Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Wii U features revealed

Eurogamer has shared some details straight from developer Sumo Digital on the Wii U version of Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed.

The Wii U GamePad screen will double as a rear-view mirror as well as a weapon’s eye view; once fired, you’ll be able to use the screen to guide homing rockets to their targets. This comes with a risk, of course, as racers doing this will be taking their eyes off the main screen. In addition, the game will also support Remote Play.

The Wii U, which Sumo Digital claimes is at least on par graphically with the PS3, will launch later this year, probably at around the same time as Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed, which releases in November.

Just what is SEGA Alliance?

SEGA Vintage Collection, SEGA Heritage and now SEGA Alliance. Seems SEGA is on a roll with these new defining terms for titles, and frankly I love it. Maybe we no longer have the many development teams as we did in the Dreamcast days, but it’s refreshing to have a bit more order in the titles being released. What is Alex Kidd & Co.? Why it’s a Vintage Collection release. What is NiGHTS HD rerelease? A SEGA Heritage release. And so, when we get to the recently released Jack Lumber, what is it? A SEGA Alliance release. Straight from SEGA’s mouth (also known as a press release):

SEGA® of America, Inc. and SEGA® Europe, Ltd. today announced the formation of a new publishing initiative, SEGA Alliance. The SEGA Alliance will focus on publishing mobile games made by independent developers. The SEGA Alliance will provide participating developers with comprehensive marketing and production support as well as creative consultation.

It’s an intriguing initiative to be sure, and perhaps it will satisfy SEGA fans who get up in arms about distinctions. I won’t even get into the many “Bayonetta is/isn’t a SEGA character” fights I’ve been in. Now if somebody says “Is Jack Lumber a SEGA character?” you can reply “He’s a character from Owlchemy Labs whose game was published by SEGA. He’s a SEGA Alliance character.”

SEGA did clarify for us, via twitter, that Hell Yeah! is NOT a SEGA Alliance title. So keep up the “Is Ash a SEGA character” arguments.

Sega’s Newest IP, Jack Lumber chops it’s way onto iOS

Many folks around Gamescom were lumbering around Sega’s booth and finally axed them. “What’s this new IP you’ve been barking about”? Well, they finally couldn’t leaf it be any longer. Sega has branched out again to smaller developers. This time, to publish “Jack Lumber”. OWLchemy Lab’s latest hoot of a game. The game itself seems to be a mix of Fruit Ninja and Flight Control. You may have logged some time into this title earlier this year at PAX East. The game is available now on iTunes at 99 cents for a limited time. That’s a small amount of green! I’m so excited, I’m sporting wood! Read on for 12 minutes of gameplay video and official description.

My Life with SEGA becomes one with the Force in Star Wars: Rebel Assault

This week, My Life with SEGA returns to a galaxy far, far away in Star Wars: Rebel Assault for the SEGA CD. Will it be a day long remembered, or will it end up being Bantha poodoo?

It may be hard to believe, but long before Greedo shot first, or the prequels devided the fanbase, I was playing Rebel Assault; my very first Star Wars game. It has been a day long remembered….

Now, 18 years since it’s release on the SEGA CD, I ask myself, “Is it still a day worth remembering?”

Let’s find out.

Like this video? Subscribe to the SEGAbits YouTube channel. Do it. We can feeeeeel your anger.

U wanna see Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Wii U screens?

SEGA has released a number of new screens for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, but this time they’re giving us some Wii U screens along with the usual 360/PS3 screens. To be honest, I see little difference between the Wii U screens and the 360 and PS3, but then again Wii U isn’t that big an upgrade so it makes sense. Anyway, enough hating on Nintendo. After the break, check out our gallery of Wii U and 360/PS3 screens!

SEGA Tunes: Rhythm Thief Month “Melody of Hope”

Melody of Hope is a very dynamic, beautful track. Despite it’s name, it does not start out as an optimistic song. Indeed, from the offset it’s quite foreboding. Then, about midway, it begins to change it’s tone. There is some genuine conflict in the song as it evolves into something truly optimistic and uplifting. This is the kind of track that can really be appreciated on it’s own, even without a game, and highlights just how spectacular the Rhythm Thief soundtrack can be. It also goes very well with its plays in the game’s storyline, which I won’t elaborate upon so as to avoid spoilers.

Below is Moon Princess, Marie’s first song in the game and alongside Melody of Hope, also one of the its best tracks.

High Voltage: “We harbor no ill will towards Sega”

There have been lots of rumors hitting the internet about High Voltage, one of those rumors was that High Voltage was mad at SEGA for not shipping more copies of the game to retailers. High Voltage’s  Eric Nofsinger decided to tackle the rumors and give the fans answers to misinformation.

“We do wish that Conduit 2 had been carried by more retail outlets but we harbor no ill will towards Sega.”

In the end of the day, I completely forgot this studio existed. Don’t get me wrong, I hope the best to them and their employees, but they have yet to make a game that is spectacular.

James Rolfe looks back on the SNES vs. Genesis war

Cinemassacre’s James Rolfe, also known as The Angry Video Game Nerd, has posted up part one of a multi-part retrospective of the SEGA vs. Nintendo wars of the 90’s. It’s really a great watch, with James looking back on his childhood self and having a laugh at his Nintendo fanboy arguments against SEGA. Now, an older and wiser James reminisces about the classic “Genesis Does What Nintendon’t” campaign, gives SEGA a lot of love and promises a proper console vs. console video in part two. Check it out!

Let’s evaluate the Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed track roster, shall we?

Three months until the release of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, and there is still a lot we don’t know. What racers have we yet to see? How does the vehicle mod system work? Is Cream the Rabbit somewhere in the game? Thankfully, we’re not completely in the dark, as Sumo Digital and SEGA have revealed quite a bit since the game’s announcement. I thought I’d write up a short article collecting all we know of the game’s track roster. What has been announced, what has yet to be announced and what SEGA eras are getting represented? After the break, we’ll answer those questions! But not the one about Cream, sorry.

SEGA confirmed to be at LAUNCH event this year

The full title of the event is “LAUNCH: Future Gaming & Digital Conference 2012”. Basically the two day event will get industry people to talk about launching a project in the gaming industry. So if you are intrested in breaking into the gaming industry, check it out. Others at the event include Microsoft, Codemasters and Activision. Hit the jump for the full press release.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed gameplay trailer reveals After Burner track and more!

Today SEGA has released a brand new trailer for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed and it’s a must watch for any SEGA fan. Not only does the game looks pretty darn sweet, but it also confirms a few more tracks including an After Burner track named “Carrier Zone” where you race around air craft carriers, a track based on Starlight Carnival of Sonic Colours fame named “Galactic Parade” and a Samba de Amigo stage based on a movie studio named “Samba Studios”. But most exciting of all, for me, is that there is a track based on Skies of Arcadia, entitled “Rogues Landing”. Consider my timbers well and truly shivered! Names for previously revealed tracks have also been named: NiGHTS will race through “Dream Valley” and the special/bonus edition of the game will feature OutRun’s “OutRun Bay”.

See if you can spot anything I’ve missed, and after the break check out the first screen of the Seaside Hill track named “Ocean View.

Aliens: Colonial Marines “Get your name in the game” contest

“Free hugs!”

Gearbox is continuing the contest they started at PAX East earlier this year with “Aliens Colonial Marines – Name in the Game Contest”. It’s pretty simple actually. Just E-Mail the community team, mention the contest in the subject header and tell them what name you’d like to have in the game. The contest ends on august 24, so there’s still some time. Full details from the Sega blog in the comment section.

Eat at McDonalds, get a chance to win Sega E-Store money, games or Sonic comic

Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce and stop the presses!

In “late because I didn’t hear about it until now” news, McDonalds has been having a “Win USA wins, you win!” contest going on. It appears one of the many prizes you could win is $10 in Sega E-Store money. After checking the official contest site, it looks like you also have a chance at the two Sega London 2012 games (including Mario and Sonic) along with a Sonic comic about the Olympics. Appearently with an exclusive cover. Better get a move on, as the final events are this Sunday! Man, I wished I’d have known sooner.

So the good news is, you may win some Sega money! The bad news is, you have to eat at McDonalds. XP

Jet Set Radio HD gets a price “tag” and release dates!

YES!! @#$*ing finally!

Today, the Sega blogs have finally given us both the long-awaited release dates and price for Jet Set Radio HD. This digitally distributed darling will arrive on September 18th for PSN and the 19th for LIVE and Steam. Better news for those with Playstation Plus, you’ll be getting it a week early on September 11th. As promised, all 3 dates are technically still “summer” (although, I don’t know a single kid who won’t be in school by then). Those waiting for the Vita version will have to wait just a little bit longer as it arrives on October 16th. All versions will arrive at a super-cheap price of $9.99 (I’d have totally paid double that, but don’t tell Sega). No word yet on the iOS and mobile versions. Press release details at the comment link.