Sonic 2 HD is looking awesome, teaser trailer released

The team behind Sonic 2 HD are almost ready to release the alpha build, so to tease the internet they have decided to make one of those teaser trailers that everyone likes.

The game is going to stay ‘true’ to the original and keep the physics, which most Sonic fans seem to like. Should be a solid release, but you have to question why SEGA, a big company, can’t put out a product like this? It isn’t like Sonic games don’t sell…

[Source: YouTube]

Crushing Disappointments: Shadow the Hedgehog

Let’s face it, SEGA can’t knock them all out of the park. No company can. Games have budgets and deadlines, and more often than not it’s more profitable to release a bad game and make some of your money back then cancel it and make none. SEGA is regrettably no stranger to bad games, especially in its awkward early years as a third party.

Among these bad games was a game that ultimately marked the decline of the company’s mascot, Sonic the Hedgehog, into a pit of mediocrity. A pit the character wouldn’t even begin to climb out of until the release of Sonic Colors last year. This game was Shadow the Hedgehog.

Full article after the break.

SEGA in the Media: Inbetweeners play Virtua Tennis

In the 3rd series (5th episode) of the Inbetweeners, Will gets a Wii. What Tennis game does he try out on it? Hint: Not Grand Slam Tennis or Wii Sports whatever. Its Virtua Tennis 2009.

In the show Simon is too scared to stay home alone, since his mom is going away for the weekend with an old college buddy she re-kindled with via Facebook. So he decides to ask Neil, the dim-witted friend, to stay over.

“As long as I bring my PS3 so we don’t have to play those shit Wii games” –

Oh, great they had to bash the game. You can’t have a SEGA game on a show without being called shit afterwords. Curse you!  E4 airs the show in Europe, America gets it on BBC America. As for the rest of the world, check here!

So how well is Virtua Fighter 5 doing in the arcades?

Recently Tekken producer, Katsuhiro Harada, put up a scan of the latest Amusement Journal to show off that Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion was number one. Screw that, what about Virtua Fighter?

Virtura Fighter 5 R came in 5th place and Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown came in at 14th place. This might seem bad, but if you combined the earnings of both titles as one it would come in at a solid 3rd place. R came out in February 2008, so the title is going to be 3 years old soon. While Final Showdown came out in July of last year.

Shows how much more popular Tekken is, since Bloodline Rebellion version came out in December of 2008.

[Source: VFDC]

Sonic 4 premium theme hitting PSN on Janurary 18th

So basically the next PSN store update will include a Sonic 4 premium theme. Premium themes on the PS3 are basically moving themes, they are rather cool, at least some are.

This one will have Sonic in Splash Hill Zone, with Sonic jumping around in the level and then Dr. Robotnik will fly by every now and then. This theme will be FREE if you are a Playstation Plus member (or sign up this month), $2.99 if you aren’t.

[Source: Sonic City Blognik]

Space Channel 5: Part 2 achievements revealed

[Achievement unlock: Super Sexy!]

The guys over at SEGAOnline got their hands on the copy of Space Channel 5 Part 2’s achievements. I assume that the retail collection & PSN version will be exactly the same.

I know that Microsoft has released a disc based compilation of XBLA games and the achievements appear the same as the ‘downloaded’ titles.

Hit the jump to see the list.

Yakuza of the End now featuring celebrity zombies

SEGA held a press confress to announce 3 celebrity zombies that you will be able to find in Yakuza of the End.

The three zombies are:

  • Esper Ito – A Japanese comedian, considered to be one of the funniest. More info.
  • David Ito – David is an actor, mostly famous for his appearances in TV dramas. More info.
  • Terry Ito – Stage producer turned movie director. You can find more information here.

Three celebrities, with the same last name all turn into Zombies? Something is going on! Check out the rest of the screens below.

[Source: AndriaSang]

Total War Shogun 2: Campaign Trailer

Sega sure are releasing a lot of great trailers today! Four new Valkyria Chronicles 3 trailers, two must see Yakuza Of the End trailers and now it is the turn of Total War: Shogun 2.

Another game that just keeps looking better, Shogun 2 is set to be the pinnacle of strategy gaming in 2011. With a return to the roots of the series, not only with the setting and era but a return to the sword based combat which made the series so great to begin with. This makes many Total War fans very happy, including myself!

The game has been refined in many areas not least the multiplayer mode which has really been fleshed out for the first time in a Total War game. The Multiplayer section of Shogun 2 could easily be a stand alone game. In multiplayer you build your own general and compete to be the ultimate ruler of Japan, the Shogun! At the end of each month the overall winner is given the golden shogun armour for bragging rights. Only one person in the whole world may wear this per month! Sounds fun!

Two new Yakuza: Of the End Trailers – Amazing!

With every new trailer and every new bit of information we come across the crazy Yakuza spin off title ‘Ryu Ga Gotoku: Of the End’ AKA ‘Yakuza: Of the End’ just looks better and better.

I hope with this title the series starts to get the recognition it deserves in the West because Sega pulled off a pretty amazing feet putting out a Yakuza game the size of any good RPG pretty much year on year and each time it has got better and better with the exception of Yakuza 3 which didn’t quite live up to the events of Yakuza 2, story wise in my opinion. With this and the English release of Yakuza 4 I’m going to be deep in the Japanese underworld all year in 2011!

Hit the Jump for trailer two!

Aaron Webber: Say My Name, Say My Name

To thank those who bought multiple versions of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1, Ken Balough (Digital Brand Manager, Sonic 4) and Aaron Webber (Community Manager, Sonic 4) issued a little thank you video. As a nice surprise, they revealed that the public thanking would not be limited to those who bought three or more versions of the game. Instead, they would thank every single person who put their name into True Blue initiative. At 1:35 you’ll see and hear Aaron Webber saying my name as he looks deeply into the camera. No doubt hoping that I heard his thanks. Well Aaron, your thanks has been heard. And in return I say: thank you too!

Four Valkyria Chronicles 3 Trailers

Here are four new trailers for Valkyria Chronicles 3, each trailer highlights one of the three groups in the conflict. The East European Imperial Alliance (the bad guys), The Principality of Gallia (The good guys) and in the trailer you see above The Nameless. (The group you will be playing as in VC3)

The fourth trailer details some of the features you will get to use in the nameless barracks such as tank building and weapon modifying.

In my opinion this one looks like the best game in the series yet, far better then Valkyria Chronicles 2 at least.

Hit the Jump for the other three.

Retail Dreamcast collection will pack four games

SEGA have set Feburary 2011 as the date for their ‘Dreamcast Collection’ retail disc. Fans spouted out games they wanted like the usual favorites Shenmue and Jet Set Radio. Sadly, this will not happen, SEGA has confirmed the four games the collection will have.

  • Sonic Adventure
  • Crazy Taxi
  • SEGA Bass Fishing
  • Space Channel 5 part 2

Basically its a compilation of their digital titles they have already announced. Here is something new though, it is also coming to PC, no Playstation 3 version! The press release does not say if Sonic Adventure version will come with the DX downloadable content on disc, my guess is probably not. Hit the jump for the press release.

Yakuza of the End zombie types detailed

[Sexy zombie researcher? Check]

You can’t just have a game with zombies, that doesn’t work. You have to have classes of zombies, every game has to have a variety of these brain munchers and Yakuza of the End is no different. Famitsu this week introduced a few of the classes you can expect in the full game.

  • Yakuza type: These are those annoying people that challenged you to fights in former games at random, now sharp dressed zombies. They aren’t very strong.
  • Nakionna Type: “Nakionna” is those women you see crying at funerals. Them, as zombies, will scream for back up. Take ’em out!
  • Homeless Zombie: Homeless people are zombies too, you know? Even though they are zombies, they act the same… however homeless people act.

If you haven’t seen the other pictures, that lady in white is Reiko Hasegawa, a sexy zombie researcher. She will keep you informed on all your zombie craving news.

[Source: AndriaSang]

HappyConsoleGamer Discuss Their Dreamcast Memories

I’ve been subscribed to these guys on youtube for a while now and I always find them quite entertaining.

This episode they discuss their Dreamcast launch memories and I suspect many of us has a very similar experience. I know the Dreamcast was the golden age of gaming for me and provided my best gaming summer break at one of the most memorable times in my life with some of my best friends. Enjoy!