SEGA Rally Online Arcade gets officially announced

We posted about it before, but now it’s official. The game will be hitting PSN and XBLA. It will obviously feature single player challenges like ‘Time Attack’ and ‘Championship Battle Mode’. New achievement system will be used for unlocking content, the game will have 13 cars to pick from.

Multiplayer will support 2 player offline and 2-6 players online. You will be able to purchase it this Spring. More information as it is released.

Rumor: Classic SEGA Games Releasing Under XBLA “Classics Live” Banner This Summer?

File this one under rumor: The rumor began when fans of XBLA’s Game Room were speculating the future of the service. For those who don’t know what Game Room is, Game Room is a free application on XBLA that allows retro video game fans to buy 70’s and 80’s Atari, Konami, Activision and Intellivion games and set up the games in their own virtual arcade. I found the service to be a lot of fun, and full of promise, however SEGA had yet to get on board (despite a Genesis controller appearing in a menu icon) and Microsoft has yet to release new games since the last update in December. Game Room fans speculated that the service was dead, however recent discussion at the official XBOX 360 Game Room forums says otherwise. So where does SEGA come into this? What is the rumor? Get to the point, Barry!

The Last Boss: White Fang

Now, when you think of a game based around Die Hard, you would think the last boss would be Hans Gruber. Not so in Sega’s Die Hard Arcade though, this time you get to beat White Fang (better known as ‘The last guy from Die Hard Arcade’) into unconsciousness with the Presidential golf clubs. This Die Hard also features killer death robots that shoot laser beams, and giant Mexican Wrestlers called ‘Jocko’ so that kinda sets the tone for things to come, really.

SEGA hires Sissel Henno to head licensing department

SEGA Europe is going to step up their licensing game, meaning you should expect more merchandise related to popular SEGA franchises like Sonic the Hedgehog in the near future. SEGA has hired Sissel Henno to head the licensing team.

“I’m very excited to become a part of the SEGA team and to grow the licensing activities around these fantastic brands. The celebration of Sonic’s 20th Anniversary this year is a great way to kick start my new assignment and I’m looking forward to working with the existing licensees as well as any new partners that we can welcome to the licensing program.” – Sissel Henno.

Sounds like we will be having a lot of junk to buy that is Sonic related for 2011. Feels good man.

[Source: MCV]

Yakzua of the End features monsters

We already know that Yakuza of the End will feature zombies, we covered this for many posts. This time we will start off this posts with the monsters in the game. The one above is called “Tsuchigumo”, which is actually based on legend. Then there is the Basan, which has dragon wings and can fly (pictured below).

Some of the other zombies already confirmed are tribal, which are the street fighters and the bloated ones that look disgusting. They will leak acid while you shoot them.

Monsters of Yakuza of the End

[Source: Siliconera]

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SEGA Sequel Saturdays: JET SET RADIO!!

[The one, the only……..Jet Set Radio]

Few franchises have managed to achieve such iconic status with only two installments, but the Jet Set Radio series (Jet Grind Radio for the first one in North America,) was one that managed to do it. The series represented all that was great about Sega during the Dreamcast era: their incredible ability to take risks and deliver groundbreaking and inventive experiences that you simply couldn’t get anywhere else.

What better series to get a sequel than this one? Here’s how I’d do a sequel if I were in charge.

Fly like a butterfly through the break to read more and comment with your own thoughts/ideas.

Sega Rally Online Arcade Anyone?

‘Sega Rally Online Arcade’ has turned up on the Korean Game Rating Board. It was filed by Sony Computer Entertainment Korea. The date of classification was January 26th, and the game is rated appropriate for all ages.

The name seems to suggest that it might follow in the footsteps of ‘OutRun Online Arcade’ which was a port of AM2’s ‘OutRun 2’ to XBLA and PSN by British developer Sumo Digital. OutRun Online Arcade featured single player modes but the main focus was the addition of 8 player online vs. mode.

If I was to hazard a guess I would say that Sega Rally Online Arcade may be a port of the 2008 game Sega Rally 3 which was built on the Sega Rally ‘Revo’ engine. Sega Rally 3 has only been released in Arcades so far but featured many of the same tracks as Sega Rally for Xbox360 and PS3. I wouldn’t say no to this as I really enjoyed Sega Rally on Xbox360 (when playing with bumper cam.)

If this all pans out how, I seriously hope Daytona USA or should I say Sega Racing Classic Online Arcade is to follow!


5 Indie Dreamcast Games Worth Your Time

While there are a lot of great independent Dreamcast games out there, many worthy of a Dreamcast collector’s collection, not every game is worth it for the casual fan. Some games are too short, too difficult or too simplistic. Gamers shouldn’t be expected to pay $20 to $60 for a so-so indie game simply because that money goes towards development of new games. We’re not dealing with charities. People buy games with the promise that the game will be worth their money.

As such, I thought I’d share five independent Dreamcast games that are worth the time and money of not only collectors, but also those who have a Dreamcast console but aren’t into the indie scene. The following five games are just as good, and in some cases better than official Dreamcast games.


Conduit 2 gets delayed again

Conduit 2 was suppose to be a 2010 title, was pushed to February 2011, then to March, and now there has been another delay! SEGA has posted the release date for April 19th.

Will it come out in April? Who knows now,  fans have been waiting for a long time and I hope it’s worth all the delays, unlike Alpha Protocol who shipped out buggy.

[Source: OnPause]


Anarchy Reigns Japanese teaser shows off Jack

Above is the latest teaser trailer for Anarchy Reigns (Max Anarchy in Japan). The teaser shows off a familiar face, Jack from MadWorld, Platinum Games’ ultra violent Wii game.

Nothing about the game is really shown, outside the character models. It is a shame, I’m dying for game footage!

[Via: The Forums]

Inaba: Platinum Games would like the “challenge” of making a sequel

As a developer, Platinum Games has, from the start, focused on creating new IP. That’s not to say that doing a sequel down the road isn’t ever going to happen, Platinum Games founder Atsushi Inaba told Famitsu this week.

” It’s not that we don’t want to make sequels. We’re strongly attached to the things that we created ourselves, after all,” Inaba explained.  “If asked ‘which,’ we tend to take up original productions, but we’d also like to challenge making the kind of sequel that expands the worlds.”

Though some may have been disappointed that Anarchy Reigns wasn’t actually Bayonetta 2, (not me, though,) it seems that people looking forward to a sequel to one of their favorite Platinum Games titles shouldn’t give up hope entirely.

[Source: Andriasang]

SEGA announces Anarchy Reigns


As expected, SEGA has announced Platinum Games new title for Europe and America and given it a new title, Anarchy Reigns. Check below for the full press release and screenshots;

LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO – (January 27th, 2011) – SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today reveal details on upcoming third-person multiplayer brawler, ANARCHY REIGNS™, the much anticipated next title from critically acclaimed developer PlatinumGames. ANARCHY REIGNS will be available in Autumn 2011 on the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system.

With ANARCHY REIGNS, PlatinumGames will be using their hallmark creativity and technical excellence to challenge the boundaries of the conventional brawler genre by allowing multiple players to get involved in heavy-hitting action simultaneously. ANARCHY REIGNS incorporates a diverse range of multiplayer modes to provide players with different challenges, including Tag Team battles and Battle Royal, where players can challenge others in a full-on fight for victory.

“SEGA are delighted to continue our collaboration with PlatinumGames, one of the most creative and critically acclaimed developers in the world,” said Gary Knight, Senior Vice President of Marketing of SEGA West. “ANARCHY REIGNS is set to offer gamers a fresh multiplayer experience with the quality and innovation PlatinumGames are renowned for.”

 ANARCHY REIGNS will be available in Autumn 2011 for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system.

For more information please visit

Yakuza of The End Shown on Next Sony Portable, NGP

Sony’s NGP has been revealed tonight, and among the developers talking about the device was none other then SEGA’s Toshiro Nagoshi, famed – and tanned – creator of Yakuza and Monkey Ball. Yes, the video above is Yakuza of the End running on PSP2. Yes, this device is friggin awesome.

This was shown at the “Playstation Conference” to demonstrate how easy it is to port existing PS3 games to PSp2 and still keep the same quality. Nagoshi says its just a tech demo for now, not an announcement of a port.

Max Anarchy being called Anarchy Reigns in the West

Platinum Games has just tweeted that they will be showing something about Max Anarchy online on their website. But one new piece of info is that the game is being called Anarchy Reigns in the west.

“@platinumgames: We announced ANARCHY REIGNS (MAX ANARCHY in Japan) for PS3 and 360 today. Look for info on our website soon.”

That sort of sucks, I was actually liking the sound of ‘Max Anarchy’, even though it did remind me of Max Payne.