VF5: Final Showdown Contest – Name Your Opponent

Sega is offering up a contest for people who’d like to have some input in the upcoming game “Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown”  for X-Box LIVE and PSN. In the contest, you’ll be able to put a new name on your favorite fighter and even come up with his catchphrases which will then be put into the single player mode. There will be many chances to win and you can do as many submissions as you like! Read on for more details.

4Kids holding Sonic comic contest with Archie

4Kids, those people that made people angry with their localization of Sonic X, is holding a sweepstakes with the help of Archie. So what do you get?

One grand prize winner will be a character in an upcoming Sonic comic and also get a one year subscription to the comic. Twenty other people will just get the one year Sonic comic subscription.

But hey, those aren’t bad prizes. If you want to enter, click here. You have all the way until November 30th to enter. Even though it looks like it’s word wide, official rules say that it isn’t. So US only. Also you have to be 3 to 17 years old to enter. Only jail bait, sorry old men and women reading this.

[Source: TSSZ]

SEGA promotes Yakuza of the End, gives out dates with hostess

[The unlucky ladies]

If you are like me, you probably aren’t very good at the hostess bits in the Yakuza games. Guess what? SEGA is giving you a chance to fail at attracting hostess in real life.

SEGA is teaming with Naimaga to give 30 fans one-on-one time with Erika Mizushima and Yuria Hayashida, two hostess from the game. The winners will be able to dine for 45 minutes with the girls.

Yes, SEGA will be paying for the beer and all you can eat edomame.
If you are from Japan and you think you have a chance. Enter here. Bottom has their in-game models.

[Source: AndriaSang]

Yakuza Week Final – Of winners and deals!

Yakuza Week draws to an end. Yesterday was the final day of the competitions and today all that is left to do is announce all winners!

Day 6 winners are:
Of the Yakuza 4 game (signed) and the Yakuza art book is – EricJamesRice
Of the Yakuza Yakuza branded bowl and chopsticks – dyeknom

Day 5:
Day 5 winners are:
Of the Yakuza Yakuza branded bowl and chopsticks -sakanakami
Of the Yakuza Yakuza branded bowl and chopsticks -skrammas

Day 4:
Of the Yakuza 4 game (signed) and the Yakuza art book is – Vittoriogiorgi

Day 3
Of the Yakuza 4 game (Signed) and branded Chopsticks! – Stinkdeken
Of the Yakuza 4 Art book and branded bowl! – Krup213

Day 2:
Of the Yakuza 4 game (signed) and the Yakuza art book is – jegarcia

Day 1:
Of the Yakuza 4 game (signed) and the Yakuza branded bowl -Hibikirush
Of the Yakuza 4 Art Book and Yakuza branded Chop Sticks – D12W

Congratulations to everyone who won and thanks to everyone who entered!

Final words!

Well, I’ve run out of reasons (good) for why you should purchase Yakuza 4! All I can do at this point is recommend it one final time.

Yakuza 4 is a genuinely really fantastic game, it is also really underrated. It has that unique Sega feel to it, it’s original and it has provided me and many here at Segabits staff hours and hours of fun. It’s the perfect game to jump in!

Oh and if that isn’t enough, it’s only £17.98 on Amazon UK!

For you American types, it’s only $44.99 with free shipping at Buy.com

Yakuza Week – Day 6 of Ultimate beat downs… and Fishing

Not for the squeamish!


Today is the final give away and we have two great prizes for you to win!
PRIZE 1: Yakuza 4 Game (Signed by YAZ) & Yakuza 4 Art Book
PRIZE 2: Yakuza branded Bowl + Yakuza branded Chopsticks

All you have to do to have a shot at winning these awesome prizes is follow us on twitter, CLICK HERE follow SEGAbits and simply retweet this message;
“RT & Follow @SEGAbits – YAKUZA WEEK – DAY 6 – CONTEST! Retweet to win Yakuza prizes! Info: http://www.segabits.com/?p=12277“

We’ll pick a winner at random!

Day 5 winners are:

You’ve both won a set of Yakuza branded chopsticks and a Yakuza branded bowl!


Why you should own this game – Day 6 –Reason 6

There are no other games like it! Yakuza is a one of a kind game, in fact it is a game made up of multiple games. Besides the fantastic main story driven game you can easily spend hours doing the sub-games found all over the city. Be it running the Hostess bar, training your fighters or heck even just playing darts or in the batting cage. There is even an arcade in the game where you can play slot machines, claw machines and a Shoot-em-up! Every game is fleshed out and a full game in its own right.

If there is one game that is close to Yakuza, it’s the master piece that is Shenmue and even then they are worlds apart.

Do yourself a favor and look at our side bar, over there on the right. We’ve made it easy for you to buy! Just click on that BUY NOW button!

Yakuza Week – Day 5 of Bowls & Babes

“Practice for your first date!”


We have two prizes today, winners can finally fulfill their dream of eating like a Yakuza with these bad boys!
Prize 1: Yakuza branded Bowl & Yakuza branded Chopsticks
Prize 2: Yakuza branded Bowl & Yakuza branded Chopsticks

All you have to do to have a shot at winning this awesome prize is follow us on twitter, CLICK HERE follow SEGAbits and simply retweet this message;
“RT & Follow @SEGAbits – YAKUZA WEEK – DAY 5 – CONTEST! Retweet to win Yakuza prizes! Info: http://www.segabits.com/?p=12235“

We’ll pick a winner at random!
If you don’t win, don’t fret, there will be another chance tomorrow!

Day 4 winner is:
Of the Yakuza 4 game (signed) and the Yakuza art book is – Vittoriogiorgi


Why you should own this game – Day 5 –Reason 5

Any long time Sega fan will notice that there is something uniquely ‘Sega’ about the Yakuza series. It’s hard to put your finger on what makes something a ‘Sega styled game’, you could be playing Panzer Dragon Saga or Jet Set Radio, two completely different games, and yet you’ll know both have a very Sega feel about them. Weird!

It could be down to the music, one of the things Sega rarely fails to impress with. Or it could simply be that the Yakuza series has game play elements reminiscent of other Sega series. I wouldn’t blame you for being reminded of the Shenmue games or even Streets of Rage whilst playing Yakuza. Not to mention Yakuza games are littered with throwbacks to other Sega games, like music tracks, that only the most hardcore of Sega fans would spot. Or… Perhaps it could be that Sega characters have a disproportionate hand to face to ratio? The hands are always massive. (Anyone else noticed this?)

But whatever it is, Yakuza is undoubtedly a Sega game, and if you’re a Sega fan (and I suspect you are as you’re on Segabits.com) then Yakuza 4 is simply a must.

Do yourself a favor and look at our side bar, over there on the right. We’ve made it easy for you to buy! Just click on that BUY NOW button!

Yakuza Week – Day 4: Of Demon Ninja Turtles!

“Well, isn’t that strange!”


We have just one prize to give away today, but it’s a good one!
Today’s prize is; Yakuza 4 the game, signed by YAZ and the Yakuza 4 Art book!

All you have to do to have a shot at winning this awesome prize is follow us on twitter, CLICK HERE follow SEGAbits and simply retweet this message;
“RT & Follow @SEGAbits – YAKUZA WEEK – DAY 4 – CONTEST! Retweet to win Yakuza prizes! Info: http://www.segabits.com/?p=12213“

We’ll pick a winner at random!
If you don’t win, don’t fret, there will be another chance tomorrow!

Day 3 winners are:
Of the Yakuza 4 game (Signed by YAZ) and branded Chopsticks! – Stinkdeken
Of the Yakuza 4 Art book and branded bowl! – Krup213

Congratulations guys!

Why you should own this game – Day 4 –Reason 4

It’s very rare that a game can be ‘laugh out loud funny’ I find more often than not the attempts to inspire laughter in videogames fall flat and more often then not are pretty cringe worthy.

The Yakuza series is one of the very few videogame series that have got a real, hearty laugh out of me. Whilst the main storylines are a serious affair, just below the surface there is always something to make you chuckle. Be it the often crazy revelations, some over the top heat moves or side missions like outrunning a cross dresser that wants to have his/her way with you. In Yakuza 4 you’ll also encounter some great look-a-likes and Cameos too; such as Dr. Emmett Brown from Back to the Future. Yeah, this game has it all!

Do yourself a favor and look at our side bar, over there on the right. We’ve made it easy for you to buy! Just click on that BUY NOW button!

YAKUZA WEEK – DAY 3: Of Punching Tigers in the Face!


Today, like day one we have 2 prizes to give away!
Prize one: Yakuza 4 Art book & Yakuza 4 branded Bowl!
Prize two: Yakuza 4 game signed by YAZ & Yakuza 4 branded Chopsticks!

All you have to do to have a shot at winning these awesome prizes is follow us on twitter, CLICK HERE follow SEGAbits and retweet this message;
RT & Follow @SEGAbits – YAKUZA WEEK – DAY 3 – CONTEST! Retweet to win Yakuza prizes! Info: http://www.segabits.com/?p=11998

We’ll pick a winner at random!
If you don’t win, don’t fret, there will be another chance tomorrow!

Day 2 winner:


Why you should own this game – Day 3 –Reason 3

That story!

I love my fair share of Japanese games; in fact, looking at my collection I tend to prefer Japanese games than western games. That said one thing I find the Japanese are trailing behind the West with is really good stories in games. Whilst I’m a firm believer in game play before storyline when it comes to videogames if a game has both it’s always a plus!

Story driven Japanese games are often made for a Japanese audience, (and rightly so) but that often means they’ll be littered with the kind of clichéd characters and plots I’ve seen a hundred times by now are wearing thin. Yakuza games are right on top of the game when it comes to interesting mature plots and compelling, likeable characters and it’s easily as good as any of the top story driven western games I’ve played.

Whilst Yakuza 3 lost a bit of its flair and became quite tame and monotonous at times, Yakuza 4 took the series back to the top of its game with four playable characters each with uniquely thrilling stories and backgrounds.

Do yourself a favor and look at our side bar, over there on the right. We’ve made it easy for you to buy! Just click on that BUY NOW button!

YAKUZA WEEK – DAY 2: Of Heat and Content

Akiyama’s in heat!


Today we have just 1 give-away but it’s a good one!
Today one lucky winner will nab 1 copy of Yakuza 4 signed by YAZ and 1 copy of the Yakuza 4 art book.

All you have to do to have a shot at winning these awesome prizes is follow us on twitter, CLICK HERE follow SEGAbits and retweet this message;
“RT Follow @SEGAbits – YAKUZA WEEK – DAY 2 – CONTEST! Retweet to win Yakuza prizes. Info: http://www.segabits.com/?p=11942 “

We’ll pick a winner at random!
If you don’t win, don’t fret, there will be another chance tomorrow!

Day 1 winners:
Of the Yakuza branded bowl & Game – Hibikirush
Of the Art book & Chopsticks – D12W

Congratulations guys!

Why you should own this game, Day 2 – Reason 2:
There is just SO MUCH content.

Have you ever wondered if the price you are paying for the game is worth the content you’re getting? I know I often do. A good game is a good game but I’d like to be kept satisfied for at least 10 hours.

If there is one game that doesn’t skimp on content it is Yakuza 4. There is just so much to do. Beside the main, crime thriller storyline you can do multiple mini games including golf, baseball batting cages, gambling, fishing and many more.

Not only can you waste your money dating the lovely ladies of the game, brining them gifts, buying them food and saying all the right things to see where you can take the relationship. You can even run the hostess clubs where guys pick them up! Design the bar and even dress the woman how you like em!

Not only that there is the battle cage, an underground ‘flight club’ style arena where you fight other hard nuts in brutal battles to see who’s the best. Again, you can even become a trainer and coach fighters; you help them become the best!

If that wasn’t enough, there are the seemingly endless amounts of side missions you can take.

There is so much bang for your buck that most people I know who have played it say that they can be 20 to 40 hours into the game and only on chapter 3 or 4 and many find out that when they finish the story mode they’ve still only completely 30% of the games content.

Do yourself a favor and look at our side bar, over there on the right. We’ve made it easy for you to buy! Just click on that BUY NOW button!

YAKUZA WEEK – DAY 1: Of Underwear Theft and Contests!

Video of the Day: Yakuza 4 Revelations – Essence of Triple Strike

Why you should own this game, Day 1 – Reason 1: There isn’t a bad time to jump in!

Every time a new Yakuza game is about to release I see the same question cropping up in every forum I visit; ‘Can I buy this game now or do I have to play the series from the start to understand the storyline?’

You can jump in RIGHT AWAY; Each Yakuza game has its own story arc with a beginning and an end. If you don’t care to know about the series history you can play right off the bat and you won’t feel lost at all.

However if you are one of those kinds of people who just needs to know all the history of the game and the characters, Yakuza 4 has you covered. At the start of every Yakuza sequel so far there’s the chance to ‘reminisce’, which is a fancy way of saying ‘watch videos of the events of the previous games’ and they go really in-depth too!

Do yourself a favor and look at our side bar, over there on the right. We’ve made it easy for you to buy! Just click on that BUY NOW button!


Prize 1: A Yakuza 4 Branded Bowl & Yakuza game signed by YAZ
Prize 2: A Yakuza 4 Art Book & Yakuza 4 branded chopsticks

All you have to do to have a shot at winning these awesome prizes is follow us on twitter, CLICK HERE follow SEGAbits and retweet this message;

RT & Follow @SEGAbits – YAKUZA WEEK – DAY 1 – CONTEST! Retweet to win Yakuza prizes. info: http://www.segabits.com/?p=11634

We’ll pick a winner at random!

If you don’t win, don’t fret, we’re here all week!

Yakuza Week at SegaBits!

Today is the first day of a very special week, (My week starts on a Thursday, deal with it!) The next 7 days will from this point on, officially be known as Yakuza Week! I’ve informed the Queen of England, the President of America and Colonel Gaddafi.

Each day this week I’ll write an article about my favorite things Yakuza 4 has to offer and why (if you haven’t already) you should go out and pick this game up right away!

Why? Well, because the Yakuza series is one of my favorite videogame series of all time, is criminally underrated (lol pun) and it should be one of yours too.

Not to mention Sega have generously donated us all these awesome prizes to give away! To win all you have to do is follow SEGAbits on twitter and we’ll pick winners at random! (Prize details coming up shortly!)

Hb xc

DC Collection Giveaway winners are…

  1. Facebook winner is  Daniel T. Brengel = DC Vinyl
  2. Twitter winner is  Chronorayven = DC collection for 360
  3. E-mail winner is Sky.God = DC Hoodie

There you go, give us an e-mail (segabits @ gmail.com) with your address. Make the header “DC Collection Winner”. Thanks for all who entered.

*If a winner doesn’t respond within a week, we will give the prizes to another person.

Win travel vouchers and limited editions, thanks to Shogun 2

SEGA and The Creative Assembly have teamed up with British news giant The Guardian to deliver a grand prize of Expedia travel vouchers worth £2,500 and a limited edition of Shogun 2: Total War to one lucky person. Nine runners up will miss out on traveling the world, but will receive a limited edition of the game. Oh, and did we mention it’s only open to UK residents? Sorry, America.

Enter at the link below.

[Source: The Guardian]

Yakuza hostess voting – First Week Results!

It’s the moment no ones everyone’s been waiting for! Week one results of the Yakuza 5 hostess results.

The results are as follows,

1. Satomi Tateishi – She could get revenge!

2. Haru – She took second place with her enigmatic charms.

3. Ai Sakura – The Agejo maid is in in third place.

4. Yuka Ohnishi – She was apparently cheered on by soccer players. Yuka is a soccer coach.

5. Saaya Kawai – A nail stylist who loves the Yakuza series.

So there you go… One step closer to knowing who we’ll all be fapping over in Yakuza 5.

-Stolen from SegaShiro