SEGA Teases Next Dreamcast Collection Titles

SEGA’s Ben Harbone is teasing Dreamcast fans, but it’s a good kind of teasing. In a video interview with Gamesreactor, Harbone hints at Shenmue and Skies of Arcadia being the next Dreamcast titles to hit download services. Said Harbone, “Those are a couple of our most requested games. I can’t say ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ but we may be working on them.” Don’t let us down SEGA, both of those titles would sell like hotcakes, and I’d love to see them sell so well that we get a sequel for either one!

House of the Dead 4: Special’s remix level to make it to PSN port

SEGA has confirmed to the guys from Siliconera that they will be incorporating stuff from House of the Dead 4: Special into their PSN port of House of the Dead 4. If you ever played the Special version of House of the Dead 4, you’ll know that the biggest feature of the re-release is sitting on a chair that moves. It’s awesome. But obviously there will be no chair re-released for the port. So what could it be?

Most likely a remixed level that was featured, that includes G. You know you love G and want to suffer like him. Siliconera’s preview was positive and only thing they complained about was the low resolution graphics used for icons like reload and stuff.

SEGA has no plans on releasing another Sonic 4 episode title

According to DigitalSpy, SEGA has told them that they are not planning to release any more episodes to the Sonic 4 franchise. Seems that it might end with Sonic 4: Episode 2. Who said a bold statement like that? Who else besides the one and only Takashi Iizuka.

“We are looking forward to hearing the feedback from the users for Episode 2, but we are currently not planning to release another episode. We just want to see how the users accept this episode.” –  Takashi Iizuka, Producer.

Is it good that SEGA is ending the Sonic 4 episodes or do you want a 3rd episode added with Knuckles?

80% of Jet Set Radio’s soundtrack is intact, says SEGA [Update]

This according to Game Informer Magazine, who recently got some hands-on time with the upcoming digital re-release. They report that SEGA has retained 80% of the original’s soundtrack, and that this HD update will also feature camera controls mapped to the 2nd analog stick, something which, as Dreamcast fans will remember, wasn’t possible with that console’s controller. Region specific added levels will also make it to the digital version, all running at 60 fps.

My thoughts? 80% is unquestionably a majority of the soundtrack, though I’m personally awaiting a list of exactly what was included before getting too excited. I’ll go out on a limb here and assume that the tracks licensed for the North American and European releases aren’t going to make it this time around, but whether or not that’s the extent of the cuts remains to be seen.

Jet Set Radio will be releasing on XBLA, PSN, and PC sometime this year.

[Update] Joystiq confirms that Hideki Naganuma’s music will stay intact. Licensed music that has been confirmed to stay in the soundtrack include “Magical Girl” by Guitar Vadar and “Funky Radio” by B.B. Rights. [/Update]

Contest: Tweet and win a Sonic related shirt from Insert Coin Clothing

Today we are giving one lucky twitter follower a Sonic related t-shirt from Insert Coin Clothing. You can either pick the bright blue Team Sonic shirt or be a bad guy with the Eggman inspired t-shirt. I have to say, that Eggman shirt sure does look nice. So how do you enter and win one of these bad boys? Simple, follow us and retweet the message below:

Follow @SEGAbits and retweet this message to be entered to win a Sonic shirt from @insertcointees. More details:

A winner will be picked in random and notified by twitter that they won. The winner will be picked on Thursday at noon. Happy tweeting!


Iizuka says Sonic Dimensions a Hoax, Comments on Sonic’s Future

Remember those rumors regarding a Sonic Colors sucessor incoming for the Wii U? Well, Takashi Iizuka has finally spoken out on thematter in a SPOnG Sonic 4 Episode 2 interview:

SPOnG: Can you say whether the rumour of a game called Sonic Dimensions on the Wii U is true or false? Takashi Iizuka: Sonic Dimensions? [Laughs] I think it’s a complete hoax. [Laughs]

In that same interview, Iizuka commented on Sonic’s future. We have a sample of his comments posted below. For the full comment, as well as the entire interview, please head over to SPOnG.

Total War Battles: Shogun is the iOS & Android game, check out first screens

So are you a big fan of the Total War series? Have you ever wished you could play it on your mobile smart phone? Well, now you can. SEGA just announced Total War Battles: Shogun, their first Total War entry on the smartphone. It will be coming out for iOS and Android. This is not a PC port, its a original game build from the ground up to work great on your beautiful smart phone. The game promises a 10 hour long campaign, challenge missions and multiplayer on a shared screen.

Hit the jump to see the gallery of screenshots.

First screenshots of Hell Yeah! get released

SEGA has posted up screenshots of Hell Yeah!, a game by Arkedo. You’re probably thinking to yourself that the name Hell Yeah! is just to cover up how terrible the game is going to be, but to be honest it is looking rather solid. Plus if you’re a vegetarian you will really appreciate all the meat on screen.

The game puts you in the shoes of Ash, the rabbit king of hell. Sadly someone thought putting up a private photo of you would be funny. I guess rabbits have no sense of humor because now you have to get the bastard and take him down in this action-platformer.

Get a Better Look at Bosses in New Sonic 4 Episode 2 Screens!

A new collection of Sonic 4 Episode 2 screens have hit the interwebs, and while they cover stages we’ve already seen, they also highlight a few boss battles. Egg Serpentleaf looks to be a huge boss, and this is only the first zone! Metal Sonic appears to have copied Sonic once again as he is seen executing a homing attack and taking out the ground below. After the break, check out the other screens and take a look at yet another gameplay video… this time competently played!

Yakuza: Black Panther 2 demo released on Japanese PSN store

SEGA is releasing Yakuza: Black Panther 2 in Japan this next Thursday, so to promote it SEGA has released a demo of the game on the Japanese PSN. The demo has the introduction to the story, hostess bar sections, ability to explore a chunk of Osaka and even test out the fighting system by beating the game’s first boss. This game is released exclusively for PSP in Japan. No western release is planned.

Can’t play the demo because you don’t own a PSP or can’t be bothered? Well we got you covered, hit the jump and you can seen over a dozen screens from the PSN demo. Enjoy!

Sonic Talk #4: Episode 2

Here it is folks! Only our fourth show in and we got our first big guest. Sonic 4 Brand Manager, Ken Balough! He’ll be answering some of your concerns about the upcoming Sonic 4: Episode 2.

But that won’t be until the middle of the show. In the meantime, Nuckles 87 and I are joined by GX Echidna and nSega54 to talk about what small news we have on the upcoming Game Gear games for 3DS, our favorite Archie Sonic artists, what Sonic would look like if he was drawn by slices of pizza instead of artists, and, after the interview, we talk about the Sonic Advance series. Read on to leave a comment or see our show notes.

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First Phantasy Star Online 2 Vita screens make it online

SEGA just got done announcing Phantasy Star Online 2 for the Vita a few days ago, but now they are ready to start releasing screens. Well, at least 3 of them. The game might look a bit rough to you, but Sakai has confirmed that it’s only 10% complete and promises that when it’s done the Vita version should rival the PC version’s highest setting. I don’t know if this is good news or bad.

Sakai said he had a PSO2 surprise coming in March. Guess what? Surprise, this is it. The Vita version of the game. The Playstation Vita version of the game will start service sometime in 2013. SEGA has recently finished the PC version’s alpha 2 test, which was played by over 50,000 people. The game is getting closer to the large closed beta phase, I can’t believe it’s still this early in development.

The next Shining Project might end up being a browser game


Well, remember back when I said there was going to be a teaser for the next Shining project in the retail version of Shining Blade? Guess what? Some people have gotten their copies of Shining Blade in advance. So what is the next Shining project? It would seem that it is a browser game that plays like Shining Hearts with farming elements added on to it. Shining Hearts seems sort of perfect for this, what with it letting you raise your own pet.

The Shining Blade twitter also called this announcement the “biggest thing in the series history” for t he last week or so. Is this their big news? Its hard to tell since SEGA as also shared details on a Shining Hearts anime, which will be airing in April.  That isn’t all, there will be a Shining series costume sets in Phantasy Star Universe.


Sonic 4’s physics finally fixed? “Affirmative”* bellows Balough!

Tomorrow will be the release of Sonic Talk: Episode 4. In it, we interview Ken Balough about all things Sonic 4:Episode 2. One thing that’s been discussed in other forums and kinda revealed lately is how the physics are shaping up and it’s all true. Here’s what Ken had to say on the new and improved Sonic 4-2 physics.

“You’ll notice the changes right from the get-go. We took fan feedback and made sure he doesn’t uncurl. So now when he rolls up those hills, he’ll stay in ball-attack form. The other thing was to start having the game have more momentum style physics similar to the Genesis. In act 2 of Silvania Castle, it starts off at a big hill. So if you just put Sonic towards the edge and have him tuck and roll (not spindash) and let him roll naturally, you can put your controller down because not only will he roll down that hill, but he’ll actually pick up speed and roll off a ramp (for example) and have it similar in essence to the way it was on the Genesis.”

Check out Sonic Talk 4:Episode 2 tomorrow to find out more on the physics, how Sonic CD is now embedded into Sonic 4 and the Genesis trilogy, what kind of adaption will be in the Archie magazine, which versions have “transfarring” and much more right here on SEGAbits!

*= He didn’t exactly say “affirmative”. It just sounds good in the header.