More Sonic & Mega Man crossover art – Knuckles and Shadow meet their rivals

Archie Comics has released more promotional art for their 2013 Sonic & Mega Man crossover event. This time they’re showing off Sonic’s rivals who, in turn, have their own rivals. Looks like Knuckles will be meeting Mega Man’s rival Proto Man, while Shadow will meet Bass. I gotta say, these team ups really work well! Far better than a Mario crossover, in my opinion. So who is next? While, I’d imagine Tails will be paired with Doctor Light and I’d love to see Amy Rose paired with Tron Bonne. I could even see more obscure Archie Sonic characters, like Sonic’s dog Muttski, paired with Mega Man’s dog Rush. After the break, check out Shadow and Bass as well as a larger image of the Sonic & Mega Man logo.

First PSO2 Update Trailer & Info

The first major update to PSO2 titled ‘Wake Up Big Machines: Update Number 1’ is already close to release! Update Number 1 will include ‘The Underground Mine’ a new adventure field, clothes, new enemies, two new bosses, new quests, interrupt events and client orders and will release on July 18th.

Personally I hope all of this content is already included in the default English release of PSO2. That way the base game has more content from day one and we won’t already be months behind the Japanese.

Make sure to check out that trailer, it’s awesome!

Regarding the spam comments…

If you haven’t noticed we’ve been getting a lot of spam lately. I’ve went and added a field to our form, if you have any trouble with it, please contact us. I don’t think you will have any trouble though, I tested it pretty well. If you were having trouble earlier, it should work now, I was busy implementing it earlier.

Archie’s Sonic & Mega Man – When Worlds Collide announced

We shared the teaser, but here’s the official announcement. Archie Comics, SEGA and Capcom have officially announced a twelve issue comic book cross-over of the Sonic and Mega Man franchises, entitled “When Worlds Collide”, to be released in 2013. The cross-over will span four issues of Sonic the Hedgehog, four issues of Mega Man and four issues of Sonic Universe to create a twelve issue story. Archie’s Paul Kaminski shared a few details on the event: “We’ve been gearing up for this for years. From the moment we had Mega Man at Archie, we knew we wanted to bring Sonic and the Blue Bomber together. It’s a big budget movie featuring two of the most storied video game franchises. This has never happened before. We’re making history here, and it’s going to knock people for a loop. This is what comics are all about – drama, fun, action and tons of surprises. Fans will not be disappointed.”

Sega Registers New Trademarks

Sega have recently registered the following trademarks
-Rusty Hearts
-Border Break Union
-Deko Boko Chibi Kart
-Lop It
-Yume, Kanaeshimono

Border Break Union appears to be a new version of Segas hit Arcade game Border Break and Yume, Kanaeshimono is the sub-name of Yakuza 5. As for the others, we’ll just have to wait and see. If I was to hazard a guess I would say Lop It and Deko Boko Chibi Kart sound like Arcade games whilst Rusty Hearts sounds more like a JRPG.

Say “Hello” to the Sonic Hello Kitty

Sega and Sanrio have teamed together to bring you some new Sega products. First thing out the door is a so-adorable-it-makes-you-want-to-puke Hello Kitty Sonic which combines their two biggest franchises into one plush. The plush will be available at Sega Joyopolis later this month. Sega has stated that the plush will be available worldwide by summer 2013.

SEGA Tunes: Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure: The Musical!

Today, the first original SEGA rhythm game since the days of Space Channel 5 and Samba de Amigo, makes it’s debut. Rhythm Thief, available exclusively for the 3DS, is part rhythm gam and part Professor Layton-esque puzzle game, with a healthy amount of inspiration from SEGA’s classic rhythm games sprinkled throughout. This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, since the game is directed by Samba de Amigo director and Sonic Team alumni Shun Nakamura.

To mark the occasion, the good people over at Random Encounter Entertainment have put together a little musical based around the game’s characters and plot. It’s a funny little musical number that does a pretty good job of actually explaining what the game is about. Big thanks goes to the people of Random Encounter for putting together this little tribute to a game that will probably go ignored when it is released today, and to Aaron Webber for both co-producing this and sending it in to us!

SEGA Officially Announces US & EU Release of Phantasy Star Online 2 in 2013

I’m very happy to report that Sega has finally announced Phantasy Star Online 2 will be released in Europe and North America. I’m sure we all suspected it was only a matter of time but it’s always nice to know it’s official. 2013 though? That seems like a long, long way away. Then again I’ve waited over a decade for a true sequal to PSO I suppose I can wait another six months.

I only hope that by the time it releases in the west it has all of the updates the Japanese version will have received in the meantime and all available from the start. I really hope there isn’t a repeat of Phantasy Star Universe where the Japanese were always far ahead when it came to updates.

Hit the jump for the press release.

The Weekly Five: Things Sega is doing right


Things look a bit bleak over at Sega. There’s been a lot of restructuring that’s been occurring as of late. Several titles have been cancelled or delayed to focus on more AAA games. The European and Australian offices have been closed down. Jun Sunoe had to sell his guitar for cash and is now using an old ukulele and poor Takashi Iizuka had to change his toothpaste from Crest: Ultra Whitening to store brand!

Okay, those last two are lies, but the Sega outside of Japan has been in dire straits as of late. However, things are not as bad as they seem. Some recent decisions have actually been very beneficial to the company. Read on to see why those dark clouds may be breaking up into blue skies.

NiGHTS announced as racer and track in Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed UPDATE: Video link added

Update: Watch the Summer of Sonic video here, footage begins at 1:17:40, there is also a Q&A with Sumo Digital at 0:27:30

Update 2: DiGi Valentine tells us on Twitter that the race track areas seen in the video are: Spring Valley, Gilwings Lair and Wizeman’s boss arena.

Summer of Sonic is in full swing, and Steve Lycett of Sumo Digital took the main stage to talk about Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed. The big reveal of Steve’s presentation was that NiGHTS will feature in the game as both a racer and a track. Sonic Wrecks tweeted a few details, stating that the game will have both NiGHTS and Reala, NiGHTS rival, as racers driven by a Pian (those little chubby angels). No word yet on which NiGHTS game will feature, but I’m guessing the original as it is far more popular and is rereleasing this year. Also no word on if the NiGHTS and Reala racers take up two roster slots or if they’ll be considered alternate skins of the same racer. When we hear more, we’ll share it here. This is great news for NiGHTS fans! Details after the break.

Fans unhappy about lack of female characters in Colonial Marines multiplayer

It seems that many are unhappy about the character creation system in Aliens: Colonial Marines’ multiplayer mode, specifically, in its lack of female options. It’s a strange thing indeed, especially given the importance females have played in the Alien films: according to Gearbox, however, though your multiplayer character will be customizable, you’ll only have the option to create a male.

A petition written by Aliens fan and female video gamer Melissa K has received close to 2,000 signatures since early June and can be viewed after the break. In it, she affirms her support for Gearbox Software, and specifies that their position is not one of outrage, but of something that they feel is a core part of the Aliens franchise and should be addressed.

What do you think? Should Gearbox change the multiplayer (even if it means delaying the game yet again) to allow for female characters, or is their (confirmed) presence in the game’s single-player enough? Leave your comments below and Continue Reading to check out the petition.

Sega Arcade returns to San Diego Comic-Con

More good news from Sega! Along with Sonic Boom this year, once again Sega will be having the Sega Arcade. Aliens: Colonial Marines and Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed will be the featured games of the arcade. Sadly, no upcoming digital titles will be shown. There will be an artist singing and no doubt some cool swag being given out as well. Read on for the press release with more info.

UPDATE: By popular demand, more Sega girls!

My Life with SEGA reviews one of the worst fighting games on Genesis, Slaughter Sport

I think the first few seconds of the video should sum up the game pretty well. What the fuck indeed. Did someone say fuck? Must be an episode of My Life with SEGA!

“It’s a very special episode of My Life with SEGA this week. With my special guest star, Mickey Mac, we review one of the absolute worst fighting games ever released on the Sega Genesis.”

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