InsideOut DCJY: Fast Striker

Video courtesy of The Dreamcast Junkyard

Earlier this week, the staff were discussing what possible Dreamcast news we could share this weekend. With the inclusion of retro writers we’ve tried to bring you new Dreamcast news every weekend, though our last 2 DC posts have really been about price drops and free games. For those who wanted more than just discounted offers should know it has been a very tough year for Sega’s Dream Machine, especially compared to previous years. Last year we had 3 original DC releases (IRiDES, DUX, & R4) and this year NG:Dev.Team were kind enough to port their latest Neo-Geo title. Without it this would’ve been the system’s first year without a new game, so let’s all be thankful to them.

This week our initial plan was to showcase an interesting peripheral from Dream Past (word play :P) that many of our readers may have missed out on. We’ll be showcasing that mystery peripheral next week, as this week  we have something better: GagaMan of DCJY (and SGNW affiliate) takes us InsideOut: Fast Striker.

Video after the jump

Misconceptions about SEGA’s 2010 games

Something that I hate is when one someone writes something about a game that gets echoed everywhere I go. These people that keep on babbling on about how this game has these issues or its  a clone of some other mainstream game, most of the time these individuals never end up actually playing the game in question for themselves.

I have decided to give my 2 cents on what I consider false assumptions of SEGA’s 2010 games.

Sega to celebrate 20 years of Sonic and Puyo Pop in 2011!

Ladies and Gentlemen… Na, who am I kidding, Gentlemen and Gentlemen! The time is almost upon us!

In a matter of hours it will be 2011, and with 2011 comes not one anniversary of great importance amongst Sega fans everywhere but two! Yes, both Sonic the Hedgehog and Puyo Pop turn 20 this year! To celebrate, on the stroke of midnight, (Japanese time)  Sega has already began the hype.

Sega have released a press statement suggesting that they have a number of projects lined up for both the Sonic the Hedgehog and Puyo Pop franchises in 2011. They weren’t specific on what these ‘projects’ entail but I suspect they will hold events as well as release celebratory games.

You can visit the Sonic anniversary site HERE.

If the next Sonic game is as good if not better then Sonic Colours and we get another great Puyo Pop game, Yakuza 4 and Yakuza of the End, Valkryia Chronicles 3, Bayonetta 2, Shogun 2, Creative Assembly’s new action game and of course Phantasy Star Online 2… Well shit, 2011 is going to be a sweet year for us Sega fans!

So happy new year from Segabits, have a good one and I’ll see you next year folks! I’m off to get wasted!

Game that shocked SEGA & Platinum Games producers in 2010

4Gamer talked to Japanese developers, asked them all the following questions:

  1. What game released in 2010 moved you or shocked you the most?
  2. What piece of entertainment (game or non-game) most impressed you in 2010?
  3. Give a message to fans

Two of the producers from SEGA & two people from Platinum Games happen to be on the list of Japanese developers to answer the questions. Hit the jump to find out their responses.

Resonance of Fate getting promotional comic

You thought that the Resonance of Fate game was the last you’d hear of the franchise? Doesn’t seem this way, the game is still having releases, at least a ‘comic’ version of it. Famitsu will have the comic called ‘End of Eternity: The Secret Hours”. End of Eternity is the Japanese name of the game.

The comic is set to have a orginal story, will feature Leanne, Zephyr and Vashyron investigating a mysterious and private military firm. This will set up promotion for the ‘budget’ version of the game, which is set to release in Japan this January.

As for a sequel, it is unknown at this point, but when the game was first announced, SEGA wanted to make it into a franchise. But then again, they said the same thing about Shenmue…

[Source: Siliconera]

Nintendo Power sheds more info on Thor video game

Specifically the Wii version, who they confirmed will be developed by Red Fly (Mushroom Men developers). The game will have a unique story and gameplay on the Wii, also being said is that the game will be more about Thor’s hammer (Mjöllnir)  than Thor himself.

“In fact, it’s almost more about the hammer than it is about Thor” – Chad Barron, Producer

You will be able to customize Thor’s hammer as you progress through the game, three of the powers you will get in the game are: Storm, Valor and Might. The development team has stated they played around with 10 different control schemes. In the end they decided that too much motion is tiring in action games, so buttons will do regular attacks and motion controls will be used for over the top moves.

The game will feature some of the biggest enemies from Thor’s history, one example enemy given was Surtur. You will be able to unlock Thor costumes by progressing in the game.

Good news, the DS version is being developed by WayForward (A Boy and his Blob and Shantae: Risky’s Revenge).

[Source: NintendoEverything]

One Day Only XBLA SEGA Sale

SEGA’s online sales have finally hit Xbox Live, folks! Today the SEGA blogs have a announced a one day only sale of all SEGA software available on the service, including the excellent little gem I have pictured at the top of this post. If you haven’t bought these titles by now, now’s the time!

Posted after the break is the list of titles, as well as a Buy Now link.

$175 dollar Metal Sonic figurine available for pre-order

First4Figures will be releasing two versions of their Metal Sonic figure, one will be the exclusive edition that lights up, is limited to 300 units and costs $174.99. The second will be called the Standard version which comes at $154.99, still expensive.

The statue is only available in US and Canada, not that I think many of you would be pre-ordering it. But I like giving you guys a heads up on stuff, so you guys are well informed.

Head over to Sonic Stadium to check out the full gallery of images. Hit the jump for the press release.

Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik for Real

I am the Eggman by Great-OHARU

Fans like to bring their favorite characters to life, We at SegaBits have all imagined realistic incarnations of our favorite characters although only few fans are capable of animating their imagination.

This is a job well done by Oharu, however Robotnik is human and a very realistic incarnation of him exists in Sonic 06 (which this art piece appears to be based on).

Hit the jump for real life Sonic the Hedgehog

Classic SEGA Magazine Corner: EGM May 1991

Continuing an article series started by SEGAbits writer MadeManG74, I present another classic SEGA magazine: Electronic Gaming Monthly Number 22, released May 1991. SEGA and Sonic fans of course recognize May ’91 as the month before Sonic the Hedgehog hit stores. American magazine EGM joined the hype wagon and gave Sonic his own cover and a two page preview spread. Check out the article that was, most likely, the first real preview many had seen of the now classic SEGA series!

New Gettenka Trailers

A couple more Gettenka trailers for you to ponder over.
Gettenka being an Arcade/DS game aimed at Japanese children. So far you can only get this game in Japan. Where they like to get the kids hooked on collecting cards and playing arcade games young. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some kind of anime/cartoon in the works too.

What’s it about? I don’t even think the developers know, but you seem to insert the cards you collect into the game and they give you’re character new items or clothes or powers or something.

Hit the jump for the second trailer.

Marza’s teaser trailer for Captain Harlock feature

For those eagerly awaiting a trailer of Marza (Former Visual Entertainment, known for the recent Sonic intros and Curse of the Werehog) latest work, the wait is finally over.  Above you will find a teaser trailer for Space Pirate Captain Harlock, based on the popular Japanese comic series, sporting impressive visuals and showing flying spaceships and boat invasions.  Currently there has been no announcement for when the film will be released.

Thanks to Pao for the tipoff.

Phantasy Star being turned into social game as well

What? First Shenmue, Sakura Wars, Yakuza, and now Phantasy Star? That is right, Phantasy Star will be joining Shenmue City on the Mobagetown mobile social gaming platform under the name Phantasy Star Eternal Hunters.
If you didn’t know, we actually reported on the trademark for the name, now we finally find out what they are doing with it. In Eternal Hunters you will have to collect data from a ship’s crashing site on some uncharted planet.

The big feature that SEGA is talking about in this game is the use of GPS information from your cell phone that will create unique monsters depending on your location and where you play. So if you are in different areas in Japan, you will have a different experience. Pre-registration for the game has already started, the service is expected to launch ‘this winter’. The game will of course be free to play.

[Source: AndriaSang]

Aliens Colonal Marines – Old Teaser, Good Quality

The title says it all really. I think it was E3 2008 when this teaser trailer was first shown off behind closed doors. Somebody out there was good enough to film it, secretly off screen. The video quality left a lot to be desired. wobbly and out of focus if I remember correctly.

Rejoice, aliens fans! Someone has recently been kind enough to uploaded a perfect quality version of the same video. It hasn’t been officially released by Sega, so this is kind of old news. But still, it is very pretty.

As for the game, Aliens: Colonial Marines in a recent interview with Sega’s Alan Prichard the game was again confirmed to be in development and we should be hearing more about it in 2011. Fingers crossed!

RSS Feed Fixed

Hey everyone.

Just wanted to give a heads up that the RSS feed is now fixed, for those who have noticed it was broken. I want to thank the anonymous person on the SEGAbits survey who pointed out our RSS feed was broken, you rock, seriously! :3 It would of probably been broken for much longer had you not pointed it out.

An RSS feed is just something you except to work, so you don’t check it often to make sure it is working. Something must of went haywire when we updated wordpress. There is a new URL for the RSS feed so you might need to update your bookmarks accordingly.

Here is the new URL:

It’s also available in all the normal places where we have links to the RSS feed.

EDIT: FML. Must of messed something up, now the twitter feed is acting up. Will update this post when fixed.

EDIT 2: Should all be fixed now