First 4 Figures wants your ideas for a Sonic the Hedgehog 25th anniversary figure


First 4 Figures is asking on Facebook for ideas for the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 25th anniversary statue. If you ever had a big idea for high quality Sonic the Hedgehog figurine, then you should probably post it up on their Facebook.

What would your ideal 25th anniversary statue look like? Throw your ideas/wish lists our way! There’s only a few things you need to keep in mind:

-Classic Sonic is to be the main focus, but don’t let that stop you from including other things from his history such as classic items.

-The statue needs to be as all-encompassing as possible

First 4 Figures previously did a 20th anniversary figure that sadly was only available to SEGA employees, this time around everyone will be able to buy the 25th anniversary figure. HA! Take that, SEGA employees!

Tembo the Badass Elephant Steam page shows July 21st release date


Turns out that we don’t have to wait long until we can play Tembo the Badass Elephant. The Steam Store page for Game Freak’s new game that just went up shows that the game will be released just two and a half weeks from now on July 21st. The game will launch at $14.99/€12.99, though you can also get it for 10% off by pre-purchasing.

We don’t know the release date of the PS4 and Xbox One versions yet, but it’s probably safe to assume that it’ll be released on the same day on those platforms.

Corey Marshall the English voice for Ryo Hazuki reprises role for Shenmue 3


It has now been confirmed that the voice actor for the English version of Ryo Hazuki, Corey Marshall, will reprise his role in Shenmue III. Corey Marshall has been a huge Shenmue supporter, especially when when it came to advocating for a new entry into the franchise. Many people had a love and hate relationship with the delivery and how he played Ryo’s character, but for those that have nostalgic memories playing the Western releases of Shenmue 1 & 2x will be thrilled to know the old Ryo has returned.

Corey Marshall has decided to help the cause of funding Shenmue III by adding a a new reward tier, as a $1,000 reward where you get a personalized Ryo voice message. If you pick up this tier, you will also get everything included in the $500 dollar package.

What do you guys think of Corey Marshall reprising his role of Ryo Hazuki? Did you guys want to see someone new? Do you think they even needed English voices? Let us know in the comments. 

Swingin’ Report Show #80: Interview with Aaron Webber, Sonic the Hedgehog PR & Social Media Manager

He’s back! After leaving SEGA of America in 2014, Aaron Webber has returned as the PR & Social Media Manager for the Sonic the Hedgehog brand. Since returning, Aaron has been making waves on the Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, catching both fan and media attention with his sly wit and deep knowledge of the franchise.

Aaron was kind enough to sit down with us for an hour in his first interview since returning to SEGA to talk about his new role, SEGA’s move to LA, his approach to interacting with fans, Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice, his favorite Sonic games, and answers to some burning canon questions!

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Prepare to bare your knuckles: SEGA 3D Classics “3D Streets of Rage 2 ” releases July 16th in North America

Screen Shot 2015-07-02 at 9.34.13 AM

If you own a Nintendo 3DS and live in North America, make sure to “Go Straight” to the eShop to download the latest SEGA 3D Classics title: the bare knuckle classic Streets of Rage 2! 3D Streets of Rage 2 will be priced at $5.99 and will feature the original game fans have come to love as well as new modes including “Rage Relay” (called “Quartet Mode” in Japan) which allows you to use of all four characters sequentially while playing solo. The game is also set to feature local co-op multiplayer.

July 16th can’t come quickly enough! More release information, including other territories, will be posted as we hear it.

SEGA and Picomy’s Heroki releases to the iOS App Store


The long awaited Heroki, an iOS game developed by Dutch developer Picomy Games and published by SEGA, was re-revealed late last month and now it is released and available to purchase and play! Priced at $7.99 (that’s right, this isn’t free to play and there are no micro-transactions!), Heroki is a touchscreen controlled flight-based platformer starring the titular hero Heroki who is defending the sky village of Levantia from the evil villains Dr. N. Forchin and Vapor. The game promises 10+ hours of gameplay, dozens of enemies, mini-games, side-quests, 60fps and iCloud saving. After the break, read a full description of the game, and stay tuned to SEGAbits for the eventual review!

Developer Retrospective: From the Gridiron to the Basketball court, these are the games of SEGA’s Visual Concepts


This month we will be celebrating the games of Visual Concepts, a western developer that is best known for the creation of the 2K Sports franchise of games. Not only did they have a long history battling EA on the Dreamcast; but they continue to battle against the EA Sports brand video games even after leaving our favorite publisher. What better month than July to focus on this largely overlooked and talented US-based development team. After the break, let’s look back at the games and history of Visual Concepts!

SEGA announces 7th Dragon III Code: VFD for Nintendo 3DS

SEGA has announced a new entry into its 7th Dragon RPG series with 7th Dragon III Code: VFD, the series is making its return to the Nintendo platform by coming out on the 3DS. While the official website doesn’t have information on the story, we do know the following people are working on the project:

The franchise has been jumping around with the first entry making its way to the Nintendo DS, while the second one came out on PSP and now its back on Nintendo’s handheld. Do you think it will effect sells when it comes out in Japan this upcoming October 15th, 2015? Since the first two never made it West, I wouldn’t hold my breath for a western announcement on this 3rd installment.


[Source: Siliconera]

Hit Reset sharpens his skills in Wild Woody for the SEGA CD

This time on Hit Reset, we take a look at a long forgotten footnote in SEGA’s history, a mascot platformer by the name of Wild Woody. Barely remembered at its release and even less remembered now, Wild Woody is generally considered to be one of the worst platformers ever made during the era.

However, I see things just a little bit differently. Wild Woody has some things no other game ever had, for better or worse. So, if you wanna learn what in the hell this odd platformer is, or watch me defent a notoriously bad game, well, this is your shot, and trust me, i have quite a bit of help to do this…

Thanks to Joesph Kerska (the real, original voice of Woody), Bumblefoot (the game’s composer), and everyone else who helped make this video far better then it had any right to be.

Like this video? Subscribe to the SEGAbits YouTube channel, and make sure to check out more of my videos!

Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Ignition location test gameplay hits online

While we are getting closer to the American release of Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax, there is already a ‘expanded’ version of the game being tested for release in Japan. While some people are calling it a ‘sequel’, to me it seems like a update to the game, sort of how Street Fighter II was updated to Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting a year after release.

The video clip above shows off new characters Quenser Barbotage (from Heavy Object) and Emi Yusa (from The Devil is a Part-Timer). Fighting Climax Ignition is set for arcades this summer in Japan, while the first game is coming to Playstation 3 and Vita in America on August 25th.

What do you guys think of this game? Will this updated release effect your purchase in August?

Playstation does a Yakuza 5 interview with Toshihiro Nagoshi and Masayoshi Yokoyama

Its been a long journey for us Yakuza fans, I’m seriously surprised at the cult fanbase the franchise has garnered in the West. I have been pretty much into the Yakuza series since I heard about the first title, since it reminded me of a 3D Streets of Rage brawler mixed with RPG elements. After the sales failure that was Yakuza 1, I never thought we would really get a chance to play another entry in the west, guess what? We are literally in our 5th release (6th if you count Dead Souls) in the West and this one sets to conclude the journey.

The developers talk about their goals with the series, basically about how there weren’t many games that where aimed at an adult Japanese audience specifically and how that was the birth of the franchise. Check out the intereview and make sure to pick up Yakuza 5 this fall on Playstation 3.

Yu Suzuki’s Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Twitch Q&A: Looking into adding physical PS4 copies

It seems that the world needs to know more and more about the Shenmue 3 KickStarter as each day passes, so Awesome Japan got Yu Suzuki to do a live Twitch stream answering fan questions regarding the KickStarter. While the stream had some issues starting up and the quality in the video being behind times it did answer quite a few important questions.

One of the biggest requests is for Shenmue 3 is a physical copy on the Playstation 4, so far they have only been offering up a digital copy for Sony’s newest machine; while the PC got both digital and physical. Yu Suzuki says he is looking into adding it as a tier.

Yu Suzuki also clarified how some of the mechanics work on some of their stretch goals, like the ‘character perspective system’ will let you play as Shenhua and Ren in Baisha. Another question he answered was about how much story would be cut from Shenmue 3 and according to Yu Suzuki he decided not to cut much of the story out; thus Shenmue 3 won’t not conclude the saga after all. 

He also announced via Twitch that he would be adding a few grab bags of old Shenmue merch as rewards, but those where gobbled up rather quickly.

SEGA 3D Classics, Atlus sale on 3DS eShop


SEGA and Atlus have given 3DS owners another reason to check out their games on the eShop, where the companies have put ten of their games on sale.

The following SEGA 3D Classics titles are being sold for half-off at $3 a piece until July 2:

  • Streets of Rage
  • Space Harrier
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Shinobi III
  • Galaxy Force II
  • Ecco the Dolphin
  • Altered Beast
  • Super Hang-On

If you haven’t ever played these games before, now is a good a time as any to try them!

Atlus, meanwhile, is selling both Shin Megami Tensei IV and Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked for a third off, at $20 each, until June 29.

Yu Suzuki issues a statement regarding Shenmue 3’s budget


The Shenmue 3 kickstarter has now been updated to include a new statement made by Yu Suzuki regarding the funding and budget of the project. Lots of websites and  some YouTubers have been questioning if people should be donating to the KickStarter, some thinking that Sony is going to ‘fund the game anyway’. Most of these allegations are put to rest by Yu Suzuki himself, again, considering this isn’t the first time he has spoken about Sony’s involvement.

Sony and Shibuya Productions have been wonderful partners because they believe in Shenmue and want to see the best for the fans and the game. Their investment in (and support of) Shenmue have helped to realize a sequel that will stand proud with its predecessors. While it is not business practice to discuss the specific details of such arrangements, I can say that with their assistance on the production and marketing end, and in Sony’s case with some publishing support as well, Ys Net is able to use more of the money we collect through Kickstarter purely for Shenmue 3’s development. It is also important to note that your funds are going strictly to Ys Net for development of Shenmue 3 – Sony and Shibuya Productions are not seeing a cent of your Kickstarter dollars.

Like I stated in our podcast, this is basically what I assumed: KickStarter money goes into development of Shenmue 3 while Sony helps with marketing (announcing the KickStarter at their stage is a big advertisement push) and helps publish it on PlayStation 4. I would consider this to be fair, considering as fans we want all donated money to go towards a better Shenmue 3 video game and not advertising. Having this deal set up lifts the burdan of YS Net of trying to also fund a marketing budget. One more thing to note is that the whole statement didn’t mention SEGA once, making me think they licensed the name as they would stuff like the vinyl release of the Shenmue soundtrack. That means that SEGA will just make a cut on top of what the game sells.

Yu Suzuki stated in the update that he will try to be more transparent about Shenmue 3‘s development. What do you guys think of Yu Suzuki’s statement talking about the budget of Shenmue 3?