Why Sonic 4: Episode II shouldn’t skip the Nintendo Wii

There have been a lot of talks since SEGA announced that Sonic 4: Episode 2 wouldn’t be headed for the Nintendo Wii. Many long time Sonic fans got angry, mostly because they only own Wiis. I know some of you might grunt at the thought of only owning a Nintendo Wii, but that’s their choice.

Not to mention that the first title appeared on the Wiiware service, got pretty good scores on the service. So why do you think SEGA pulled it and why do I think they should reconsider putting it back on the Wii?

Early Sonic 4: Episode 2 beta temporarily leaked onto Steam. Now disabled.

Customers who pre-ordered Sonic 4: Episode 2 on Steam got quite a surprise late Friday night when an early Beta of the game became available for them to download. The download has since been taken off of Steam and those who downloaded have found that the “play” option has been disabled making it defunct. Of course, this was not before players uploaded a bunch of videos all over the internet. However, out of respect to Sega and to keep our readers spoiler-free until the game’s release, we will not be linking any of those videos on our site.  Read on for more detail.

Arts and Crafts: Make your own Sonic 4 Episode 2 Genesis box, manual and cartridge!

With only a month until the game’s digital release, I thought it would be fun to once again create a retro Genesis box design for Sonic 4’s next episode. The first time I designed a fake Genesis box was for Sonic 4 Episode 1, which I shared over at my personal blog The Nomad Junkyard [Update: Here is the new Sonic 4 Episode 1 download link]. I used the original Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis box design as inspiration for Episode 1, so I thought it would be fitting to use Sonic 2’s original Genesis box as my inspiration for Episode 2. After the break, a download link, instructions and a photo gallery for those too lazy to make it themselves.

Sonic 4’s Episode Metal game length revealed?

Sonic 4 rep and on-again-off-again moustache wearer Ken Balough has possibly revealed Episode Metal’s length. Ken spoke of Episode Metal in an interview and stated the following: “You’re going to unlock about 25% more game”. This percentage is interesting. Does Ken mean that Episode Metal is 25% the size of Episode 1? Episode 1 consisted of 17 acts. 25% of 17 is 4.25 acts. Episode Metal’s teaser promised “Four Exclusive Levels”. So with this in mind, Episode Metal might actually end up being shorter than a typical Sonic 4 episode. It could consist of four reworked acts/levels, each act taking place within a different zone. Either the four zones found in Episode 1, or three Episode 1 zones and Stardust Speedway or an Episode 2 zone. Fans disappointed in this news may be happy to hear that Ken also revealed “there’s more cutscenes in Episode Metal than all of Episode 2”. So while Episode Metal may be short, it will have a good deal of story. Also, it’s basically free so don’t complain!

Sonic 4: Episode 2 release dates have been released

SEGA has revealed the release date for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2. So when can you pick the game up? If you are on PSN, you will be able to purchase the title on May 15th. Xbox 360 will have to wait until May 16th, the next day.

The iOS and PC version of the title will be coming out in May as well, but there hasn’t been a specific release date announced yet. If you are an Android user, you will be able to pick up the game in June and if you are a Windows Phone 7 user, you will have to wait all the way until July.

What platform are you picking it up on?

Japanese Sonic 4 site updates – reveals Oil Desert Zone and more

SEGA of Japan’s Sonic the Hedgehog 4 site has updated to reflect yesterday’s news, however there are a few new additions. For one thing, the unnamed desert stage will be known as Oil Desert Zone. Simple, but it fits. The site has also added twelve new screens of the zone, showing off new gimmicks and badniks. The site also has a cleaned up version of yesterday’s trailer, in true HD and without the Gamestop watermark. Other additions to the site include the confirmation of the $15 price tag, unchanged from the first episode. Also, there are badnik profiles and a story tab that shows Little Planet approaching Earth. The story text is in Japanese, so any readers who know the language, if you can translate it that would be “boss” of you.

Update: Added nine more images, courtesy of Andriasang.com, the images include more Oil Desert screens, high res “box art” and screens from Episode Metal.

Sonic 4 News: Metal Sonic playable in episode 1, sand zone revealed and release dates!

Gamespot’s On the Spot internet show has just revealed that Metal Sonic will be playable in Sonic 4 Episode 1. Dubbed “Episode Metal”, the new play mode will be unlocked for owners of both episodes. Episode Metal promises: a playable Metal Sonic (duh), four exclusive levels and promises that fans will “discover the rebirth of Metal Sonic”. So a Sonic CD side story, perhaps? Ken Balough likened it to Sonic & Knuckles Lock-On technology. The episode 1 stages are reworked and are promised to bridge the gap between Sonic CD and Sonic 4. The show also revealed a new trailer showing off a sand zone that up until now was only seen in a single screen leaked on XBOX.com. Release dates were also given for the game: May 15th – PS3, May 16th – Xbox 360, May – PC, iOSn Tegra devices, June – Android, July – Windows phone. You can view the full video here, skip to 29:00.

Sonic 4 Episode 2 XBOX avatar items now available!

Face it, your avatar looks like crap. It needs something, like a Tails hoodie or a miniature Snowy the Polar Bear. Well SEGA and Microsoft want you to look your best for when Sonic 4 Episode 2 releases, so they’ve released a ton of new avatar items for you to play with! The new items include: An item monitor hooked up to a SEGA Genesis, complete with a Sonic 4 Episode 2 game case and cartridge for you to play, male and female logo shirts, male and female Sonic and Tails branded hoodies complete with ears and spikes on the hood, a half-pipe special stage for your avatar to run in, Tails and Metal Sonic plush dolls, a badnik buddy two pack, a Metal Sonic mask, a Flicky capsule toy and a full body Tails suit. If you have an XBOX account, you can head on over to the online store now to see samples of these items in action. The item monitor and Genesis console item has an especially funny animation. After the break, a gallery of all the goodies!

SEGA has no plans on releasing another Sonic 4 episode title

According to DigitalSpy, SEGA has told them that they are not planning to release any more episodes to the Sonic 4 franchise. Seems that it might end with Sonic 4: Episode 2. Who said a bold statement like that? Who else besides the one and only Takashi Iizuka.

“We are looking forward to hearing the feedback from the users for Episode 2, but we are currently not planning to release another episode. We just want to see how the users accept this episode.” –  Takashi Iizuka, Producer.

Is it good that SEGA is ending the Sonic 4 episodes or do you want a 3rd episode added with Knuckles?


Get a Better Look at Bosses in New Sonic 4 Episode 2 Screens!

A new collection of Sonic 4 Episode 2 screens have hit the interwebs, and while they cover stages we’ve already seen, they also highlight a few boss battles. Egg Serpentleaf looks to be a huge boss, and this is only the first zone! Metal Sonic appears to have copied Sonic once again as he is seen executing a homing attack and taking out the ground below. After the break, check out the other screens and take a look at yet another gameplay video… this time competently played!

Sonic Talk #4: Episode 2

Here it is folks! Only our fourth show in and we got our first big guest. Sonic 4 Brand Manager, Ken Balough! He’ll be answering some of your concerns about the upcoming Sonic 4: Episode 2.

But that won’t be until the middle of the show. In the meantime, Nuckles 87 and I are joined by GX Echidna and nSega54 to talk about what small news we have on the upcoming Game Gear games for 3DS, our favorite Archie Sonic artists, what Sonic would look like if he was drawn by slices of pizza instead of artists, and, after the interview, we talk about the Sonic Advance series. Read on to leave a comment or see our show notes.

[powerpress url=”https://segabits.com/wp-content/uploads/SonicTalk04.mp3″]

Sonic 4’s physics finally fixed? “Affirmative”* bellows Balough!

Tomorrow will be the release of Sonic Talk: Episode 4. In it, we interview Ken Balough about all things Sonic 4:Episode 2. One thing that’s been discussed in other forums and kinda revealed lately is how the physics are shaping up and it’s all true. Here’s what Ken had to say on the new and improved Sonic 4-2 physics.

“You’ll notice the changes right from the get-go. We took fan feedback and made sure he doesn’t uncurl. So now when he rolls up those hills, he’ll stay in ball-attack form. The other thing was to start having the game have more momentum style physics similar to the Genesis. In act 2 of Silvania Castle, it starts off at a big hill. So if you just put Sonic towards the edge and have him tuck and roll (not spindash) and let him roll naturally, you can put your controller down because not only will he roll down that hill, but he’ll actually pick up speed and roll off a ramp (for example) and have it similar in essence to the way it was on the Genesis.”

Check out Sonic Talk 4:Episode 2 tomorrow to find out more on the physics, how Sonic CD is now embedded into Sonic 4 and the Genesis trilogy, what kind of adaption will be in the Archie magazine, which versions have “transfarring” and much more right here on SEGAbits!

*= He didn’t exactly say “affirmative”. It just sounds good in the header.

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Swingin’ Report Show #29: Crossover Mayhem


A new week and a new episode of the Swingin’ Report Show. This week George, Sharky and Barry the Nomad talk about Akria Yuki in Dead or Alive 5, salvia and much more. So sit back, enjoy the ride. We have also fixed our RSS feed, you can follow the new one below. We are also submitting the new RSS to iTunes, you shouldn’t have to do anything if you are already subscribed. Hit the jump for the show notes.

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A less tired Jet joins us again as we talk up all the latest scuttlebutt in Sonicdom. From Sonic 4 Trailer, to Antoine’s explosive personality to more of Penders wacky hi-jinks! Make sure to listen in for a big announcement about next week’s show!

[powerpress url=”https://segabits.com/wp-content/uploads/SonicTalk03.mp3″]

Sonic 4 Episode 2 American and European Website Gets Huge Update!

When I criticized the SEGA West Sonic 4 website, I didn’t think SEGA would answer my complaints! Okay, so it wasn’t actually my article that brought about the update, but it’s great to see SEGA bringing a bit more epicness and unity to the Sonic 4 site. When visiting the site you’ll find that the world map as seen in Episode 1 has expanded to the right to include Episode 2. Could this mean the maps connect when you have both games on your device? SEGA also gives a little backstory and attempts to connect the two episodes. Apparently Eggman was searching for something in Lost Labyrinth, and Mad Gear was built to do something for some purpose beyond just being an homage to Metropolis Zone. And yes, Sonic CD fans, the ominous planet floating above the Episode 2 screens IS Little Planet. Head on over to the site and click around!