one video preview as “beautiful”, “brilliant” and continuing the tradition of Disney animation. On top of that, the platforming was brimming with inventive platforming elements accompanied by catchy, whimsical music. The game was great at the time, and replaying it in 2013 it is easy to see why it is deemed a platforming classic.

As far back as April of this year there were rumors that a remake was on the way, thanks to digital box art that had leaked. The idea of a Castle of Illusion remake really was an unexpected surprise. Sure the original is fantastic, but few fans were demanding a remake and even fewer fans ever expected SEGA to team with Disney to make it happen. But here we are, the summer is coming to an end, and we have a re-imagining of the SEGA classic. Was a remake really necessary, and does it maintain the magic that made the original so great?

SEGA Australia’s crazy pitch for remaking SEGA classics

[Above is SEGA Australia’s pre-alpha prototype pitch for Golden Axe remake under their label ‘SEGA Reborn’]

SEGA Australia isn’t known as the type of studio that had too many hits, but it seemed that the team was finally hitting their stride with the Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse remake that is coming out in early September. Sadly that will be the studio’s last game, since it was announced that they will be closing by the end of the year.

Seems that the studio pitched for a series of remakes, most notably ‘Golden Axe’ and all to be in a new label called ‘SEGA Reborn’. That’s not all though, the company thought that all these classics should take place in the same universe. Yes, we are talking about Marvel movie treatment with retro games. That would mean that a game like Out Run takes place hundreds of years after Golden Axe.

Much like its remake of Castle of Illusion, they where open to going in and adding new content and fixing issues the originals had. Some of the other games they talked about remaking included Streets of Rage and Shinobi. Hit the jump to see video of the ‘Golden Axe’ remake that the studio pitched to SEGA.