Sonic Forces prequel comic PDF contains hidden art – Infinite unmasked!

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Opening the Sonic Forces: Moment of Truth digital comic PDF files in Photoshop reveals an interesting behind-the-scenes look at the production process, and reveals some hidden art – including a peek at Infinite without his mask! It seems when saving the files out, the layers weren’t flattened and hidden layers weren’t removed. As such, it is possible to remove word balloons, line art, colors and characters.

Also, the cover art contains what appear to be alternate cover art sketches featuring Eggman, The Phantom Ruby (as seen in Sonic Mania) and an unmasked Infinite with a dagger. Other art includes an alternate cover sketch of the Custom Hero and Chaotix, art of Knuckles and Silver looking surprised and art of Shadow, Omega (confirming his inclusion in the game?) and Infinite.

Check out the hidden art after the break!

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Comic Book Tie-In Discussion

The first, free digital issue of the Sonic Forces tie-in comic being titled ‘Moment of Truth‘ has been released by SEGA. This promotional tie-in issue is set to give users a taste of one of the many created avatars that have joined our Sonic the Hedgehog heroes in the fight against Eggman. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we will give you our opinion on the Sonic Forces ‘Moment of Truth’ tie-in comic, our thoughts on the story, tone, and what we will like to see in future issues. Tune in and let us know what you’re thoughts on the Sonic Forces ‘Moment of Truth’ promotional tie-in comic!

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Sonic Forces four-part free digital comic debuts today, written by Ian Flynn

This is a surprise! Coming off of the IDW panel last week which revealed former Archie Sonic writer Ian Flynn was heading up writing duties of the new IDW series, fans were wondering if we would see a Sonic Forces adaptation and… we are! Today! SEGA and Sonic Team have announced a four-part digital comic series scripted by Ian Flynn which serves as a prequel to the upcoming Sonic Forces. The first part is titled “Moment of Truth” and stars the Chaotix and the Custom Hero Character, and can be read after the break. More chapters release later this month.

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces PSN Trophies Leak, Reveals New Info

Welcome to a new SEGA News Bits, today we will be discussing the Sonic Forces early PSN trophies leak that happen yesterday. On this episode I’ll be going through all the interesting information that the leaked PSN trophies revealed including Silver Moon Rings, Secret Stages, Daily Missions, and lots more. So tune in and let us know what you think of Sonic Forces’ PSN Trophies and are you planning on getting a Platinum on it? Let us know in the comments below.

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to support us: Give us a sub and give this video a like so it shows up on more like minded fans YouTube recommendations. You know, how that YouTube algorithm is.

Sonic Forces PSN trophies leak early, teases at unannounced in-game content


It seems that Sonic Force‘s PSN trophies have now leaked via PSN Profiles, a website dedicated to listing PSN trophies for easy tracking. According to the website Sonic Forces will have 46 trophies in total including: 32 bronze, 10 silver, 3 gold, and of course 1 platinum. The trophies hint at the game having more in-game content, including ‘secret stages’ and ‘EX stages’. It seems that the game will also have a lot of things to collect in-game from red rings, number rings, silver moon rings, wispons, parts, and a lot more. Seeing what the trophies are made up of, I’m pretty sure this listing is legit. But since its not 100% confirmed by SEGA, believe at your own risk.

Another interesting thing on Sonic Forces is some of the ‘daily missions’ and ‘SOS missions’ that have been revealed via the trophies. I assume the daily missions will have some sort of online functionality where you get different rewards for completing missions given by the game? It seems that the big three trophies to collect are the gold ones and those are collecting all wispons, beating all challenge missions and collecting all the silver moon rings. You can check out the Sonic Forces PSN trophies over here for yourself. Are you planning on getting a platinum in Sonic Forces?

[Via: PSN Profiles]

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Reveals ‘New’ Chemical Plant Zone Discussion

Sonic Forces has just revealed a sorta, not really new stage with Chemical Plant Zone. While the name suggests its the same stage, its actually quite different now that Eggman took over in the world of Sonic Forces. On this episode we discuss the new Sonic Forces stage reveal, the new wisp costume hero drill and theorize that we could be seeing a Episode: Knuckles? Tune in on the discussion and let us know what you think in the comments below.

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to support us: Give us a sub and give this video a like so it shows up on more like minded fans YouTube recommendations. You know, how that YouTube algorithm is.

New Sonic Forces custom hero Chemical Plant stage and Drill Wispon weapon revealed


New Sonic Forces content has been revealed by way of four screenshots and a press release from SEGA PR. The custom hero, the player’s in-game avatar, will return to Chemical Plant in what appears to be the modern day. The classic zone appears a bit dirtier and the stage takes place during the day. Also revealed is the Drill Wispon, which allows players to drill dash on the ground and climb walls. Players can also attack enemies by charging and launching a drill punch.

Interestingly, all these enhancements sound very much like how Knuckles would play. This makes me wonder if we will see an Episode Knuckles with the character playable in select custom hero stages much like how Shadow will be playable in select modern Sonic stages. Just speculation on my part, but it would be cool. As for Chemical Plant… I love the stage, and always will, but it does sort of smell of recycling assets from Sonic Generations, much like how Green Hill is also making a return. Here’s hoping enough new elements are added to make it feel fresh.

You can pre-order Sonic Forces via Amazon Prime and save 20% off the home console versions, making the game just $31.99. After the break, check out the four new screens!

Sonic Forces Bonus Edition pre-order
Nintendo Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One | PC

Total War: Warhammer 2 Denuvo DRM cracked in just 10 hours

Right now SEGA has been getting a lot of heat due to putting Denuvo DRM on Sonic Mania, if you google the DRM right now you will probably find a ton of Sonic Mania related articles. One thing that most people miss is that SEGA Europe’s PC games, like the Total War series have been using Denuvo for awhile. The newly released Total War: Warhammer II came out earlier today and has already had its Denuvo DRM cracked in just 10 hours.

While we can debate if piracy hurts game sales all day, according to a EU suppressed 300-page study, piracy doesn’t harm sales all that much. Is it true? I guess that is up for publishers to decide. I will say this though, if Denuvo is suppose to be protecting your games from piracy, its not doing a great job if its being cracked in less than a day. Not to mention the bad word of mouth that Denuvo DRM has, meaning putting the DRM in your game is automatically a bad PR move. If you didn’t already know, Sonic Forces on PC will also be using Denuvo DRM. How long do you think it will take people to crack that?

This whole PC games, DRM and piracy has been a huge issue with publishers. What are your thoughts on Denuvo DRM and SEGA using it for their PC games? Let us know in the comments below.

[Via: Reddit]

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Classic Casino Forest Stage Reveal Discussion

Earlier today SEGA released a new trailer along with some B-Roll footage of Sonic Forces‘ newest stage, Casino Forest. This level would be for Classic Sonic, thus showing off classic Sonic gameplay. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we give you a small story theory regarding the new stage, what we liked about Casino Forest and we we disliked. Its a mixed episode for sure, so make sure to tell us what you think of Casino Forest in the comments below.

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to support us: Give us a sub and give this video a like so it shows up on more like minded fans YouTube recommendations. You know, how that YouTube algorithm is.


Sonic Forces sends classic Sonic to Casino Forest in new gameplay video

A new Sonic Forces gameplay video has released showcasing a classic Sonic stage titled Casino Forest. The video description reads as follows: “Classic Sonic enters the Casino Forest, ancient ruins currently being converted to a casino by Eggman. But it’s not all fun and games as perilous traps line the ancient facades.”

While the stage does look like a combination of assets from Sonic Generations Casino Night Zone DLC and Sonic Lost World‘s Silent Forest, it does look like fun and I love the combination of tropes. What do you think of the latest Sonic Forces reveal?

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces 2 & Sonic Mania 2? House of the Dead Remake?

Today on the SEGA News Bits we take questions from our audience, this is the second question and answer segment we have done. You can catch the last one over here. On this Q&A episode we discuss the possibilities of Sonic Forces 2, Sonic Mania 2, our favorite Sonic the Hedgehog vocal song, are we really excited for Sonic Forces, Our favorite SEGA community stories, and we talk The House of the Dead Remake possibilities. Watch the episode and tell us what you thought, we are always open to suggestions on the format.

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to support us: Give us a sub and give this video a like so it shows up on more like minded fans YouTube recommendations. You know, how that YouTube algorithm is.

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Sonic Forces on PC confirms use of Denuvo DRM


It seems that SEGA will still continue to use Denuvo DRM in their upcoming PC port of Sonic Forces. The Steam page for the game has updated confirming that it will be using the anti-tamper DRM software that has a lot of people online rather heated. If you guys didn’t know, Sonic Mania got a two week delay to launch late with Denuvo DRM. One of the big issues with all of this is that SEGA never warned customers that Sonic Mania would feature the infamous DRM. The only other new thing listed in the Sonic Forces steam page is that the port will be co-developed by Sonic Team and Hardlight (in-house studio that made the Sonic Dash series), at least I take this news that the PC version is a port.

As for my opinion, I have quite a few games with Denuvo DRM and really can’t tell the difference between Denuvo or any other form of DRM. While may be the case for me personally, it isn’t the case with online users. The Denuvo DRM carries baggage associated with it and SEGA using it, in my opinion, is a bad PR move. What are your thoughts on Denuvo DRM and Sonic Forces? Are you still going to get the game on PC or are you thinking of dropping it altogether?

SEGA News Bits: Shadow playable in Sonic Forces, Free Prologue DLC Discussion

SEGA has just announced that Shadow the Hedgehog will be playable in upcoming Sonic Forces. While you can replay Modern Sonic stages with him, he will also have his own story that serves as a prologue to Sonic Forces via Episode Shadow. This DLC will be free for everyone and seems to add more layers to Sonic Force‘s story. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we discuss our thoughts on Shadow the Hedgehog being playable, our predictions for Episode Shadow prologue story and discuss what other characters in Sonic’s history deserve their own episode story. Let us know what you think of Episode Shadow the Hedgehog in the comments below.

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to support us: Give us a sub and give this video a like so it shows up on more like minded fans YouTube recommendations. You know, how that YouTube algorithm is.

Shadow playable in upcoming Sonic Forces DLC Episode Shadow

Via the Microsoft store comes news that Shadow the Hedgehog will be playable and have his own side story in Sonic Forces as part of the DLC bundle titled EPISODE SHADOW with newly updated stages and the ability to play in over 10 Modern Sonic levels. Here’s a glimpse of the description for the DLC.

“Get EPISODE SHADOW to uncover the untold story of the new villain, Infinite, and rediscover three updated stages playing as Shadow. Plus, play as Shadow in over 10 Modern Sonic based stages!

Experience the full story behind the new villain’s rise to power and as you find renewed replayablity across Modern Sonic stages. The fate of Sonic the Hedgehog’s world is in your hands – Join the Uprising.”

The DLC will be part of the digital bonus version for only $39.99. Pretty sure that this will satisfy people who would enjoy playing other characters in a main Sonic game besides our main hero since the Adventure series and Heroes. What your thoughts on this Sonic Forces info?

Check out all the SEGA & Atlus’ merchandise for Tokyo Game Show 2017

Its that time of year again, when SEGA of Japan loads up Tokyo Game Show with a ton of amazing SEGA merchandise that makes us westerners scream, “Take my money!” I would say that SEGA’s Tokyo Game Show 2017 lineup is actually really good compared to last year, so expect a ton of great merchandise to follow. SEGA is not only set on bringing you merchandise for upcoming games like Sonic the Hedgehog,  Yakuza, Puyo Puyo, Hatsune Miku, and a ton more. But they are also doing Retro SEGA console merchandise which is very appealing. To add the cherry on top SEGA will also be selling Atlus merchindise including Persona 3, Persona 4 and Persona 5 stuff!

So lets get into it:

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