SEGA Pluto Back On Auction Block


Have a couple of grand you want to burn on a rare piece of SEGA hardware? Roger Vega, a.k.a. kidvid666, has put his rare SEGA Pluto system up on eBay after its initial auction ended at $7,600, failing to meet its reserve limit.

The SEGA Pluto is a sub-planet SEGA Saturn variant, of which only two knowingly exist in the world. The system, while much larger than its model 1 and 2 Saturn brethren (and roughly larger than a combined Model 2 Mega Drive and Mega CD), features a built-in NetLink modem, enabling the system to connect to the Internet for web browsing and playing certain online-enabled titles such as Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition, SEGA Rally,  Saturn Bomberman, and Virtual On. Otherwise, the system is a typical U.S. NTSC Saturn.

Vega demonstrates in a YouTube video that the system, while fully functional, has a broken disc door that needs to have constant pressure weighing it down in order for the system to function properly. As of this posting, the auction is at $501 with over 21 bidders. It is set to end on May 10.

[Image courtesy of Roger Vega]

The second SEGA Pluto console has been found… at a flea market for $1

Yesterday we shared the news that a SEGA Pluto console existed, at least in prototype form, and that according to the source only two existed. Well, thanks to Destructoid reader, we now know where the second one is. The second console, which is designated as the first of two, is owned by kidvid666 who bought the Pluto around five or six years ago at a flea market for… $1. I’m sure many game collectors have their own awesome stories of flea market finds, but this one takes the cake. According to kidvid666, the system works, but the lid is broken and won’t stay shut.

kidvid666 has considered selling the SEGA Pluto on eBay, though given its historical significance, perhaps he should keep it safe and perserved? I’m sure SEGA Retro would take very good care of it.

Sonic Generation mod lets you play as a penis

Have you ever sat down, played Sonic Generations and said “I want to play as a Penis”. Well you are in luck because some like minded pervert has released a rock hard cock mod for Sonic Generations. I don’t think I have to tell you that the above video is possibly NSFW.

VideoGamer compares Aliens: Colonial Marines final build to last year’s demo

VideoGamer has dug up demo footage of Aliens: Colonial Marines, apparently from a demo shown off last year, and compares it scene-for-scene with what we ended up with in the final product. The results are fairly shocking; the graphics, resolution, and the presentation itself are significantly better in this demo in almost every conceivable aspect.

It’s hard to say where development went so wrong on what will likely (and unfortunately) be SEGA’s biggest game this year, but this video speaks for itself.

One day maybe we’ll learn the full story…

Someone wasn’t happy with SEGA’s blog post today

I figured it’d be fun to post something a bit out of the normal since it’s the weekend. Every Sonic fan knows who MarioTehPlumber is. Turns out he wasn’t happy with SEGA’s blog entry today for Hedgehog Day, and thinks Sonic Adventure 3 is coming and it upsets him greatly. Skip to the 2:40 mark for the good stuff if you aren’t patient. Language warning, NSFW, etc.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Wii U day-one patch predicament


UPDATE 2: Nuckles87 here. I’ve finally gotten to what I believe is the fourth and last boost challenge of the main career mode, and the glitch is preset in that one two. This means that 3 of the 4 are affected.

UPDATE: Nuckles87 Says that this only affects the first two boost challenges.

New Wii U owners may not want to update too fast. It seems Sega’s first patch for Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed has a glitch in it that stops all boost challenges from having checkpoints. Leaving you with no other choice but to fail the mission, which leaves you stuck. However, there are some ways around it.

Play while it’s updating and finish the challenge. There’s no guarantee that there won’t be another glitched challenge, but it will get you past that. Editor Nuckles87 has discovered that if you fail the mission four times on easy, it will let you pass to the next challenge.

If you just got your brand new Wii U, I’d recommend holding off on doing the system update until this game breaking issue gets a new patch of its own.

Upcoming book answers the age-old question of “Where’s Sonic?”

While we can’t report on EVERY piece of Sonic merchandise (if we did that, we’d be up to our necks in pencil cases, DVDs, statues, figures and the occasional toothbrush), we do like to share the unique and awesome items emblazoned with Sonic’s mug. “Where’s Sonic?: A Search-And-Find Adventure” is definitely of the unique category. It’s a Where’s Waldo/Wally style book in which fans try and find Sonic as well as other items as they litter recognizable zones and stages from the franchise. Currently the book is only listed in the UK and Australia. Amazon UK is taking pre-orders for £2.99 with free shipping within the UK. The release date is October 11th, so until then try to find Shadow creeping in the shadows in the image above.

Bayonetta director calls Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale a Smash Bros rip-off

Platinum Games’ Hideki Kamiya tells it how he sees it and this time its a shot at Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, a mash up fighter. If you guys have been following the game, it takes ‘Playstation’ greats and puts them together in 2D view fighting game that looks basically like Super Smash Bros. Kamiya doesn’t seem to like the idea of the game.
What do you guys think? Rip off or not?

French hackers + shock collars + a SEGA Genesis = this YouTube video

French hackers Dyak and Furrtek decided that it would be a good idea to connect a shock collar to a SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive. The idea is that every time the on screen character takes damage, the user with the shock collar gets … Well shocked.

Oh, you crazy French people and your need to make awesome inventions like the French Fries and the French kisses. How awesome would this thing be to play with friends with? Imagine a nice tournament of Virtua Fighter. How satisfying.

Hideki Kamiya says he’d make a sequel to Viewtiful Joe before Bayonetta

It’s no secret that there’s a been a strong demand amongst the SEGA fanbase for a sequel to Bayonetta, the popular beat-em-up from Devil May Cry creator Hideki Kamiya. With years having passed since Bayonetta graced consoles and with Platinum Games and SEGA seeming to have parted ways, a sequel (at least, from Kamiya and his team) has seemed less and less likely as time has gone on.

That said, the subject did come up in a recent Famitsu interview, though Kamiya’s answer may not be the one fans were hoping to hear. When asked whether he’d rather develop a sequel to Bayonetta or Viewtiful Joe if given the chance, it turns out he favors the latter.

As a person who really enjoyed Viewtiful Joe and found Bayonetta to be rather annoying, this is actually positive news for me, though I’d imagine many SEGA fans won’t see it that way. Fans shouldn’t give up hope entirely, however, as Kamiya goes on to mention that he and one of Bayonetta’s producers have occasionally discussed the idea of doing a sequel or spinoff; usually, he says, while drinking beer.

Take from that what you will.

The Rudie boobies SEGA of America doesn’t want you to see

No, this isn’t one of George’s old “spot the differences” contests. SEGA Network chum TheGagaman spotted this funny difference between the US and UK sites for Jet Set Radio. See the change? Piranha’s boobies have been covered by a green tank top. Guess somebody at SEGA legal thought the US page was too scandalous for the kiddies. No word if this change will be applied to the in-game character (unlikely), but its a funny example of American squeamishness.

Bayonetta Saved Anarchy Reigns? SEGA Comments!

Following SEGA West’s announcements, many SEGA fans were immediately left wondering what the new direction means for lesser known and new IPs like Rhythm Thief and Anarchy Reigns. While we don’t know the status of the former, we can comment on the latter. Gaming news site reached out to SEGA over the weekend asking what the status is of Anarchy Reigns and SEGA responded:

Anarchy Reigns may appear to be a new IP, but it is actually building on the characters featured in 2009’s MadWorld. In anticipation of the July release, which is still scheduled, expect a series of trailers reminding fans of the MadWorld connection. Also, we know it’s no secret that Bayonetta has been revealed as a bonus character. Given Bayonetta’s popularity, we believe that giving her representation in marketing and on the revised boxart will increase awareness of Anarchy Reigns.

A new title and revised boxart? That’s quite a big change for the game, but it makes sense. SEGA wants to focus on popular established IPs, so putting more emphasis on the game’s MadWorld and Bayonetta connections is a very smart move. This also appears to mean that Bayonetta will not be a DLC character, but rather a guest character much like how Banjo-Kazooie were called out on All-Stars Racing box art. Read the full article at and don’t trust everything you read on a day like today, even if it doesn’t sound so crazy.

Two more Sonic Game Gear games for 3DS inclu-DEAR GOD NO!!!

What?! I don’t und-…wh-WHY?!!

Okay, before I freak out some more, let me clarify. The Australian Clarifications Board has rated Sonic Blast and Sonic Labyrinth (the game that most people see as the WORST Sonic game of all time) for the 3DS Virtual Console. Now, I can’t say much about Sonic Blast because I haven’t played it. But from video I’ve seen and reviews it’s gotten it doesn’t look too hot. Then there’s Sonic Labyrinth. A game where Dr. Robotnik’s big idea to stop Sonic…is to steal his shoes. It’s the Sonic game where Sonic is SLOOOOW! Sega, these are the kind of Sonic games you bury like E.T. carts and never mention again. It’s the equivalent of Nintendo putting those horrible CDi games on the Wii. These kind of games only hurt his reputation and give the haters more fuel.

Sonic Blast and Sonic Labyrinth should be available later this year on the 3DS Virtual Console for the morbidly curious.

SEGA’s edible meat Puyos are selling out

Do you like your dinner staring back at you with a pissed off face? If so, SEGA’s new ‘PuyoPuyoMan‘ (Google translate) might be for you! This meaty edible is part of SEGA promotion for Puyo Puyo’s 20th Anniversary last year. The product came out in January 23rd and already its a big seller. It seems to have sold out at 25 shops.

The PuyoPuyoMan is suppose to include tasty pork and bamboo shoot. They say that the red one is spicy, if you see the picture in the gallery below you will see that they also turned the other Puyo Puyo’s into snacks. A delicious Puyo could be yours for about $2 bucks (and if you live in Japan, of course).

Sonic Appears in a New Progressive Commercial

Typically when a Progressive insurance commercial comes on the air, I mute the television. But this brand new one requires SEGA fans to crank the volume! For whatever reason, Sonic is now in a Progressive ad. Sonic is shown running about to the Sonic 3 invincible theme looking for savings on insurance, which is smart considering he always has a violent evil doctor out to get him. Flo, Progressive spokeswoman, stops him and yammers on about savings and insurance. The ad ends with Sonic celebrating to the Sonic 3 extra life jingle.

Overall, a very unexpected but awesome ad. The animation is well done, and everybody loves some classic Genesis tunes pumping through their speakers. One note: when the humans get toonified, they look very much like Sonic Unleashed-style humans. Cool to see that SEGA hasn’t dropped this style, despite humans being MIA since 2008 (Eggman aside).