Phantasy Star Online 2 alpha version hints at English localization

You know SEGA, if you just leave hints in the code, we SEGA nerds are going to end up finding it. Remember all the stuff found out from the Sonic Generations demo? You know your fans are going to be checking every single line of code for hints of exclusive information. Well, here is some that might make you smile.

Here’s some localization info:

Between Alpha 1 to Alpha 2 they added the Title screen in different language directories, here is a list:

Take a wild guess on what those stand for.

Petition: Asking SEGA for remastered versions of the Panzer Dragoon games

The guys over at The Will of the Ancients have posted up a very good petition, one that asks SEGA to remaster the past Panzer Dragoon games for current generation consoles. Not to mention the recent passing of artist Jean Giraud, now is the perfect time for SEGA to bring these classics back. You want them, I want them. Sign the petition below!

Spread the above link, everywhere. Also follow The Will of the Ancients on twitter.

Panzer Dragoon Artist Jean Giraud (Mœbius) Has Passed Away.

French artist Jean Giraud has sadly passed away today at age  73. He died of cancer.  Jean earned world fame through his uniquely beautiful art style and worked on many comic books and films including Alien, Tron, The Fifth Element and even Star Wars. Sega fans will know his artwork from the fantastic 1995 game Panzer Dragoon released on the Sega Saturn.

Jean’s art was no doubt one of the biggest influences on the Panzer Dragoon series and went a long way in shaping its beautiful, melancholy world. I’ve personally always been a fan of his art, he created barren yet beautiful landscapes like no other. He will be missed. Rest in Peace, Mœbius.


Swingin’ Report Show #29: Crossover Mayhem


A new week and a new episode of the Swingin’ Report Show. This week George, Sharky and Barry the Nomad talk about Akria Yuki in Dead or Alive 5, salvia and much more. So sit back, enjoy the ride. We have also fixed our RSS feed, you can follow the new one below. We are also submitting the new RSS to iTunes, you shouldn’t have to do anything if you are already subscribed. Hit the jump for the show notes.

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Phantasy Star Online 2 gets announced for Vita

Phantasy Star franchise mastermind Sakai has announced today that Phantasy Star Online 2 is coming to Playstation Vita, in 2013. Yeah, sucks that we have to wait that long. Look at it this way, in the US we will probably wait a lot longer, since the game isn’t even announced here yet.

So the video above might not impress you graphically, but keep in mind the game is only 10% complete. That means that the 3D models, shading and other effects are set to the lowest setting. The good thing? The Vita version will play on the same servers, use the same data as the PC version. So you can buy both and pick the game up on the Vita while you ride a bus. Technology, you gotta love it.

The SEGA Five: Jet Set Radio Regional Rumble

Continuing the Jet Set Radio hype, this week’s Weekly Five will be taking a look at three regional versions of Jet Set/Grind Radio. Those unacquainted with the US, European and Japanese versions of Jet Set Radio may be thinking: “whats the big deal? A ton of Dreamcast titles were released in three regions.” Well, unlike most Dreamcast games, Jet Set Radio had rather notable differences between regional releases. Each version features unique graffiti tags, unique songs, different stages, different character names and voices and even different titles. Of the three, which is the best? That’s what we’ll try to decide today, by comparing five aspects of the games and choosing a winner! Let’s begin.

Hatsune Miku coming to your iPhone and other iOS devices

That’s right, just announced for the iTunes market is Miku Flick, a mobile video game staring Hatsune Miku. Seems in this game, instead of timing your taps with the music, you actually click on the correct lyric while Miku sings. Meaning this will be nearly impossible for people that don’t speak Japanese to play.

Miku Flick is coming out March 9th and will cost you 1,200 yen ($15) on iTunes. Wait, hold on that isn’t all. This game is only playable on the following devices: iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod Touch (4th Gen), iPad and iPad2. This is a Japanese only release, no plans announce to bring this to America or European market.

Yakuza: Dead Souls pre-order trailer is all about the American spirit

Who said that the Japanese can’t appreciate bad taste in fashion and being a patriot? Can’t love this country built on freedom? *waves American flag*

In all seriousness, above is the pre-order trailer for Yakuza: Dead Souls. Which happens to be out March 13th, did you know that? I didn’t. Been too busy playing Binary Domain to notice. Pre-order DLC is exclusive to GameStop stores.

Crush3D out tomorrow, exclusively being sold at GameStop

Well, I predicted that this game was going to fail and it seems that SEGA also predicted it. It was supposed to be out this past Tuesday and it went missing in action. Now, all of a sudden SEGA says on twitter (as a reply, mind you) that it’s coming out tomorrow. Wow. No blog post? Press release? Alright.

@ShaunNorton @sega Is Crush 3D a GameStop exclusive now? Also, when is it coming out?

@nron10 @ShaunNorton Out tomorrow exclusively at GameStop for $19.99!

I guess it isn’t all bad, since the game is going to be $19.99 instead of the usual $39.99. At least you save 50%!


Review: House of the Dead III (PSN)

House of the Dead III was originally released for the arcades back in 2002. A year later it got a port on Xbox, then one for Wii as part of a HOTD two-pack in 2008. Now we have the latest port of the game on PSN. How does this port stack up compared to the last two? Is it worth your hard earned cash? Hit the jump and find out!

Two more Sonic Game Gear games for 3DS inclu-DEAR GOD NO!!!

What?! I don’t und-…wh-WHY?!!

Okay, before I freak out some more, let me clarify. The Australian Clarifications Board has rated Sonic Blast and Sonic Labyrinth (the game that most people see as the WORST Sonic game of all time) for the 3DS Virtual Console. Now, I can’t say much about Sonic Blast because I haven’t played it. But from video I’ve seen and reviews it’s gotten it doesn’t look too hot. Then there’s Sonic Labyrinth. A game where Dr. Robotnik’s big idea to stop Sonic…is to steal his shoes. It’s the Sonic game where Sonic is SLOOOOW! Sega, these are the kind of Sonic games you bury like E.T. carts and never mention again. It’s the equivalent of Nintendo putting those horrible CDi games on the Wii. These kind of games only hurt his reputation and give the haters more fuel.

Sonic Blast and Sonic Labyrinth should be available later this year on the 3DS Virtual Console for the morbidly curious.

SEGA / Namco / Capcom Project teaser site gets updated

We already know that SEGA was teaming up with Namco-Bandai and Capcom to develop a 3DS game. What will be in the game? We don’t know. They are very tight lipped at the moment. The teaser site they created has now been updated. Even though we haven’t posted about the teaser site, all it is right now is a flash site with petri dishes of each publisher. When you click on a petri dish you get to see 5 chromosomes for each publisher. Each has a unique color.

[SEGA’s chromosomes from the teaser site]

Could the unique color chromosomes be hinting at something? Maybe what ‘retro’ characters are going to be used? Capcom and Namco-Bandai have teamed up on the PS2 before and what they released was Namco x Capcom. A Tactical RPG hybrid game. That one didn’t fare too well in Japan with Famitsu giving it 28/40. What do you guys think?

Akira Yuki might not be the only Virtua Fighter to crossover to Dead or Alive 5

It was announced a few days ago that Dead or Alive 5 would be adding Virtua Fighter‘s Akira Yuki to their roster. According to the latest Famitsu interview with Team Ninja boss Yousuke Hayashi, he actually had to fight for SEGA to approve Akria as a guest character. So this means that the team went out of their way to make this happen. Team Ninja isn’t the only big developer that have wanted Virtua Fighter cross-over. Namco have also talked in interviews of their desires of doing a Virtua Fighter x Tekken title.

He says since they went through all this trouble of bringing Akira on board, that he won’t be the only character announced. Yousuke Hayashi doesn’t go into details if he even means the other planned crossover characters are SEGA related at all, but we all know that DOA has a tag-teamed style gameplay. Don’t be surprise if they announce a couple of other Virtua Fighter characters to join the roster.

Oh, for Virtua Fighter fans, Yousuke Hayashi says that Akira gameplay is mostly unchanged from VF5. At least you know some combos going into Dead or Alive 5.  But guess what? Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown is set to hit PSN and XBLA arcade. That title has all the Virtua Fighter characters. That one wins.

SEGA’s K-On! After School Live joins the list of PSP games remastered for PS3

[Above: Original PSP version of the game ]

If you have not heard of the PSP Remastered thing that Sony announced last year, they basically enhance the visuals and sound of PSP games and put them on PS3. One of the first games announced was Monster Hunter Portable 3rd and it looks like a nice upgrade.

So now SEGA is jumping on the train and announced their first title for the PSP remastered program. K-On! After School Live!! HD Ver. Yep, not a Valkyria Chronicles game, something that PS3 fans have been wanting for a long time.  Why give us that, you guys want some HD underage anime girls.

The game is set to be released in early summer. Will support stereoscopic 3D, multiplayer via Adhoc Party and game-sharing with the original PSP title.