Sonic Talk #17: Criticize This!


It’s time for an all-new, slightly different Sonic Talk. We’re cutting waaay back on news discussion and just bringing up two to three main topics per episode along with the usual what we’ve been playing and Comic discussion. It’s my way of..well…ATTEMPTING to keep the conversation flowing well. Also, those of you with sensitive ears should be aware we are no longer censoring any of the naughty words. This means Alex has been unleashed!!

Sonic Talk 16 “2012: We were warned” (about nuckles87’s swearing)


We have a great show in this week’s Sonic Talk. Not only does GX Echidna return, but he brings Evil Dr. Reef with him. It’s a Sonic Talk/Spindash combo! We skip the news and head straight into our 2012 retrospective of all things Sonic. While there wasn’t a major Sonic title out this year, there was still plenty to satisfy fans of the blue blur. We’ll look back at Sonic 4-2, Sonic Jump and of course Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Then, we’ll be heading into Comic Talk where we’ll discuss this past year’s storylines and the impact the Penders case is now having on the book. Then, we end the show with our 2013 predictions. Read on for show notes or to comment in the thread.

Warning to the kiddies, this one’s uncensored so any naughty words are staying in.

Sonic Talk 14: “Heathcliff and Felix All Stars Podcasting Transformed”

An early show this week as we are just two days away from the release of Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed! With that in mind, I talked to Brand Manager Aaron Webber with some final questions on the game that I didn’t get to ask Steve Lycett. I also talk with him about Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz on the Vita and the upcoming Anarchy Reigns. We have a shorter show this week due to everyone’s schedule, but Alex, GX and I still get in some chat about Paper Mario Sticker Star, The sonic Super Digest book and veer off topic on Felix the Cat and Heathcliff for some crazy reason (Which drives GX nuts).


Read on for the full list of topics discussed.

Sonic Talk The 13th: “Keep it on the download”

These past two weeks, I’ve hardly played a thing on disc as so many great games have been making it to the download scene. Now, Sonic’s got a few downloadable games out or coming out himself. This week, we’ll be talking to Community Manager Kellie Parker and Brand Manager Mia Patrino on Sonic Adventure 2 HD. Meanwhile, me, Nux and GX will be discussing the just released Sonic Jump along with exciting news over the new features in the upcoming Sonic The Fighters. As always we’ll have discussions on Sonic news, the recent comics. Plus Sonic music interludes and more! Youtube link will be available later.


Click to comments for the full shownotes.

Sonic Talk Episode 12 “Lycett Unleashed”

UPDATE: [Youtube link]


We’re not waiting for you “rush to the interview” people to cut through our podcast this time. We’re starting with it first!

This week, we got none other than Sumo Digital’s executive producer, Steve Lycett along with design director, Gareth Wilson! We’ll be chatting with him on all things Sonic and All Stars Racing and giving you some juicy, new details. Also, we have a die-hard Sega (and Sakura Wars) fan as a guest. You may remember seeing him cosplaying as Joe Musashi at Sonic Boom, Patrick Gardner. We’ll also be talking about the latest news of course, Sonic #240 and Sonic Unleashed as the main game topic along with a few musical breaks. Check out the show notes in the comments section.

Sonic Talk Episode 11 “Skype sucks”


The internet is a very confusing thing to me sometimes. It carries a ton of data at insane speeds over phone lines and even wireless. The same kind of phone lines that we’ve been using for decades to have conversations. SO WHY CAN’T WE HAVE A PROGRAM THAT ALLOWS US TO HAVE CONVERSATIONS THAT DON’T DROP OFF?!! It’s really insane. It was so bad, I gave up a few times and this episode was originally in six pieces until I wrangled everything together. If you didn’t care for Episode 10’s 3-Hour podcast, you’ll be happy to know that this one comes in just barely over an hour.

Also, sorry for the poor audio quality of the intro. I was trying to do something funny and failed. (Also, I need to keep my fan away from the mic.) Read on for this week’s topics.

Sonic Talk Episode 10 “Better Late than Never”


FINALLY!! Yours truly learned how to edit audio and has a double dose of Sonic Talk for you this week!

Sorry about the lateness of this episode. We recorded this just days before We left for the San Diego Comic Con and it took us forever to get it out. This episode has a lot of GX and Nuckles87 getting on each others nerves in a fun way while I’m lucky to get a word in. One thing I’ll say, this week’s episode has more music than ever before.

Sonic Talk #9: Sonic 4 Episode II After Party

Sadly this episode is a few days late due to E3. But hey, I hope you guys are enjoying all this E3 content that is coming. The main man Ken Balough is back on Sonic Talk this week to talk to us more about Sonic 4: Episode II, now that the game is already out and we all played it, its an interesting talk. Like every week we have your weekly Sonic news, so take a break from all the E3 news and sit back for some Sonic Talk.


Sonic Talk Episode #8: ReDIMPStion

Welcome to a new episode of Sonic Talk with a subtitle everyone (but me) hates! This week, we talk about the possibility of an Episode 3, F4F’s new Modern Sonic statue, the speed that the summer of Sonic tickets sold, Sonic Universe #40 and why Ian Flynn’s Eggman is the BEST Eggman out here.

After all that, we go into a 1 & 1/2 hour discussion all about Sonic 4 Episode 2. All of us have played it and we give our thoughts on both the game and the Sonic series in general.


Sonic Talk Episode 7 “Transformed”

In this special episode of Sonic Talk, Shigs and Nuckles87 are joined by Sven Joscylene AKA Dreadnux (Sonic Stadium, Spong) to talk all things All-Star. All three of us have gotten our hands on the game and will be discussing it at length along with what our choices would be for racers and courses. Tell us your favorite Sega franchise you would like to see in the game by hitting the comment section.

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Sonic Talk Episode #6: Ask Ian

Shigs and Ian at San Diego Comic-Con 2011

Flynn Lives!

This week on Sonic Talk we got a very special guest as Archie Comic writer Ian Flynn is in the house. In case you don’t know, Ian Flynn is the writer on Several Archie books including The New Crusaders, Mega-Man, Sonic Universe and of course, Sonic the Hedgehog!

We’ve got almost 3 hours with main man behind the Sonic comics. Mainly, we’re talking all things ArchieSonic and other books, but we also talk about the latest Sonic Scuttlebutt, Sonic Universe #39 and give Sonic ’06 a thrashing with some interesting info provided by Ian. Go get some coffee cuz it’s gonna be a long one!

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Sonic Talk #5: This episode is totally Metal!

Sorry for how late this episode is and we have no extra guest this week. But we’ll make up for that next week with IAN FLYNN!! For now, it’s just me and Nux talkin’ all things Sonic.

This week, we talk about the Sonic 2 HD fiasco, the reboot rumor, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic 4-2 Avatar items and of course, Sonic 4 Episode Metal. In comic talk we’ll discuss Sonic Universe #38 along with a little of #39, the weepfest that is Sonic #235 and I’ll tell you EXACTLY who the supposed “traitor” is! (I’m using quotation marks cuz technically, there is no traitor.) If I’m wrong, Ian Flynn can shave my head at the San Diego Comic-Con! All this and our game topic of the week is the awesome Sonic Triple Trouble!

If you have a question for Ian Flynn leave it in our comment section by Thursday morning and it may make it on the air.

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Sonic Talk #4: Episode 2

Here it is folks! Only our fourth show in and we got our first big guest. Sonic 4 Brand Manager, Ken Balough! He’ll be answering some of your concerns about the upcoming Sonic 4: Episode 2.

But that won’t be until the middle of the show. In the meantime, Nuckles 87 and I are joined by GX Echidna and nSega54 to talk about what small news we have on the upcoming Game Gear games for 3DS, our favorite Archie Sonic artists, what Sonic would look like if he was drawn by slices of pizza instead of artists, and, after the interview, we talk about the Sonic Advance series. Read on to leave a comment or see our show notes.

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A less tired Jet joins us again as we talk up all the latest scuttlebutt in Sonicdom. From Sonic 4 Trailer, to Antoine’s explosive personality to more of Penders wacky hi-jinks! Make sure to listen in for a big announcement about next week’s show!

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